Schumer blocks Coast Guard pay

Oy Vey (((Schumer))) has blocked a Republican bill to pay the Coast Guard. Thats ok Chuckie. You cant break us. And you cant starve us out for your illegal voters. Keep that grin Chuckie. For the record.

Schumer blocks bill to pay Coast Guard
Liberals hate the Military - not a surprise.

In peacetime, the Coast Guard belongs to the Dept. of Transportation, not the military. That is why they aren't getting paid, because DOT is considered "unnecessary". Tell Trump to open up the government.

Tell Pelousy to provide the money for the wall. The same wall she voted for twice. And the shut down ends.

Easy, Peasy.
Tell POTUS to keep his campaign promise and collect from Mexico for the wall. Eazy Peezy.

As I said. No one cares who pays for it. Just so long as its built.

Easy, Peasy.
Speak for yourself and other POTUS apologists. The majority of Americans think it is a waste of money.

I think it is no more than a modern day Mount Rushmore to a failed POTUS.

The majority of Americans think it is a waste of money.I think it is no more than a modern day Mount Rushmore to a failed POTUS.
They also believed Obama Care would pay for itself, would not cost a dime, and they could keep the plan they liked....

It has been proven that everywhere a wall or barrier is used illegal immigration attempts to cross the border and illegal border crossings are reduced by 90%.

You and the 'majority' of which you speak of have proven to be he's easily manipulated, easily lied to, herded sheep
Schumer now owns the government shutdown as do Trump and Pelosi. Schumer has a great opportunity to take leadership here but instead refused
Liberals hate the Military - not a surprise.

In peacetime, the Coast Guard belongs to the Dept. of Transportation, not the military. That is why they aren't getting paid, because DOT is considered "unnecessary". Tell Trump to open up the government.

Tell Pelousy to provide the money for the wall. The same wall she voted for twice. And the shut down ends.

Easy, Peasy.
Tell POTUS to keep his campaign promise and collect from Mexico for the wall. Eazy Peezy.

As I said. No one cares who pays for it. Just so long as its built.

Easy, Peasy.
Speak for yourself and other POTUS apologists. The majority of Americans think it is a waste of money.

I think it is no more than a modern day Mount Rushmore to a failed POTUS.

View attachment 241938

Speak for yourself. 51% of Americans want that wall and its probably more than that.

Border Security is never a waste of money. But then lefty loons like you don't care. You also don't care that these illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year.

Nor to you care about the disease that makes it into the country nor the drugs.

Happy trail dumbass.
Common sense says just open up the whole govt. Most Americans are for this. But that doesn't matter I guess. Keep the wall battle separate.
In peacetime, the Coast Guard belongs to the Dept. of Transportation, not the military. That is why they aren't getting paid, because DOT is considered "unnecessary". Tell Trump to open up the government.

Tell Pelousy to provide the money for the wall. The same wall she voted for twice. And the shut down ends.

Easy, Peasy.
Tell POTUS to keep his campaign promise and collect from Mexico for the wall. Eazy Peezy.

As I said. No one cares who pays for it. Just so long as its built.

Easy, Peasy.
Speak for yourself and other POTUS apologists. The majority of Americans think it is a waste of money.

I think it is no more than a modern day Mount Rushmore to a failed POTUS.

View attachment 241938

Speak for yourself. 51% of Americans want that wall and its probably more than that.

Border Security is never a waste of money. But then lefty loons like you don't care. You also don't care that these illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year.

Nor to you care about the disease that makes it into the country nor the drugs.

Happy trail dumbass.

You're really funny and created this "bigly" straw man and made all kinds of assumptions about me that are incorrect.

Straw man
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man." Wikipedia
Common sense says just open up the whole govt. Most Americans are for this. But that doesn't matter I guess. Keep the wall battle separate.
Once the govt is open Pelosi has already stated she will NOT - as in NEVER, even though she voted for it twice - allow a wall to be built during the Trump Presidency simply because he is the one who wants it and has promised to have it built.

This entire blight is because Nancy Pelosi is throwing an epic childish tantrum to score a political blow to the President in hopes it will hurt his re-election chances in 2020.

That's it! Period.

It is because of that the President should just declare it to be a National Emergency and build the damn section of wall.


Stop the petty political BULLSHIT.
Tell Pelousy to provide the money for the wall. The same wall she voted for twice. And the shut down ends.

Easy, Peasy.
Tell POTUS to keep his campaign promise and collect from Mexico for the wall. Eazy Peezy.

As I said. No one cares who pays for it. Just so long as its built.

Easy, Peasy.
Speak for yourself and other POTUS apologists. The majority of Americans think it is a waste of money.

I think it is no more than a modern day Mount Rushmore to a failed POTUS.

View attachment 241938

Speak for yourself. 51% of Americans want that wall and its probably more than that.

Border Security is never a waste of money. But then lefty loons like you don't care. You also don't care that these illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year.

Nor to you care about the disease that makes it into the country nor the drugs.

Happy trail dumbass.

You're really funny and created this "bigly" straw man and made all kinds of assumptions about me that are incorrect.

Straw man
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man." Wikipedia

Not as funny as you, lefty loon that you are.
Tell POTUS to keep his campaign promise and collect from Mexico for the wall. Eazy Peezy.

As I said. No one cares who pays for it. Just so long as its built.

Easy, Peasy.
Speak for yourself and other POTUS apologists. The majority of Americans think it is a waste of money.

I think it is no more than a modern day Mount Rushmore to a failed POTUS.

View attachment 241938

Speak for yourself. 51% of Americans want that wall and its probably more than that.

Border Security is never a waste of money. But then lefty loons like you don't care. You also don't care that these illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year.

Nor to you care about the disease that makes it into the country nor the drugs.

Happy trail dumbass.

You're really funny and created this "bigly" straw man and made all kinds of assumptions about me that are incorrect.

Straw man
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man." Wikipedia

Not as funny as you, lefty loon that you are.

Your Orange demigod at work for ya.

I would not be surprised to find did Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi were collaborating together to pay some terrorist group to attack the United States during the shutdown, to kill Americans, just to demonize Donald Trump for being responsible for the attack during the shutdown.

They honestly hate the president enough to sacrifice Americans to accomplish this...IMO.

Obama and Clinton hate America enough to release mass murderers back out on the battlefield to kill Americans, and to arm and fund terrorists groups all across the world, including the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world, Iran.
because of the shutdown. the FBI cant pay their informants, so now, snitches cant even afford...stitches!
Don’t give a shit what you call yourself libtard! Your values are not mine! Thank God.
Another Bripat sock puppet. You didn't even give me the chance. Thank all the Jebuz Godz you want. This is your new God.

Libtarded! That bee ewe!
LOL! You are a simpleton child. Just like POTUS. LMAO! And you are proud of that.
I am proud of not being libtarded like ewe are!

Okay I get it. Like all the USMB POTUS imps, you want the last word.

Libtarded! Very libtarded.
Well, the Dems wanted to keep the government open, and then debate about the wall. Trump didn't like that idea, so he did a partial shutdown of the government.

A month later, Trump sees what kind of chaos his decision caused, and then decides to go with the Dems, fund the govt for 3 weeks, and debate the wall while the government is up and running. No money for a wall, just a promise to debate it.

Still think Trump is the greatest deal maker ever? He is going for the exact same deal the Dems offered before he shut down the government.
IOW, give me everything I want or I'll make sure everyone who is being hurt by the shutdown will keep being hurt.

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