Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Maybe Chuckie better be careful what he says, some gun nuts might take offense at his threats if anything should happen to any of the justices?

When RBG retires and Amy Coney Barrett takes her seat,
then when Breyer retires and a nice young conservative takes his seat,
then when Thomas retires and another young conservative takes his seat, then Chuckie can whine.
I'd trade Chuckie for those 2 repub scumbags in a NY minute
Ignore him. I do.

I am glad you do....

...but you are not the problem. If you remember back, Democrats were telling their followers to stalk Republicans / Conservatives, to harass them, to get physical with them. This resulted in several Conservatives being physically accosted...and Scalise to be gunned down on a ball field while he and fellow Republicans were practicing ball.

There is no way Schumer can say he 'forgot' about that.
Scalise got shot BEFORE the Little Red Hen Restaurant episode. All of those incidents were exaggerated ad nauseum and whined about for months as if they had actually happened multiple, hundreds and thousands of times. Ferchrissakes.

I was definitely laughing AT Mac 7 and at anyone else here that wants to investigate, jail or punish Schumer for blowing some hot air that is completely meaningless while Trump pulls that shit at least seven times a day and you guys seem to think it's lovely.

So act your ages, as if you've got a little wisdom in them there noggins of yours.
and i have to say - there is a point here. while i don't hear trump threaten people that often in such a manner, he certainly doesn't carry a dignity around when he offers up some 4th grade insults on others he doesn't like. while i don't view that as bad as YOU VOTE MY WAY OR ELSE, it does play in the same playground.

unfortunately regardless of who wins (and i do believe it will be trump) we're going to be arguing over the most stupid shit for at least 4 more years because thats just who we have in power.

seems we've chased all the adults away from even wanting to serve in a public office.
The debate should continue without schumer in the senate
"You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You"???

Is Schumer auditioning to be the next North Korean leader or the next Ayatollah of Iran? Either way, that's pretty good.

I think he'll get the job.
Schumer and Pelosi are both real good at flinging around the hyperbole. It is, of course, their job to be partisan, but I like Paul Ryan's demeanor much better than their flapping around like wet hens and squawking a bunch of nonsense.

Yeah. Paul Ryan would just stab you in the back while you weren't looking. As opposed to Schumer and Pelosi.
Awwwww......did Paul hurt you?
He had some dignity and didn't talk like a jerk.
I do think he's out of place telling a SCOTUS how to vote "or else"

I'd be mad regardless of who did it as it's a continued sign our division of powers continues to fade.
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
the let's punish goes both ways. denying that to me is what keeps it alive. each side thinks they are right in why they do it.

and don't care if they vote. they are not to be commenting 9n their personal feelings towards a president. that's all. they did and this gave Trump an "in" to bitch about them.

as for no one taking him seriously, then why is he on this position? all the hate rhetoric needs to go.
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion, June Medical Services v. Russo, described by ScotusBlog, “Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision upholding Louisiana’s law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital conflicts with the Supreme Court’s binding precedent in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.”

Schumer turned and pointed at the Supreme Court building behind him and menacingly screamed as he shook his fist:

“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Seeing as how Senate Minority Leader Schumer can not do anything to Judicial Branch USSC Justices via Congress, this sure sounds like a physical threat to me...

( I see Democrats have learned nothing since their violent rhetoric triggered a dangerous liberal extremist snowflake into gunning down R-Scalise)

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, "You Will Pay the Price! You Won't Know What Hit You!" (Video)"

He has been attacking judges even before
Ok here is the difference....I heard and saw many democrats that not only disagreed with Schumer but also denounced him.....the orange clown has been attacking judges, kids, minorities, everyone that tweets against him and his minions all they do is cheer.

trump has never threatened a judge
He had been attacking judges since forever. Even as a president he made a precedent and attacked federal and supreme court judges. He is the biggest asshole and bully known to mankind right now.
hey toolboy -

Trump Launches New Attack On Supreme Court, Demands Liberal Justices Recuse | HuffPost

in this one yes, he asked that (2) judges recuse themselves. one (ginsburg) already spoke openly about her disapproval of trump OF WHICH she's NOT supposed to do. but you gloss over that and call trump asking them to NOT sit in on his judgement as they are likely to not be fair (and you'd be hard pressed to disagree) and i don't see a huge problem with that.

Trump lashes out at liberal supreme court justices and demands recusals

this is not an attack its wanting a fair judgement. given these judges have spoken out against him, again, i don't see an issue with his request.

if this is not what you're referring to, how about links and specific examples? can you do that? if not, what's the point of your own baseless whining?

