Schumer pulled visa strings for Indian athlete now accused of child sex abuse

The whole problem is that Schumer placed his own political interests above the safety of Americans and had no idea who he was bringing here. Making a political statement was more important than anything else when he made this decision.

We need to know who is coming here. They guy was denied a visa and it had nothing to do with the travel ban but Schumer didn't care because he just wanted to go against Trump. Schumer needs to apologize to the victim because that girl wouldn't have been attacked if Schumer hadn't helped the guy get here. When you pull strings like that, it's the same as vouching for someone.

Our vetting system sucks. Too many have managed to slide through when they shouldn't and just a few can do a lot of damage. How many gunman killed all those people in Orlando? How many carried out the 9/11 attacks? 10% of refugees are likely terrorists. So far, that means over 1,,000 terrorists that we welcomed here. That is too damn many to have spread across the states. And the left wants more.

We could help the refugees in need by sending aid over there. If helping them was the goal, it would have been done by now. Seeding them all around our country and Europe is not a humanitarian effort, it's a plan to help them spread and multiply.

America has become a doormat. No borders and we are expected to borrow the money to help everyone else. We send our troops into harm's way while paying to bring young males here. They should be fighting for their own country but we send our own to fight on their behalf. Makes no sense.

No, I don't have sympathy for many of the refugees who are physically fit, demanding and often nasty to women. The U.N. said the majority are not running from the war. They could find a better life in many of the wealthy Muslim countries but they are only interested in going to mostly non-Muslim countries. Once there, the demands start. The sharia patrols start. The harassment of women starts. It's been the same shit in every country.

We don't need it here. If people want to become an American citizen, do as immigrants have done in the past. Learn the language and assimilate. Support yourself. Don't come with a bad attitude and insisting on carrying a different country's flag and screaming in different languages as you protest to make your demands on the American people.

The left seems more concerned with helping Muslims seed themselves around our country than in doing what is best for all of us. Taking in an ancient and barbaric culture is not going to make America better.
Visa was dinied on merit, meaning it WASN'T denied on the basis of prior history of sexual misconduct.

Schumer could not have "good judged" that this guy will grab someone by the pussy... but while we are on the subject let's mention that Schumer did show good judgement in not supporting for high office a person WITH along history of sexual misconduct and even allegations of having sex with a minor....Trump.
The fact you don't have any problem with this, says everything about you. You may wanna shut up at this point.

Insinuating someone supports sexual abuse? My, you're certainly lowering the bar in terms of cowardice.

We get it, wimp. You couldn't debate, you were too chickenshit to admit it, so you tossed away all ethics and went there. Next time, when you're getting your ass handed to you, just slink away quietly and cry in a corner. Don't advertise the depths of your shameless partisan hackery.

It's the last refuge of craven scoundrels, the accusations of child abuse support. People who can debate do. Cowards who can't, they make accusations. Most of the conservatives on this thread are such cowardly scum, proud of it, and very hostile to anyone who isn't cowardly scum.

I stand by what i said. If this man is found guilty, Schumer has to go. And i'm sure if he were a Republican, you would agree with me 100%.
Visa was dinied on merit, meaning it WASN'T denied on the basis of prior history of sexual misconduct.

Schumer could not have "good judged" that this guy will grab someone by the pussy... but while we are on the subject let's mention that Schumer did show good judgement in not supporting for high office a person WITH along history of sexual misconduct and even allegations of having sex with a minor....Trump.

The girl was 12yrs old. If found guilty, he'll go away for a long time and Schumer should resign.
I stand by what i said. If this man is found guilty, Schumer has to go. And i'm sure if he were a Republican, you would agree with me 100%.

Absolutely not. We're not like you. We don't stoop to craven partisan sleaze that's this low. A little sleaze, sure, but what you're doing now is totally out of the question for us.
I stand by what i said. If this man is found guilty, Schumer has to go. And i'm sure if he were a Republican, you would agree with me 100%.

Absolutely not. We're not like you. We don't stoop to craven partisan sleaze that's this low. A little sleaze, sure, but what you're doing now is totally out of the question for us.

You're lying. If he were a Republican, you would be agreeing with me 100%. If this degenerate is found guilty, Schumer should do the right thing and resign. If he has any integrity & honor left, that's what he'll do.
You're lying. If he were a Republican, you would be agreeing with me 100%.

Your problem is that you're so steeped in the ways of unethical morality, you can't even imagine that other people could be different.

Oh well. That's just your problem.
You're lying. If he were a Republican, you would be agreeing with me 100%.

