School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Well that's your opinion and youre entitled to it. But this is America and people are free to raise their children on what religion or belief system they want.
Islam is a mental illness masquerading as a religion. In this case you could add child abuse by subjecting a child to the monstrosity that is sharia. People should wake up!

And again- that is your opinion- but in America- all Americans freedom of worship is protected- that includes Christians, Jews, and yes- Muslims.

Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Victims of US Imperialism dontcha know? These people love Islamism, dead westerners and raped children gets them off, they are comrades in arms which is why these traitors to Western Civilization will join them on the fucking gallows.
21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Your kissing cousins.

ISIS are murderous 'fascist' assholes who want a war between all Muslims- with ISIS in charge- and the West.

You are playing your part in promoting the ISIS agenda.
I don't mind Muslim killing Muslim. It's all good.

Of course you don't.

Assholes like you are fine with people killing babies- as long as they are Muslim babies.

Muslim children are no different than Hitler youth they need to be taken from their death cult parents and deprogrammed that is their only hope.
LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Your kissing cousins.

ISIS are murderous 'fascist' assholes who want a war between all Muslims- with ISIS in charge- and the West.

You are playing your part in promoting the ISIS agenda.
I don't mind Muslim killing Muslim. It's all good.

Of course you don't.

Assholes like you are fine with people killing babies- as long as they are Muslim babies.

Muslim children are no different than Hitler youth they need to be taken from their death cult parents and deprogrammed that is their only hope.

So you only want to kill their parents- and kidnap their children.

How very Nazi like of you.
there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Islam is a mental illness masquerading as a religion. In this case you could add child abuse by subjecting a child to the monstrosity that is sharia. People should wake up!

And again- that is your opinion- but in America- all Americans freedom of worship is protected- that includes Christians, Jews, and yes- Muslims.

Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Victims of US Imperialism dontcha know? These people love Islamism, dead westerners and raped children gets them off, they are comrades in arms which is why these traitors to Western Civilization will join them on the fucking gallows.

You people love to piss on the American Constitution- and promote hate- and violence against any Americans you deem 'suspect'.
The hanging of Nazi scumbags like Otto Ohlendorf ridded the world of their evil.


The point dipshit is that it had nothing to do with the Jewish ideology which is why non-ethnic Jews were not targeted but Jews were targeted specifically because of their blood.

You sound very much like the Nazis- with your attempts at legal distinctions for rationalizations why some people are okay to be murdered by you.

I'm not the one defending an anti-Semitic hate group,

E) it is you sir who are the Nazi,.

Yet I am the one in favor of religious tolerance and acceptance and the U.S. Constitution- and you are promoting murder and kidnap in the name of your failed ideology.

Yes- Hitler would be proud of you.
What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Well that's your opinion and youre entitled to it. But this is America and people are free to raise their children on what religion or belief system they want.
Islam is a mental illness masquerading as a religion. In this case you could add child abuse by subjecting a child to the monstrosity that is sharia. People should wake up!

And again- that is your opinion- but in America- all Americans freedom of worship is protected- that includes Christians, Jews, and yes- Muslims.

Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.

The first amendment does not apply.

The First Amendment applies to all Americans- up and until the point where that American breaks the law- or threatens to break the law.

Like you are doing.
What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

"The Gothic idea that we were to look backwards instead of
forwards for the improvement of the human mind, and to recur to the annals of our ancestors for what is most perfect in
government, in religion and in learning, is worthy of those bigots in religion and government by whom it has been recommended, and whose purposes it would answer. But it is not an idea which this country will endure."
--Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 1800.

"The greatest good we can do our country is to heal its party
divisions and make them one people."
--Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 1801.

You have a point. However, christians grew with and helped shape this country. Christianity, (and to a lesser degree, catholicism), had a civilizational effect on the country and became recognized as it's major religion. Other religions and groups grew and coexisted with America. Mormons, Catholics, Amish etc. Some of these groups and religions were treated badly, such as the Japanese during ww2. But even then, after the war, the japanese took up where they left off before the war. They didn't try to get even. Islam is different. They come here with their 'our way or the highway' still stuck in the 7th century attitude, and Americans are saying assimilate or go somewhere else. We don't want to hear your call to prayer blasting several times a day, along with every now and then suffering massacres because you folks can't seem to accept the American way of life.
Eventually Christianity provided more positive than negative effects, but the barbarism of the 16th through 19th centuries was as brutal as anywhere else in the world at the time. Genocide of the indigenous population, "Manifest Destiny" and burning/hanging witches are just three examples.