NOW - trump does talk a lot of smack. our entire government does and we tend to not give a damn when our side is bitching at the other cause they deserve it. all this does is lead to circular logic and arguing and apathy from us because we're accepting this as the norm.

and that isn't going to end well.
Trump is engaged in civil debate

he has not threatened anyone on the federal courts
never said he did.
Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

I hear a lot of people trying to defend Schumer. Some are even trying to throw Trump into the mix in Schumers defense.
I can't help but point out that there is only one person that the Chief Justice felt inclined to reproach for what was said.
He has been attacking judges even before
Ok here is the difference....I heard and saw many democrats that not only disagreed with Schumer but also denounced him.....the orange clown has been attacking judges, kids, minorities, everyone that tweets against him and his minions all they do is cheer.

trump has never threatened a judge
He had been attacking judges since forever. Even as a president he made a precedent and attacked federal and supreme court judges. He is the biggest asshole and bully known to mankind right now.
hey toolboy -

Trump Launches New Attack On Supreme Court, Demands Liberal Justices Recuse | HuffPost

in this one yes, he asked that (2) judges recuse themselves. one (ginsburg) already spoke openly about her disapproval of trump OF WHICH she's NOT supposed to do. but you gloss over that and call trump asking them to NOT sit in on his judgement as they are likely to not be fair (and you'd be hard pressed to disagree) and i don't see a huge problem with that.

Trump lashes out at liberal supreme court justices and demands recusals

this is not an attack its wanting a fair judgement. given these judges have spoken out against him, again, i don't see an issue with his request.

if this is not what you're referring to, how about links and specific examples? can you do that? if not, what's the point of your own baseless whining?

NOW - trump does talk a lot of smack. our entire government does and we tend to not give a damn when our side is bitching at the other cause they deserve it. all this does is lead to circular logic and arguing and apathy from us because we're accepting this as the norm.

and that isn't going to end well.
Trump is engaged in civil debate

he has not threatened anyone on the federal courts
never said he did.
Thats why there is no comparison between trump criticism and schumer making threats
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion, June Medical Services v. Russo, described by ScotusBlog, “Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision upholding Louisiana’s law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital conflicts with the Supreme Court’s binding precedent in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.”

Schumer turned and pointed at the Supreme Court building behind him and menacingly screamed as he shook his fist:

“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Seeing as how Senate Minority Leader Schumer can not do anything to Judicial Branch USSC Justices via Congress, this sure sounds like a physical threat to me...

( I see Democrats have learned nothing since their violent rhetoric triggered a dangerous liberal extremist snowflake into gunning down R-Scalise)

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, "You Will Pay the Price! You Won't Know What Hit You!" (Video)"


These are the ones that call themselves anti-fascists?
Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

I laugh at you candy assed republicans while you have the most despicable pos ever in the WH now and all you can do is get on your knees before him ,,, all you can do is get on Schumer's case?
I hear a lot of people trying to defend Schumer. Some are even trying to throw Trump into the mix in Schumers defense.
I can't help but point out that there is only one person that the Chief Justice felt inclined to reproach for what was said.
WOW Max A repub defending a repub Hard to believe lol
trump has never threatened a judge
He had been attacking judges since forever. Even as a president he made a precedent and attacked federal and supreme court judges. He is the biggest asshole and bully known to mankind right now.
hey toolboy -

Trump Launches New Attack On Supreme Court, Demands Liberal Justices Recuse | HuffPost

in this one yes, he asked that (2) judges recuse themselves. one (ginsburg) already spoke openly about her disapproval of trump OF WHICH she's NOT supposed to do. but you gloss over that and call trump asking them to NOT sit in on his judgement as they are likely to not be fair (and you'd be hard pressed to disagree) and i don't see a huge problem with that.

Trump lashes out at liberal supreme court justices and demands recusals

this is not an attack its wanting a fair judgement. given these judges have spoken out against him, again, i don't see an issue with his request.

if this is not what you're referring to, how about links and specific examples? can you do that? if not, what's the point of your own baseless whining?

NOW - trump does talk a lot of smack. our entire government does and we tend to not give a damn when our side is bitching at the other cause they deserve it. all this does is lead to circular logic and arguing and apathy from us because we're accepting this as the norm.

and that isn't going to end well.
Trump is engaged in civil debate

he has not threatened anyone on the federal courts
never said he did.
Thats why there is no comparison between trump criticism and schumer making threats
the comparison is we have a 4th grade mentality on all sides running the country. name calling has become 100% acceptable as long as it only goes 1 way.

we simply have a very hostile government right now and regardless of the reasons for either side, both sides engage in it and both sides seldom call themselves out for it. while i agree it's bullshit and ANY threat like this needs to be stamped out, that simply isn't how we do things these days.
Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

trump did bitch about them and their lack of objectivity. as i've said, both have spoken out against trump and given him that cause to be concerned. i don't see trump calling out people who've not called him out and i certainly have not seen him threaten others.

so while i agree we have a toxic environment in our gov, how far to you let it slide because of what the others do? trump has not made threats of harm to others that i am aware of. what schumer did, does just that. tells a SCOTUS how they should decide their cases and that is simply not his job nor area of expertise.

he needs to STFU.
Schumer and his staff attempted to justify his threat of violence:

"First, his spokesperson tried to justify the comments, trying to argue that President Donald Trump had attacked Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
-- Trump criticized them for their biased remarks, he did not in any way threaten them as Schumer did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."

