School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
Can schools be "hardened" by modern designs to stop potential shooters from entering the schools?

The short answer is "yes".

So why aren't all schools secure from crazies with guns? I blame school boards. I do not accept any excuses.
Just get the money and do it.

That said, are security systems perfect?
The short answer is "no".
The Sandy Hook school had security doors, but the shooter was let in, carrying his AR.
Whoever opened that security door should have been prosecuted.

Any support for holding School boards, and security personnel legally responsible for school security?
Hmmm, do you know how Texas pays for it public school funding?

Through Taxes and Lottery, so answer me this are the people of Texas willing to increase their Taxes to help pay for what is needed and if not then shouldn’t we hold the Taxpayer responsible for their failure to do what is needed?
Let's back up here. The bad guys are the shooters
Kids are in schools all day.
The school boards are responsible for their safety, period.

My recommendation is to old school board members legally responsible for their actions.
If a school board does everything responsibly to protect the kids, they are fine.
If the school board is negligent, they should be prosecuted.
Registration invariably leads to confiscation -- for political reasons, not criminal.
Link please. I call bullshit. Look at how many guns are in the cities, and they are illegal. I support "stop & frisk".

Molon Labe means "come and take them" in Greek.
Can schools be "hardened" by modern designs to stop potential shooters from entering the schools?

The short answer is "yes".

So why aren't all schools secure from crazies with guns? I blame school boards. I do not accept any excuses.
Just get the money and do it.

That said, are security systems perfect?
The short answer is "no".
The Sandy Hook school had security doors, but the shooter was let in, carrying his AR.
Whoever opened that security door should have been prosecuted.

Any support for holding School boards, and security personnel legally responsible for school security?

The unraveling of America is more multi-dimensional than just to blame school board's.
The initial reaction by the irresponsible is to find a quick scapegoat!!
The unraveling of America is more multi-dimensional than just to blame school board's.
The initial reaction by the irresponsible is to find a quick scapegoat!!
1. Do what you can control. (security doors & video cameras)
2. "Stretch objectives" can be worked on, but success is doubtful. (societal changes)
The entire concept or fundamental paradigm of the American way of life is to not live in a fucking fortress USA.
Yeah, really!

Obviously we are no longer free, because of the leftists and their thought control, but let's try to protect what remains.

There is no law on the books that would have stopped this shooter. So it's mean to hold a school board accountable when they just cannot be accountable: he couldn't be stopped. There were no warning signs that meant anything. This always happened: cases of schizophrenia develop over months (or a few years) and the family simply does not know what to make of these kids. It's too confusing and too fast.

Give the school boards a break on this.

But if they approve CRT or tranny-training, they should go straight to jail.
You can build fortresses...........They will adapt and find a way around them.............Make it harder. But will not stop a determined attacker. In this case a car shoot out ended at the school. Don't think the perp planned. it.
Yes, he did plan it: he told a number of people so, the German girl right before he left and was hinting it on a long conversation with teens on one of those social media sites. A boy asked him outright if he was talking about guns so much because he was going to shoot up a school, and he said no, but wait and see what happens.
Yes, he did plan it: he told a number of people so, the German girl right before he left and was hinting it on a long conversation with teens on one of those social media sites. A boy asked him outright if he was talking about guns so much because he was going to shoot up a school, and he said no, but wait and see what happens.
Was a car chase that wrecked there.
There is NO SUCH THING as a "safe school". The USA has been "hardening schools" for years. There were armed guards, two cops on site and a "hardened" school in Texas. The shooter took out the three cops, and used the "hardened facility" to keep police out of the school for nearlyh an hour.

Your "safe school" helped him kill those kids.

Stop selling guns to every fool who asks for one.
Didn't the same thing happen with the Pulse shooter?
Its happened several times including the Boston Marathon bombing when the Deep State ska FBI knew about the threat and did nothing
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Yeah, really!

Obviously we are no longer free, because of the leftists and their thought control, but let's try to protect what remains.

There is no law on the books that would have stopped this shooter. So it's mean to hold a school board accountable when they just cannot be accountable: he couldn't be stopped. There were no warning signs that meant anything. This always happened: cases of schizophrenia develop over months (or a few years) and the family simply does not know what to make of these kids. It's too confusing and too fast.

Give the school boards a break on this.

But if they approve CRT or tranny-training, they should go straight to jail.

I suppose the point I was trying to make is innocent, developing, impressionable American schoolchildren should not have to go to school in a building bristling with concertina wire, CCTV cameras, chain link fence gates and heavily armed guards. In America we have always paid a great price for the freedom to learn, shop, live and work in OPEN landscaped grounds where we can come and go and cavort and enjoy the outdoors at will. IF part of that price of freedom is vulnerable public schools, vulnerable in the sense they aren't armored castles with machine gun positions, then in my opinion it's worth it.

Americans have never lived in fear. We start doing that now and we lose our very souls.

As for schoolboards . . . honestly . . . I don't think they have much of anything to do with school shootings. Perhaps some will think I've lost my mind, however, I stand by my belief that all of these recent mass shootings were government planned and executed. Whatever schoolboards do or do not do nothing can prevent what our heavily armed and trigger happy government has ordained.
No, he was excited and wrecked the truck. The ditch was deep and the tires were all splayed out!

He definitely said he was going to shoot up a school right before he got in the truck: they have the email.
Didnt see that. Another news said wrecked thete in shoot out. Fake news again
I'm talking about criminals, Trumpster. Bad guys.
You said:

"There are approximately 393 million guns in America, a large portion of that in the hands of people who don't give two shits about the law."

Quantify it. Use credible sources.

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