Schumer joins "Death to America" crowd.

A vote against the deal is a vote against the reform government and a vote for Imanutjob type politicians in Iran. So, yes, Chuck is joining the Iran hardliners.

Netenyahu, Saudi Arabia, and Imanutjob are united against the deal.
Chuck will not support Iran sellout. That puts him in the camp of hardline Iranians and warmongering Repubs. Anyone else smell a ruse?
You just farted...
And Liberals love the smell...
He must not have gotten a BIG enough BRIBE yet

you watch he'll change his mind and march in lockstep with the rest of the SNAKES supporting Obama
My thought is that they have counted the votes and see an opportunity to save Schumer...but in the end give Obabble a temporary victory....which means a long term defeat for America and Israel. Man the bombers!
My thought is that they have counted the votes and see an opportunity to save Schumer...but in the end give Obabble a temporary victory....which means a long term defeat for America and Israel. Man the bombers!

How does strengthening the hand of the reform government in Iran defeat America and Israel? You simply don't get it just like Bush when he called the Khatami government the "Axis of Evil".

A vote against the deal is a vote for the hardliners to take power in Iran again. It's a path towards war, which is ultimately what some of you want but just won't admit it.
My thought is that they have counted the votes and see an opportunity to save Schumer...but in the end give Obabble a temporary victory....which means a long term defeat for America and Israel. Man the bombers!

How does strengthening the hand of the reform government in Iran defeat America and Israel? You simply don't get it just like Bush when he called the Khatami government the "Axis of Evil".

A vote against the deal is a vote for the hardliners to take power in Iran again. It's a path towards war, which is ultimately what some of you want but just won't admit it.
Sooooooo death to America means reform has come to Iran? What you be smokin' Shirley?
Announced China sold Iran 24 J-10 fighter jets, Iran buys tankers from Russia. Hmmmmm, someone is building up but what could it be? :rolleyes:
My thought is that they have counted the votes and see an opportunity to save Schumer...but in the end give Obabble a temporary victory....which means a long term defeat for America and Israel. Man the bombers!

How does strengthening the hand of the reform government in Iran defeat America and Israel? You simply don't get it just like Bush when he called the Khatami government the "Axis of Evil".

A vote against the deal is a vote for the hardliners to take power in Iran again. It's a path towards war, which is ultimately what some of you want but just won't admit it.
You dont get this, do you?
The agreement does not bind Iran in any meaningful way. They will be free to enrich uranium, develop missiles, and ultimately field a nuclear bomb.
This is almost the exact agreement we had with North Korea. And we see how that worked out.

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