Your problem is that you're so steeped in the ways of unethical morality, you can't even imagine that other people could be different.

Oh well. That's just your problem.

You're being very disingenuous. You know if he were a Republican, you would be in favor of him stepping down. This is an awful situation. If found guilty, Schumer will have to accept some responsibility.
The point is the American Embassy was correct in denying this man a visa, why did this Schumer and Gillibrand decide they knew better than the American Embassy in New Delhi, now a 12 year-old has been sexually molested by this knuckledragger.

From the article.

"The U.S. embassy in New Delhi last month rejected Tanveer Hussain’s application for a visa so he could compete in the World Snowshoe Championship in upstate. Local officials then intervened on Hussain’s behalf, appealing for help to the offices of Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. Their offices reached out to the New Delhi embassy, which allowed Hussain to reapply for a visa and granted that visa."

So the American Embassy last month felt this man was inappropriate to be given a visa, but this Schumer and Gillibrand decided that he was okay, so they intervened and against the American Embassy initial advice he was given a visa and once in America he committed the below.

"Saranac Lake Police Chief Charles Potthast told Fox News that the charges, one of first-degree sexual abuse, a felony, and another of endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor, stem from Hussain “engaging in a passionate kiss” with a 12-year-old girl, and accusations of the athlete touching her over her clothing in an “intimate area.”

Unless they SPECIFICALLY denied visa on grounds of history of sexual misconduct this is a non-story.

How the hell could Schumer have known that this guy is going to inappropriately touch someone?

Again, the question is judgement. We don't know the vetting process, why he was denied the first time or these details. Yes, it is political, just as a great many news events over te last few months. It still requires answers.

Since the election it has been 24/7 go after Trump, deny him his cabinet, call him "illegitimate", nitpick and try and slow down the process so he can't go forward with his campaign. In this environment, where all judgement and decisions are heavily criticised if there is any negative outcome of a decision, there will be people asking questions.

I have no idea about the accused, but, is it possible, just possible I suggest, that someone doing something so disgusting and creepy didn't just wake up today and become such a deviant. If there were no precursors or indications, so be it, but questions need to be answered, no? Rule of Law, accountability to the people, all that sort of stuff...

What judgement is going to predict to you that a guy will touch someone, except history of sexual misconduct?

This is where details are important, so we can all be sure Schumer and Gillibrand will be providing them soon to explain why they over ruled an earlier decision.

This was obviously an important event, and changing decisions made overseas at embassies there so this guy could get to his Horseshoe Championship on time should not be taken lightly.

I think this kind of thing happens often. My father used to work in the State Department, and would talk about how senators would interfere in decisions - basically, they were answering to their constituants. I don't see it as a huge deal UNLESS the person was refused a visa due to a security or criminal reason.
I could really care less about Schumer in general but I think that this instance highlights a real issue - congressmen have no place sticking their nose in specific visas.

Why are they leveraging their position to get in the way of people doing their jobs?
Visa was dinied on merit, meaning it WASN'T denied on the basis of prior history of sexual misconduct.

Schumer could not have "good judged" that this guy will grab someone by the pussy... but while we are on the subject let's mention that Schumer did show good judgement in not supporting for high office a person WITH along history of sexual misconduct and even allegations of having sex with a minor....Trump.

The girl was 12yrs old. If found guilty, he'll go away for a long time and Schumer should resign.

Resign for what? Can you put it in a form of some rational argument that makes any sense at all?
Visa was dinied on merit, meaning it WASN'T denied on the basis of prior history of sexual misconduct.

Schumer could not have "good judged" that this guy will grab someone by the pussy... but while we are on the subject let's mention that Schumer did show good judgement in not supporting for high office a person WITH along history of sexual misconduct and even allegations of having sex with a minor....Trump.

The girl was 12yrs old. If found guilty, he'll go away for a long time and Schumer should resign.

Resign for what? Can you put it in a form of some rational argument that makes any sense at all?

Think about it.
That's almost as low as insinuating that somebody committed treason without an iota of tangible proof.

Like your side has constantly done and still does to every Democrat?

Excellent. Maybe you're starting to understand how badly you've acted.

Given the evidence

The evidence is some dirtbags are accusing people of supporting sexual abuse, and you're running cover for them. That makes you part of their cowardly clique.

If we humiliate you enough, you'll stop doing it. That's why we humiliate you.

You're not capable of humiliating me. In fact, you're so far out of your league, I strongly suggest you slink away with the rest of the liberals.

Your duplicitous thought process amazes and astounds .... you REALLY should have that checked.

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