Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Easy you keep posting BS you're gonna pay a price,,,lol

YOU THREATENING ME, YOU POS?! Bring it, you candy-assed, lying. TDS-suffering snowflake! I'll do a lot more than 'CENSURE' you in my self-defense.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What's the usual outcome when you have a case before the court, and you've managed to piss off (and threatened) the judge???

Maybe we should just let this play out...

You saw what they did to Maxine Waters and her comments, Obama and his comments and now this shit...from peanut mouth Shumer. Democrats are not tough enough to throw shade on anybody, let alone a right wing judge on the SC, what the fuck are you cotton candy fucks thinking??? Now for the next few days, Jew Shummer will be kissing Nazi ass ho's until his lipstick runs out.

Going forward, my liberal cowards, stay in your lanes, cry, pray for Trum and play the pity card like you did when impeaching the bastard Trump and thats people don't have enough balls to play the Trump card.....lets face it.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
when has Trump threatened a judge?

AND we seem to be OK with "whataboutism" again. funny how that works.
Stop with the bs. Schumer's an ass but he's never threatened physical violence. I appreciate you're acknowledging Trump's been out of bounds too, though

It didn't have to be a physical threat, he implied consequences to them personally if they decided the "wrong" way. Be it impeachment, civil suit, protesting, or censure, Schumer threatened some action against them based on how he thinks they will decide on the LA abortion case.
I hear a lot of people trying to defend Schumer. Some are even trying to throw Trump into the mix in Schumers defense.
I can't help but point out that there is only one person that the Chief Justice felt inclined to reproach for what was said.
WOW Max A repub defending a repub Hard to believe lol
If you mean me I am an independent. If you are talking about Roberts he has attempted to be impartial since his appointment.
So your post is a fail on any account.

No microscope was needed here - Schumer plastered it on a billboard.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?
Except as the OP notes, Trump didn't and no matter how badly you need to trash the POTUS, your BS will not become truth.

"If you think we're rallying now you ain't seen nothing yet," Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, told supporters at a rally in Los Angeles over the weekend. "If you see anybody from that (Trump) Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."
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"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion, June Medical Services v. Russo, described by ScotusBlog, “Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision upholding Louisiana’s law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital conflicts with the Supreme Court’s binding precedent in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.”

Schumer turned and pointed at the Supreme Court building behind him and menacingly screamed as he shook his fist:

“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, aThynd you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Seeing as how Senate Minority Leader Schumer can not do anything to Judicial Branch USSC Justices via Congress, this sure sounds like a physical threat to me...

( I see Democrats have learned nothing since their violent rhetoric triggered a dangerous liberal extremist snowflake into gunning down R-Scalise)

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, "You Will Pay the Price! You Won't Know What Hit You!" (Video)"


tramp demands recusal of Supreme Court justices. I read the transcript of the oral argument in the the Whole Women's Health case, and none of the justices known to be "conservative" asked any question regarding the substance of the Texas law being challenged. Several trusted associations of medical professionals, such as the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, filed amicus briefs arguing that the law did not have any foundation in public-safety considerations. The attorney arguing for Texas even conceded that Texas women should go to New Mexico.

In this case, which essentially is the same case as Whole Women's Health, should "conservative" justices recuse themselves because they have prejudged the case? Can Louisiana improve on the argument made by Texas, which was that the law was required to protect public safety?

Obviously, I do not believe that these laws are based on public safety. This contention is basically a lie presented to the court. What they are actually based on is the these states' disgusting choice of sides in a theological/philosophical conflict. No level of government should ever take sides with a religious sect.
No such thing as sepertation of Church and State. Abortion is not health care.

