Schools: The liberal idiocracy puts their stupidity on display

No, not exactly. He has right to defend himself, his family, and probably his students but not from what he thinks is a would be attacker, but rather an actual attacker.

This could be a big problem in a school environment. A teacher or principal may see a student carrying a gun. Does the teacher have the right to shoot the student? There are a lot if's attached to that answer. Teacher and sometimes even law enforcement officers could well make the wrong decision. And it you do, God help you.

He has the right to defend himself against a perceived lethal attacker. If someone is firing a gun at you, you shoot and the law is on your side.
However, the specific rules pertaining to self-defense vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In general, self-defense only justifies the use of force when it is used in response to an immediate threat. If the person pointed the gun at you, you should be ok, but if the person carrying the gun is just running down the hall and you shot him, you could be in trouble. If the person carrying gun is just running away from you, and you shoot them, self defense will not apply.

If you shoot a person that you perceive is a threat to someone else and not yourself, then the situation can be really murky. Laws vary by state. The circumstances are paramount. If you shoot a terrorist who just killed 10 kids, you will probably get a metal regardless of the law. However, for a laymen who has never been any closer to killing someone than an occasional trip to the gun range, correctly grasping the situation and immediately taking the appropriation action is questionable.

As any law enforcement officers knows, when you pull the trigger you better be right. If you're wrong, you might not be prosecuted but you will still pay a heavy price.

The Zimmerman case is proof of what you're saying. Nonetheless, in this case, it would have been quite likely that deadly self defense would have been justified had it been used. This was an egregious decision by the school administration.
Teachers Shocked, Frightened After School Holds Unplanned Shooting Drill « CBS Seattle

During an announced exercise drill, masked gunmen barged into a classroom of fifteen students and shot their guns at them! The catch is, they were blanks.

Seriously, this is the type of shit that Dwight Shrute would do on the office and you're just thinking, there's no fucking way he's going to do that! And he does it on a whim. I assume this was premeditated.

So anyways, these masked gunmen break in and not only is everybody scared half to death by that point; then the ass clowsn start shooting at them!

Turns out it's blanks, but what the fuck!

Apparently, none of these teachers are in shape or able to defend themselves; so when I guess the gunmen don't have to worry about getting their asses kicked. Instead, they get to watch these poor insufferable, miserable leaches cower into corners and laugh at them.

So then afterwards, they inform them that it was a drill to test their preparedness. What fucking preparedness? Were they supposed to run up walls and flip back while doing a roundhouse kick to knock the guns out of their hands?

Yea, according to their proclaimed results, 13 of 15 of them died. How did the other two not die btw? The article doesn't bother to mention that b/c in reality, those bitches probably died also.

Oh, it said only two "would have survived," meaning the gunmen didn't necessarily fatally shoot them in their estimation. And by a certain point, wouldn't get fatally shot? Oh, that guy is rolling around on the floor. BANG! Fucking idiots.

One teacher said this in the aftermath, "I’m in charge of a pile of kids,” Gover told The Oregonian. “It made me analyze as a teacher what my role is for these babies.”

This moronic teacher, who had proudly proclaimed she took two in the front and two in the back; calls her students, "a pile of kids" to a reporter? Are you fucking kidding me.

Well, at least the principle isn't a total uber-libtard b/c he came to this conclusion: "“For us not to know how we were going to respond is leaving us open."

I mean, how fucking hard is it? You arm the security guard. You arm the principle. And, you consider arming the teachers or giving them access to weaponry; such as in lockboxes in the floors. You put autolocks on the doors. You have electronic security gates. You have cameras to watch for invaders. And you don't need a fucking drill that could potentially send teachers into heart attack mode to tell you that shit.

my god is this for real

teaching the students to die in place
Teachers Shocked, Frightened After School Holds Unplanned Shooting Drill « CBS Seattle

During an announced exercise drill, masked gunmen barged into a classroom of fifteen teachers and shot their guns at them! The catch is, they were blanks.

Seriously, this is the type of shit that Dwight Shrute would do on the office and you're just thinking, there's no fucking way he's going to do that! And he does it on a whim. I assume this was premeditated.

So anyways, these masked gunmen break in and not only is everybody scared half to death by that point; then the ass clowsn start shooting at them!

Turns out it's blanks, but what the fuck!