Interesting that you mention Mormons because, of all the Christian religions, that's the one that resulted in the most violence. Mostly against them, but also by them.

Who Killed Joseph Smith?

Haun's Mill Massacre - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Mountain Meadows Massacre

Sure, we got better and, as discussed with Syriusly, just because Christianity was barbaric for centuries several hundred years ago doesn't justify Islamic barbarism today.

So you think the christians were as barbaric as muslims? I don't, but even if they were, they've had their reformation and changed, unlike muslims, who are as barbaric as they were fourteen hundred years ago. Muslims cause problems where ever they go, and as soon as they approach being even a sizeable minority in any country, like they were in Lebanon, and they are now in Europe, then starts the jihad, blowing up subways etc. Rape, pillage, destroy, in the name of their god.
What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; .

Religious bigots like you are always deciding which Americans cannot be Americans.

Once it was the Catholics- another time it was the Jews- another time it was the Mormons.

But at its heart is always your repressed desire to pull out the torches and start driving those who don't share your 'beliefs' out of their homes and America.

By all means, call someone a bigot who doesn't agree with you. This is becoming far left tactic #1
Mental illness isn't protected by the constitution. The mother must be sick in the head to want her daughter to be part of sharia.
You fascists do like to advocate pissing on the American constitution.
When you bend down to kiss the carpet at the mosque, does it smell like dirty feet? Because Muslims weren't the ones who invented soap.

LOL.....I have never gone to a mosque. But hey interesting tidbit there- Muslims didn't invent soap.....of course neither did Christians or Jews......
I am in none of those delusional sects. I'll leave believing in invisible people to you.
LOL- I don't believe in any of those delusional sects either.

I also don't spend my time attacking those sects for their delusions.
I'm trying to help their children. And you're attacking me. :eusa_doh:
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Your kissing cousins.

ISIS are murderous 'fascist' assholes who want a war between all Muslims- with ISIS in charge- and the West.

You are playing your part in promoting the ISIS agenda.
I don't mind Muslim killing Muslim. It's all good.

Of course you don't.

Assholes like you are fine with people killing babies- as long as they are Muslim babies.

Muslim children are no different than Hitler youth they need to be taken from their death cult parents and deprogrammed that is their only hope.

So you only want to kill their parents- and kidnap their children.

How very Nazi like of you.

Deport or kill members of the death cult and deprogram their children, you are the Nazi who opposes a policy of denazification like program against the violent, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, homophobic, theocratic, and totalitarian ideology of Islam which was founded by a genocidal, pedophile, war criminal. Why do you support such a disgusting ideology you sick piece of shit?
21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Your kissing cousins.

ISIS are murderous 'fascist' assholes who want a war between all Muslims- with ISIS in charge- and the West.

You are playing your part in promoting the ISIS agenda.
I don't mind Muslim killing Muslim. It's all good.

Of course you don't.

Assholes like you are fine with people killing babies- as long as they are Muslim babies.
Muslims killing Muslim babies? That only proves what a bunch of barbarians they are. And I never killed anyone, yet, you attack me. :boohoo:
there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Islam is a mental illness masquerading as a religion. In this case you could add child abuse by subjecting a child to the monstrosity that is sharia. People should wake up!

And again- that is your opinion- but in America- all Americans freedom of worship is protected- that includes Christians, Jews, and yes- Muslims.

Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.

The first amendment does not apply.

The First Amendment applies to all Americans- up and until the point where that American breaks the law- or threatens to break the law.

Like you are doing.

The 1st amendment does not apply to clear and probable dangers to the security of the United States. Islam mandates for all of its adherents to break the law and to topple the Constitution itself you dumb fuck.

Clear and present danger - Wikipedia

Now go kill yourself you ignorant little twat.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
And again- that is your opinion- but in America- all Americans freedom of worship is protected- that includes Christians, Jews, and yes- Muslims.

Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Victims of US Imperialism dontcha know? These people love Islamism, dead westerners and raped children gets them off, they are comrades in arms which is why these traitors to Western Civilization will join them on the fucking gallows.

