Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

trump did bitch about them and their lack of objectivity. as i've said, both have spoken out against trump and given him that cause to be concerned. i don't see trump calling out people who've not called him out and i certainly have not seen him threaten others.

so while i agree we have a toxic environment in our gov, how far to you let it slide because of what the others do? trump has not made threats of harm to others that i am aware of. what schumer did, does just that. tells a SCOTUS how they should decide their cases and that is simply not his job nor area of expertise.

he needs to STFU.
Schumer did not threaten physically. He probably should not have said anything, but if the Louisiana law is allowed to stand, after previus Courts have struck down that kind of abortion restriction that pretty much ends abortion in a state (and it will in MISS, totally), when the dems take the senate they will do something even if it means packing the Court.
Our two tiered justice system will come into play again.
Schumer did not threaten physically.

'You will pay a price"...and ... "You'll never see it coming" ... (like Scalise?!) calling out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh BY NAME ... while pointing to their building?!

like Scalise.

The only one you are trying to convince with that bullshit attempted justification is yourself, snowflake.
Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

I laugh at you candy assed republicans while you have the most despicable pos ever in the WH now and all you can do is get on your knees before him ,,, all you can do is get on Schumer's case?
Lame deflection.
Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

trump did bitch about them and their lack of objectivity. as i've said, both have spoken out against trump and given him that cause to be concerned. i don't see trump calling out people who've not called him out and i certainly have not seen him threaten others.

so while i agree we have a toxic environment in our gov, how far to you let it slide because of what the others do? trump has not made threats of harm to others that i am aware of. what schumer did, does just that. tells a SCOTUS how they should decide their cases and that is simply not his job nor area of expertise.

he needs to STFU.
Schumer did not threaten physically. He probably should not have said anything, but if the Louisiana law is allowed to stand, after previus Courts have struck down that kind of abortion restriction that pretty much ends abortion in a state (and it will in MISS, totally), when the dems take the senate they will do something even if it means packing the Court.
What “price” will they pay by Schumer’s “whirlwind” they “won’t see coming?

Be specific.
"You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You"???

Is Schumer auditioning to be the next North Korean leader or the next Ayatollah of Iran? Either way, that's pretty good.

I think he'll get the job.
Schumer and Pelosi are both real good at flinging around the hyperbole. It is, of course, their job to be partisan, but I like Paul Ryan's demeanor much better than their flapping around like wet hens and squawking a bunch of nonsense.

Yeah. Paul Ryan would just stab you in the back while you weren't looking. As opposed to Schumer and Pelosi.
Awwwww......did Paul hurt you?
He had some dignity and didn't talk like a jerk.
I do think he's out of place telling a SCOTUS how to vote "or else"

I'd be mad regardless of who did it as it's a continued sign our division of powers continues to fade.
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?
The dems have totally lost their shit. Schumer threatens SC justices and crazy Donna Brazille tells Rona to go to hell on national TV.

They are losing, being outted for their crimes and they just can't stand it. Donna cheated and gave crooked Hillary the debate questions in advance, the DNC cheated and deprived Bernie voters of their say in 2016 and the are doing it again now.

Dems cheat and lie, thats all they do.
Getting a lot of the Baghdad Bob routine as the tanks break down the fence and the video of his threats rolls on in the background while he and his ilk offer up “he did not say that”
Is he gone yet?
Schumer and Pelosi are both real good at flinging around the hyperbole. It is, of course, their job to be partisan, but I like Paul Ryan's demeanor much better than their flapping around like wet hens and squawking a bunch of nonsense.

Yeah. Paul Ryan would just stab you in the back while you weren't looking. As opposed to Schumer and Pelosi.
Awwwww......did Paul hurt you?
He had some dignity and didn't talk like a jerk.
I do think he's out of place telling a SCOTUS how to vote "or else"

I'd be mad regardless of who did it as it's a continued sign our division of powers continues to fade.
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?