Apparently, none of these teachers are in shape or able to defend themselves; so when I guess the gunmen don't have to worry about getting their asses kicked. Instead, they get to watch these poor insufferable, miserable leaches cower into corners and laugh at them.

So then afterwards, they inform them that it was a drill to test their preparedness. What fucking preparedness? Were they supposed to run up walls and flip back while doing a roundhouse kick to knock the guns out of their hands?

Yea, according to their proclaimed results, 13 of 15 of them died. How did the other two not die btw? The article doesn't bother to mention that b/c in reality, those bitches probably died also.

Oh, it said only two "would have survived," meaning the gunmen didn't necessarily fatally shoot them in their estimation. And by a certain point, wouldn't get fatally shot? Oh, that guy is rolling around on the floor. BANG! Fucking idiots.

One teacher said this in the aftermath, "I’m in charge of a pile of kids,” Gover told The Oregonian. “It made me analyze as a teacher what my role is for these babies.”

This moronic teacher, who had proudly proclaimed she took two in the front and two in the back; calls her students, "a pile of kids" to a reporter? Are you fucking kidding me.

Well, at least the principle isn't a total uber-libtard b/c he came to this conclusion: "“For us not to know how we were going to respond is leaving us open."

I mean, how fucking hard is it? You arm the security guard. You arm the principle. And, you consider arming the teachers or giving them access to weaponry; such as in lockboxes in the floors. You put autolocks on the doors. You have electronic security gates. You have cameras to watch for invaders. And you don't need a fucking drill that could potentially send teachers into heart attack mode to tell you that shit.

my god is this for real

teaching the students to die in place

It was against a teacher in service. Against students would have been exponentially egregious. Even still, this is horrendously inappropriate.
I mean, how fucking hard is it? You arm the security guard. You arm the principle. And, you consider arming the teachers or giving them access to weaponry; such as in lockboxes in the floors. You put autolocks on the doors. You have electronic security gates. You have cameras to watch for invaders. And you don't need a fucking drill that could potentially send teachers into heart attack mode to tell you that shit.

When does the teaching happen?

Pine Eagle Charter School

So now the free market is the liberals' fault, too, I guess?
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I mean, how fucking hard is it? You arm the security guard. You arm the principle. And, you consider arming the teachers or giving them access to weaponry; such as in lockboxes in the floors. You put autolocks on the doors. You have electronic security gates. You have cameras to watch for invaders. And you don't need a fucking drill that could potentially send teachers into heart attack mode to tell you that shit.

When does the teaching happen?

Glad to see you're being your retarded self.

That's not the point. The point is that if a person has a gun in his hand and he sees would-be gun toting attackers then he is apt to use it and he would be within his right to do so.
No, not exactly. He has right to defend himself, his family, and probably his students but not from what he thinks is a would be attacker, but rather an actual attacker.

This could be a big problem in a school environment. A teacher or principal may see a student carrying a gun. Does the teacher have the right to shoot the student? There are a lot if's attached to that answer. Teacher and sometimes even law enforcement officers could well make the wrong decision. And it you do, God help you.

Yeah, and law enforcement officers who shoot kids with toy guns get off, do you know why? Because there was a perceived threat and if the gun would have been real and the cop hesitated the cop would be dead. No, if a teacher had a gun and shot those stupid terrorists (and shooting blanks at people does cause terror) the only thing they could have got the teacher for was having a gun on school property.

not a very well thought out drill

had someone been cc

the story might have had a different ending
Teachers Shocked, Frightened After School Holds Unplanned Shooting Drill « CBS Seattle

During an announced exercise drill, masked gunmen barged into a classroom of fifteen teachers and shot their guns at them! The catch is, they were blanks.

Seriously, this is the type of shit that Dwight Shrute would do on the office and you're just thinking, there's no fucking way he's going to do that! And he does it on a whim. I assume this was premeditated.

So anyways, these masked gunmen break in and not only is everybody scared half to death by that point; then the ass clowsn start shooting at them!

Turns out it's blanks, but what the fuck!

Apparently, none of these teachers are in shape or able to defend themselves; so when I guess the gunmen don't have to worry about getting their asses kicked. Instead, they get to watch these poor insufferable, miserable leaches cower into corners and laugh at them.

So then afterwards, they inform them that it was a drill to test their preparedness. What fucking preparedness? Were they supposed to run up walls and flip back while doing a roundhouse kick to knock the guns out of their hands?