Then they just flat-out LIED:

"When that didn’t go over well, the spokesperson shifted the statement slight to say that it wasn’t directed at the Justices but at the Senate, which was a lie, since he called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name."

The irresponsible / despicable act of attempting to intimidate / incite violence against 2 USSC Justices angered CJ Roberts enough to step up and publicly rebuke Schumer:

"Chief Justice John Roberts called out the comments saying they (HE - SCHUMER) put the court in danger."

"Schumer should be sanctioned by the Bar, admonished by the Senate, investigated by the Senate ethics committee, and even reviewed by the DOJ. No individual, let alone the Senate Democrat leader, who is also a lawyer, should escape accountability for his loathsome conduct."

After despicable violent rhetoric from the Left incited a violent leftist snowflake to gun down R-Scalise and Democrats still refusing to engage in self-restraint, I agree withal of these. If the Democrats refuse to police themselves they need to be reigned in!

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Dems Try to Justify, Trump Calls For Action, Some Calling for Censure

I laugh at you candy assed republicans while you have the most despicable pos ever in the WH now and all you can do is get on your knees before him ,,, all you can do is get on Schumer's case?
Imo it's a valid question. Has Trump legitimized politicians calling out Judges on issues they feel were biased? I mean it's no secret that the theocrats gave at least a billion to elect a senate to give them Kavenaugh. Obama certainly nominated Sontomayor as a response to the GOP controlling the SC with five male Catholics. But Obama only had the senate for two years, and McConnell refused to hold votes
For threatening a supreme court judge and violating the separation of powers between the congressional and judicial branches of government

But your orange whore has already violated the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government. Your orange whore has already demanded recusal of members of the judicial branch of government.
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion, June Medical Services v. Russo, described by ScotusBlog, “Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision upholding Louisiana’s law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital conflicts with the Supreme Court’s binding precedent in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.”

Schumer turned and pointed at the Supreme Court building behind him and menacingly screamed as he shook his fist:

“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Seeing as how Senate Minority Leader Schumer can not do anything to Judicial Branch USSC Justices via Congress, this sure sounds like a physical threat to me...

( I see Democrats have learned nothing since their violent rhetoric triggered a dangerous liberal extremist snowflake into gunning down R-Scalise)

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, "You Will Pay the Price! You Won't Know What Hit You!" (Video)"

He has been attacking judges even before
Ok here is the difference....I heard and saw many democrats that not only disagreed with Schumer but also denounced him.....the orange clown has been attacking judges, kids, minorities, everyone that tweets against him and his minions all they do is cheer.

trump has never threatened a judge
He had been attacking judges since forever. Even as a president he made a precedent and attacked federal and supreme court judges. He is the biggest asshole and bully known to mankind right now.
As he should be censured.


Why should he be censored?
For threatening a supreme court judge and violating the separation of powers between the congressional and judicial branches of government

But your orange whore has already violated the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government. Your orange whore has already demanded recusal of members of the judicial branch of government.
Go play your Whut Aboutism game with someone else

schumer is the issue here, not trump

Bullshit. The accusation of violating the separation of powers was already made when I responded to it. Schumer's statement actually does not violate the separation of powers. Your whore has done it constantly. You right-wingers are perfectly content to throw female Americans under the bus to appease your cult friends. You think that it is okay to force female Americans to live under the yoke of right-wing "religious" fascism so that you can get what you want.
Complete bullshit.
Trump is engaged in civil debate. He has not threatened anyone on the federal courts

During President Obama's Presidency, he and his criminal Agency Directors were caught red-handed illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and - YES - even USSC Justices. Former CIA Director John Brennan was protected from Indictment through a deal made by Congress that was 'criminal' itself - all Brennan had to do was appear before Congress, admit he had engaged in illegal spying (violations of both the US Constitution and existing laws), and 'promise not to do it again'...which we know now he most certainly did.

The Democrats' threats of violence and violent rhetoric have proven to be anything but hollow in the past....and they have shown no signs of stopping despite the consequences:

- Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies - CNNPolitics
- Is Clinton encouraging violence at Trump's rallies?



Immediately after the shooting Democrats attempted to blame Trump and the Republicans for violent rhetoric...when it was THEIR violent rhetoric that escalated tension and incited the shooting that targeted Republicans practicing softball in a park!

It's all Trump's fault (even Scalise shooting, beatings and traffic deaths) -- Worst media moments of the month

Democrats called for their supporters to stalk, chase, and get in the faces of Republicans - resulting in public altercations: several reports told of how snowflakes threw water in the faces of GOP reps in restaurants. One GOP female candidate was physically assaulted....and finally...their violent rhetoric incited the attempted assassination of Republican politicians, resulting in R-Steve Scalise and others being shot.

....and Schumer just demonstrated he and his fellow Democrats have a short memory, don't give a damn, or both.

Schumer needs to be 'HAMMERED'!

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