There is a separation of "church and state." You cannot even identity which portion of the Christian faith that you would call "church" or any non-Christian faith or acknowledge that many people do not identify with a particular religion. In light of this basic fact, there is no reason for all Americans to kow-tow to any religious sect, Christian or not. If your cult does not accept abortion, do not have one, but don't force your shit on people outside of your "religion." I doubt that the people who have chosen to have an abortion, regardless of reason, are members of your cult. Do you actually think that people who decide on abortion sit up at night and wonder what the cults would do?
The more you talk, the stupider you sound.
Easy you keep posting BS you're gonna pay a price,,,lol

YOU THREATENING ME, YOU POS?! Bring it, you candy-assed, lying. TDS-suffering snowflake! I'll do a lot more than 'CENSURE' you in my self-defense.
You red white and vomit trash cans got us all out here shaking in our boots.....can't wait to see what urban nursing home your gonna shoot up.....LOLOLOLOLO cowardly bastards the lot of you
Newsweek still exists? Who knew.... and Roberts was correct (for once)

Newsweek is a front page website, nothing more now.

It was bought by some lefties who use the name to reach back to some form of legitimacy.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
when has Trump threatened a judge?

AND we seem to be OK with "whataboutism" again. funny how that works.
Slade has a bad case of the partisanship at which he rails.

"Don't do as I do … do as I say!"
Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

trump did bitch about them and their lack of objectivity. as i've said, both have spoken out against trump and given him that cause to be concerned. i don't see trump calling out people who've not called him out and i certainly have not seen him threaten others.

so while i agree we have a toxic environment in our gov, how far to you let it slide because of what the others do? trump has not made threats of harm to others that i am aware of. what schumer did, does just that. tells a SCOTUS how they should decide their cases and that is simply not his job nor area of expertise.

he needs to STFU.
Schumer did not threaten physically. He probably should not have said anything, but if the Louisiana law is allowed to stand, after previus Courts have struck down that kind of abortion restriction that pretty much ends abortion in a state (and it will in MISS, totally), when the dems take the senate they will do something even if it means packing the Court.
So you are saying that democrats get to decide how the Supreme Court rules and if it does not fall in lockstep then they are allowed to go around the court. Sound kind of tyrannical to me.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
The last time Democrats engaged in such violent rhetoric they incited one of their nut job followers into attempting to assassinate GOP politicians at a public park, resulting in R-Scalise and others being shot.

Newsweek can exercise their 1st Amendment right all it wants but just proved they are 'in the tank' for the vile Democrats.
Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

trump did bitch about them and their lack of objectivity. as i've said, both have spoken out against trump and given him that cause to be concerned. i don't see trump calling out people who've not called him out and i certainly have not seen him threaten others.

so while i agree we have a toxic environment in our gov, how far to you let it slide because of what the others do? trump has not made threats of harm to others that i am aware of. what schumer did, does just that. tells a SCOTUS how they should decide their cases and that is simply not his job nor area of expertise.

he needs to STFU.
SC demigods are not above criticism

But making personal threats against them as schumer did is a new low
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.

Well you managed to quote Schumer's threat... Why can't you quote Trump's threat?

Trump didn't threaten anyone. Liberal stupidity right here^^^
Easy you keep posting BS you're gonna pay a price,,,lol

YOU THREATENING ME, YOU POS?! Bring it, you candy-assed, lying. TDS-suffering snowflake! I'll do a lot more than 'CENSURE' you in my self-defense.
You red white and vomit trash cans got us all out here shaking in our boots.....can't wait to see what urban nursing home your gonna shoot up.....LOLOLOLOLO cowardly bastards the lot of you
To clarify, who exactly are you talking to?
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.

Well you managed to quote Schumer's threat... Why can't you quote Trump's threat?

Trump didn't threaten anyone. Liberal stupidity right here^^^

Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
The last time Democrats engaged in such violent rhetoric they incited one of their nut job followers into attempting to assassinate GOP politicians at a public park, resulting in R-Scalise and others being shot.

Newsweek can exercise their 1st Amendment right all it wants but just proved they are 'in the tank' for the vile Democrats.

News week is two pieces of copper away from bankruptcy.....I can wait them out. LOL.


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