You people love to piss on the American Constitution- and promote hate- and violence against any Americans you deem 'suspect'.
The constitution doesn't say that I have to love Islam. Please try again.
I'm not the one defending an anti-Semitic hate group, that would be you in your defense of Islam under which 90%+ of members are anti-Semitic and whose texts command the death of Jews and whose founder perpetrated genocide, ethnic cleansing, and enslavement of the Jewish banu tribes of the Arabian peninsula.
I'm not defending Islam. I'm defending the First Amendment and the rest of the Constitution. I'm also against the fucking Nazis, the fucking Russians and all other anti-American assholes regardless of religion or political persuasion. That would be you. ;)
The point dipshit is that it had nothing to do with the Jewish ideology which is why non-ethnic Jews were not targeted but Jews were targeted specifically because of their blood.

You sound very much like the Nazis- with your attempts at legal distinctions for rationalizations why some people are okay to be murdered by you.

I'm not the one defending an anti-Semitic hate group,

E) it is you sir who are the Nazi,.

Yet I am the one in favor of religious tolerance and acceptance and the U.S. Constitution- and you are promoting murder and kidnap in the name of your failed ideology.

Yes- Hitler would be proud of you.

No, you support the invasion of western civilization by the Islamic Imperialists who promote not only virulent anti-Semitism but homophobia, misogyny, and theocracy as well (again we are talking about 90%+ of the worlds Muslims not radical fringe groups) you sir are an ardent supporter of the largest hate group in the history of the planet you sick fuck.
there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Islam is a mental illness masquerading as a religion. In this case you could add child abuse by subjecting a child to the monstrosity that is sharia. People should wake up!

And again- that is your opinion- but in America- all Americans freedom of worship is protected- that includes Christians, Jews, and yes- Muslims.

Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.

The first amendment does not apply.

The First Amendment applies to all Americans- up and until the point where that American breaks the law- or threatens to break the law.

Like you are doing.
No, we're just trying to make them eat pork. :biggrin:
21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
Clear and probable dangers are not protected by the 1st amendment you dumb fuck.

LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Victims of US Imperialism dontcha know? These people love Islamism, dead westerners and raped children gets them off, they are comrades in arms which is why these traitors to Western Civilization will join them on the fucking gallows.

You people love to piss on the American Constitution- and promote hate- and violence against any Americans you deem 'suspect'.
The constitution doesn't say that I have to love Islam. Please try again.

The Constitution doesn't say that you have to love any Islam- but our Constitution does say that you can't send the police after people because of their religion- much to the chagrin to you fascists.
I'm not the one defending an anti-Semitic hate group, that would be you in your defense of Islam under which 90%+ of members are anti-Semitic and whose texts command the death of Jews and whose founder perpetrated genocide, ethnic cleansing, and enslavement of the Jewish banu tribes of the Arabian peninsula.
I'm not defending Islam. I'm defending the First Amendment and the rest of the Constitution. I'm also against the fucking Nazis, the fucking Russians and all other anti-American assholes regardless of religion or political persuasion. That would be you. ;)

The 1st amendment does not apply to clear and probable dangers to the security of the United States. And you absolutely are supporting the invasion of western civilization by the Islamic Imperialists who promote not only virulent anti-Semitism but homophobia, misogyny, and theocracy as well (again we are talking about 90%+ of the worlds Muslims not radical fringe groups) you sir are an ardent supporter of the largest hate group in the history of the planet.
You sound very much like the Nazis- with your attempts at legal distinctions for rationalizations why some people are okay to be murdered by you.

I'm not the one defending an anti-Semitic hate group,

E) it is you sir who are the Nazi,.

Yet I am the one in favor of religious tolerance and acceptance and the U.S. Constitution- and you are promoting murder and kidnap in the name of your failed ideology.

Yes- Hitler would be proud of you.

No, you support the invasion [/QUOTE

I support the Constitution- and you do not.

You support hate

I support tolerance.

You advocate murder

I point out that you are an asshole.

I support the Constitution- and you do not.

You support hate

I support tolerance.

You advocate murder

I point out that you are an asshole
LOL- does your momma know you have such a filthy mouth? She might take away your wifi privelages.

The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans from Fascists like you.
Just curious, if we're fascists, what are ISIS?

Victims of US Imperialism dontcha know? These people love Islamism, dead westerners and raped children gets them off, they are comrades in arms which is why these traitors to Western Civilization will join them on the fucking gallows.

You people love to piss on the American Constitution- and promote hate- and violence against any Americans you deem 'suspect'.
The constitution doesn't say that I have to love Islam. Please try again.

The Constitution doesn't say that you have to love any Islam- but our Constitution does say that you can't send the police after people because of their religion- much to the chagrin to you fascists.

The 1st amendment does not apply to clear and probable dangers to the security of the United States you stupid fuck.
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