Yea, according to their proclaimed results, 13 of 15 of them died. How did the other two not die btw? The article doesn't bother to mention that b/c in reality, those bitches probably died also.

Oh, it said only two "would have survived," meaning the gunmen didn't necessarily fatally shoot them in their estimation. And by a certain point, wouldn't get fatally shot? Oh, that guy is rolling around on the floor. BANG! Fucking idiots.

One teacher said this in the aftermath, "I’m in charge of a pile of kids,” Gover told The Oregonian. “It made me analyze as a teacher what my role is for these babies.”

This moronic teacher, who had proudly proclaimed she took two in the front and two in the back; calls her students, "a pile of kids" to a reporter? Are you fucking kidding me.

Well, at least the principle isn't a total uber-libtard b/c he came to this conclusion: "“For us not to know how we were going to respond is leaving us open."

I mean, how fucking hard is it? You arm the security guard. You arm the principle. And, you consider arming the teachers or giving them access to weaponry; such as in lockboxes in the floors. You put autolocks on the doors. You have electronic security gates. You have cameras to watch for invaders. And you don't need a fucking drill that could potentially send teachers into heart attack mode to tell you that shit.

my god is this for real

teaching the students to die in place

It was against a teacher in service. Against students would have been exponentially egregious. Even still, this is horrendously inappropriate.

it was stupid at best

however the drill apparently turned out as expected

with numerous dead and injured

when folks are left unarmed in a gun free zone
Schools: The liberal idiocracy puts their stupidity on display

Liberal? Pine Eagle Charter School is located in Halfway Oregon which is a town of less than 300 situated in rural Baker County, who voted more than 2/3 in favor of Mitt Romney in the last election. Liberal my ass. You're so full of bullshit. These should be the proud country folk that right wingers are always telling me are so self sufficient and resilient - those are the folks you're making fun of for cowering in the corner.
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Schools: The liberal idiocracy puts their stupidity on display

Liberal? Pine Eagle Charter School is located in Halfway Oregon which is a town of less than 300 situated in rural Baker County, who voted more than 2/3 in favor of Mitt Romney in the last election. Liberal my ass. You're so full of bullshit. These should be the proud country folk that right wingers are always telling me are so self sufficient and resilient - those are the folks you're making fun of for cowering in the corner.

Are you kidding me? Liberals flock to the educational field like moths to a lamp. I have no doubt that there's a bunch of dumass liberal teachers there. But obviously, the principal is conservative somewhat since he stated the outcome could be armed teachers and volunteers.
I have no doubt that there's a bunch of dumass liberal teachers there.

What's a dumass? Is that what you are? Or are you dumbass?

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Ran across a little more in depth information. Doesn't sound quite as bad as portrayed.

The drill wasn’t entirely out of the blue. The staff had received training by the Union County Sheriff’s Office and they were warned that there would be a surprise drill at some point in the future. Despite their training, the teachers did an admittedly bad job of defending themselves.

The ordeal taught the teachers some important lessons about safety. For one, the sound of the gunshots in a simulated life-or-death situation gave teachers an idea of what to expect. Dollie Beck, 54, said that she probably would have mistaken the sounds of the gunshots as “kids’ sounds in the hall.”

Gover stated that the event "Heightened my awareness about what's around me." She explained that she spent more time thinking about escape routes and locking classroom doors to keep her children safe, adding, "I'm in charge of a pile of kids. It made me analyze as a teacher what my role is for these babies."

The district’s Safety Committee and the School Board intends to take the information and determine what to do next. One of the options is to give teachers access to weapons, but the teachers explained that they prefer armed guards. “We are tender-hearted people who give hugs all day,” Gover said. “We don't think like that."

Two Cops in Masks Burst into Teachers Meeting and Fire Blanks to Test Readiness
Ran across a little more in depth information. Doesn't sound quite as bad as portrayed.

The drill wasn’t entirely out of the blue. The staff had received training by the Union County Sheriff’s Office and they were warned that there would be a surprise drill at some point in the future. Despite their training, the teachers did an admittedly bad job of defending themselves.

The ordeal taught the teachers some important lessons about safety. For one, the sound of the gunshots in a simulated life-or-death situation gave teachers an idea of what to expect. Dollie Beck, 54, said that she probably would have mistaken the sounds of the gunshots as “kids’ sounds in the hall.”