Murder is never a right, it is always a crime before God and the government.
Schumer and Pelosi are both real good at flinging around the hyperbole. It is, of course, their job to be partisan, but I like Paul Ryan's demeanor much better than their flapping around like wet hens and squawking a bunch of nonsense.

Yeah. Paul Ryan would just stab you in the back while you weren't looking. As opposed to Schumer and Pelosi.
Awwwww......did Paul hurt you?
He had some dignity and didn't talk like a jerk.
I do think he's out of place telling a SCOTUS how to vote "or else"

I'd be mad regardless of who did it as it's a continued sign our division of powers continues to fade.
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?

Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion.

You have absolutely nothing to back up that moronic claim.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
I laugh at you candy assed republicans while you have the most despicable pos ever in the WH now

Of course you laugh and try to make excuses for violent, pathetic Democrats....after Hillary's campaign was caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters AT Trump rallies....after Democrats urged their violent sheep to stalk, get in the faces of, and attack Republican politicians in public...after their escalation in violent rhetoric resulted in the attempted assassination of Republican politicians and Scalise and others being shot....because you are a vile, deranged, partisan, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, TDS-suffering sheep.

'The Most Despicable POS even in the WH'? You have no idea how you sound just as insane as Pelosi, who just declared President Trump to be the 'most dangerous American in the history of the United States'.

The fact is that your 'Messiah', Barry, violated both Constitution and Law - was found in Contempt of Court numerous times for violating multiple Judges' orders, found by the USSC to have violated the Constitution several times, admittedly violated the Constitution numerous times..... He Un-Constitutionally and illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices....and initiated a failed political coup - the largest scandal in US history. He armed, supplied, financed, aided, abetted,protected, and defended terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, and enemies of the state. The 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' pimped out the US military to Al Qeada to help them murder a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa and take over that nation for their own, and dragged the US into a war by invading another sovereign nation without the permission or request by that nations government or leader - a UN recognized International War Crime...and when he left office he left US soldiers still in Syria to fight HIS war.

You are a lying, talking points-parroting, propaganda-spreading snowflake who seeks to do exactly what Schumer tried to do after he incited violence against Gorsuch and Kavanaugh - attempted to blame the President.

It is, in part, dumbass snowflakes like you, that Schumer needs to be made an example of by being Sanctioned / punished by the BAR, Censured by Senate, and pulled aside and questioned by the DOJ and/or Secret Service.
Well my main objection to Trump has always been, what will happen if a dem does it? If defense funding can build a wall, why can't it find a cure for cancer? Cancer kills more Americans than Mexicans ever have or will.
Yeah. Paul Ryan would just stab you in the back while you weren't looking. As opposed to Schumer and Pelosi.
Awwwww......did Paul hurt you?
He had some dignity and didn't talk like a jerk.
I do think he's out of place telling a SCOTUS how to vote "or else"

I'd be mad regardless of who did it as it's a continued sign our division of powers continues to fade.
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?

Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion.

You have absolutely nothing to back up that moronic claim.
Already supported it, sonny. Go play with trump's penis
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.

They ignore the fact that Trump didn't propose any action, as opposed to Schumer, who implied a threat, be it legal, physical, or political towards K and G.
Awwwww......did Paul hurt you?
He had some dignity and didn't talk like a jerk.
I do think he's out of place telling a SCOTUS how to vote "or else"

I'd be mad regardless of who did it as it's a continued sign our division of powers continues to fade.
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?

Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion.

You have absolutely nothing to back up that moronic claim.
Already supported it, sonny. Go play with trump's penis
Awwwww......did Paul hurt you?
He had some dignity and didn't talk like a jerk.
I do think he's out of place telling a SCOTUS how to vote "or else"

I'd be mad regardless of who did it as it's a continued sign our division of powers continues to fade.
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?

Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion.

You have absolutely nothing to back up that moronic claim.
Already supported it, sonny. Go play with trump's penis

You haven't supported jack shit.

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