Gover stated that the event "Heightened my awareness about what's around me." She explained that she spent more time thinking about escape routes and locking classroom doors to keep her children safe, adding, "I'm in charge of a pile of kids. It made me analyze as a teacher what my role is for these babies."

The district’s Safety Committee and the School Board intends to take the information and determine what to do next. One of the options is to give teachers access to weapons, but the teachers explained that they prefer armed guards. “We are tender-hearted people who give hugs all day,” Gover said. “We don't think like that."

Two Cops in Masks Burst into Teachers Meeting and Fire Blanks to Test Readiness

I had the impression a while back that this was the case. It was not entirely out of the blue and, contrary to first impressions, did not affect children.

So, as an exercise, excusable. It remains of highly dubious value, however.
Ran across a little more in depth information. Doesn't sound quite as bad as portrayed.

The drill wasn’t entirely out of the blue. The staff had received training by the Union County Sheriff’s Office and they were warned that there would be a surprise drill at some point in the future. Despite their training, the teachers did an admittedly bad job of defending themselves.

The ordeal taught the teachers some important lessons about safety. For one, the sound of the gunshots in a simulated life-or-death situation gave teachers an idea of what to expect. Dollie Beck, 54, said that she probably would have mistaken the sounds of the gunshots as “kids’ sounds in the hall.”

Gover stated that the event "Heightened my awareness about what's around me." She explained that she spent more time thinking about escape routes and locking classroom doors to keep her children safe, adding, "I'm in charge of a pile of kids. It made me analyze as a teacher what my role is for these babies."

The district’s Safety Committee and the School Board intends to take the information and determine what to do next. One of the options is to give teachers access to weapons, but the teachers explained that they prefer armed guards. “We are tender-hearted people who give hugs all day,” Gover said. “We don't think like that."

Two Cops in Masks Burst into Teachers Meeting and Fire Blanks to Test Readiness

They were warned that a drill would be held out of the blue -- Did they say that drill would include masked gunmen? That's a big part of the equation.

Hearing gun shots is what constitutes training apparently.

I applaud the school for their proactive outlook upon safety. But clearly, they muffed up here.
Ran across a little more in depth information. Doesn't sound quite as bad as portrayed.

The drill wasn’t entirely out of the blue. The staff had received training by the Union County Sheriff’s Office and they were warned that there would be a surprise drill at some point in the future. Despite their training, the teachers did an admittedly bad job of defending themselves.

The ordeal taught the teachers some important lessons about safety. For one, the sound of the gunshots in a simulated life-or-death situation gave teachers an idea of what to expect. Dollie Beck, 54, said that she probably would have mistaken the sounds of the gunshots as “kids’ sounds in the hall.”

Gover stated that the event "Heightened my awareness about what's around me." She explained that she spent more time thinking about escape routes and locking classroom doors to keep her children safe, adding, "I'm in charge of a pile of kids. It made me analyze as a teacher what my role is for these babies."

The district’s Safety Committee and the School Board intends to take the information and determine what to do next. One of the options is to give teachers access to weapons, but the teachers explained that they prefer armed guards. “We are tender-hearted people who give hugs all day,” Gover said. “We don't think like that."

Two Cops in Masks Burst into Teachers Meeting and Fire Blanks to Test Readiness

Around here, they fire teachers for that.
I applaud the school for their proactive outlook upon safety.

Of course you do. Now that I've pointed out the local politics are predominantly Republican.

1. You conveniently cut out the part of the quote in which I also condemned the drill as being ludicrous.
2. You have alleged that the town is predominantly Republican. I take you at your word. But that doesn't make the faculty or administration predominantly Republican.
3. From the start, I noted the principal's conservative outlook.
4. Perhaps, I jumped the gun somewhat on calling this 'liberal idiocy' but one has to admit that it is general liberal idiocy that enables these school massacres to occur. Gunmen wouldn't be going all open season on these children if they knew they'd be blasted post haste.
4. Perhaps, I jumped the gun somewhat on calling this 'liberal idiocy' but one has to admit that it is general liberal idiocy that enables these school massacres to occur.
Right. School massacres are the fault of liberals. Everything bad is the fault of liberals. You hate liberals. We got it.

reductio ad absurdum = why you're a joke.
Okay, so here's a question. Why aren't the gunmen being charged with a felony? After all, it is a felony to bring a gun onto school property.

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