Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Schummer should be censured and forced to resign. He is criminally insane.
Censure requires a simple majority but removal requires a 2/3 super majority to pull off. I'd be happy with censure and if the republicans in the senate had any balls, they'd do it PDQ. Enough of this kinda shit already. And after the election and the demodummies are in the minority again they should start in on them. Pelosi, schiff and Nadler if they're still rather for starters then proceed on with what squad members remain. Note censure removes the censured congressman from all committees effectively cutting their balls off and restricts them to floor votes only. Not sure but if they hold a leadership role ie Pelosi or Schumer, censure may remove that too.
I'll be much happier if they behead him and place it on a spike on Cap Hill.

Ahhh my personal very favorite way to dispose of errant politicians, the guillotine! We should bring it back and install one permanently in the middle of the capital steps so they can see it every day and be reminded.
Schummer should be censured and forced to resign. He is criminally insane.
Censure requires a simple majority but removal requires a 2/3 super majority to pull off. I'd be happy with censure and if the republicans in the senate had any balls, they'd do it PDQ. Enough of this kinda shit already. And after the election and the demodummies are in the minority again they should start in on them. Pelosi, schiff and Nadler if they're still rather for starters then proceed on with what squad members remain. Note censure removes the censured congressman from all committees effectively cutting their balls off and restricts them to floor votes only. Not sure but if they hold a leadership role ie Pelosi or Schumer, censure may remove that too.
I'll be much happier if they behead him and place it on a spike on Cap Hill.

Ahhh my personal very favorite way to dispose of errant politicians, the guillotine! We should bring it back and install one permanently in the middle of the capital steps so they can see it every day and be reminded.
The occasional head-on-spike would have the same effect. And WTF is Adam Schiffty? We need to do a test run.
Is it possible for the angry incoherent left to understand the difference between "recuse" and threatening bodily harm? Schumer is the tip of the crazy iceberg and I'm scared about what will happen on Trump's next inauguration day.
Schumer was speaking on the senate floor and said he shouldn't have made the comments giving the excuse of being from Brooklyn stopping short of giving an apology. McConnell needs to go through with censor and make an example of Schumer because this is not the 1st time an elected democrat engaged in political threats and if Schumer is allowed to get away with this it will only continue.

Republicans continue to look weak by allowing this behavior from democrats. Republicans did nothing to any of the democrats who engaged in forms of protest during the SOTU address. Republicans will loss in 2020 if they don't start fighting back against democrats.
Schumer was speaking on the senate floor and said he shouldn't have made the comments

That should be schumers last speech in the senate
I don't think it was on the senate floor but out in public somewhere. Wherever he was it was inappropriate speech for any member of Congress anywhere.
In fact it was on the steps of SCOTUS.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.

Well you managed to quote Schumer's threat... Why can't you quote Trump's threat?

prepare for shit to dovetail to end up being he gives one side leeway but not the other.
What's good for me and mine shall not be allowed for thee and thine.
Now this is some shit, Mitch who has giving his girlfriend Trump passes since taking the WH, is now a champion on proper behavior? MItch the BItch Please!!

Personal attack aside, the man is right. From the Chief Justice to other Lawyers, everyone except Democrats and snowflakes are calling Schumer out for this threat.
The guys a jerk, as a matter of fact, since Trump has taken office, everybody has gone fuckin stupid...can't wait to send Trump packing
Wa Po op-ed columnist blasts Schumer.

John Roberts was right to castigate Chuck Schumer

Bashing judges — not simply disagreeing with their rulings but demeaning and attacking the individuals themselves — is dangerous, disrespectful and corrosive to the independence of the judiciary. This holds no matter who does it — a Republican president or a Democratic senator.

President Trump’s ongoing assaults — “Mexican judge,” “so-called judge” — still appall, even if they have lost their capacity to surprise. But there was Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday morning going after Trump’s two nominees to the court, Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh, as the justices heard their first abortion case since the pair were confirmed.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh,” Schumer said. “You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
You're an idiot. Thomas Jefferson used the word "church". Therefore, there IS such a thing as "the church", and that in no way means that there is only one religion. Christianity was the predominant belief at that time. You're dumber than a retarded cockroach.

Even leaving out other religions, atheists, and agnostics, there was no singular "Christianity" at that time and never was. Christianity has always been made up of various sects. Do you actually believe that a Puritan was the same thing as an Episcopalian, a Catholic, or a Quaker? You do know that, before the split during the Reformation in the western church, the church split between the church of Rome and the east? Have you ever heard of the Orthodox in its variousus forms?
Hey, numb nuts, a "Christian" is anyone who believes in Jesus. Man, you are one dumb ass.
But you don't believe in Jesus and insult those who do, so what is your point?
You don't know shit from Shinola. Idiot.

Are you a Christian in solidarity with all Christians worldwide?
I'm an avenging angel of Almighty God.
Schummer should be censured and forced to resign. He is criminally insane.
Censure requires a simple majority but removal requires a 2/3 super majority to pull off. I'd be happy with censure and if the republicans in the senate had any balls, they'd do it PDQ. Enough of this kinda shit already. And after the election and the demodummies are in the minority again they should start in on them. Pelosi, schiff and Nadler if they're still rather for starters then proceed on with what squad members remain. Note censure removes the censured congressman from all committees effectively cutting their balls off and restricts them to floor votes only. Not sure but if they hold a leadership role ie Pelosi or Schumer, censure may remove that too.
I'll be much happier if they behead him and place it on a spike on Cap Hill.

Ahhh my personal very favorite way to dispose of errant politicians, the guillotine! We should bring it back and install one permanently in the middle of the capital steps so they can see it every day and be reminded.
The occasional head-on-spike would have the same effect. And WTF is Adam Schiffty? We need to do a test run.

I'm not disagreeing I'm just suggesting the best way to seperate the head. After it's off you can do with it what you like.
Now this is some shit, Mitch who has giving his girlfriend Trump passes since taking the WH, is now a champion on proper behavior? MItch the BItch Please!!

Personal attack aside, the man is right. From the Chief Justice to other Lawyers, everyone except Democrats and snowflakes are calling Schumer out for this threat.
The guys a jerk, as a matter of fact, since Trump has taken office, everybody has gone fuckin stupid...can't wait to send Trump packing
2024 is not that far away
Since you Moon Bats are often confused about things like this let me explain.

Trump was telling those Obama appointed dingbats they should recluse themselves ruling on Obama's programs because they had a record of doing it in the past being the shitheads they are. No threats made, just pointing out blatant judicial bias.

That asshole Schumer threatened two Justices by name if they rule against killing children.

A blind man can see the difference.
The guys a jerk, as a matter of fact, since Trump has taken office, everybody has gone fuckin stupid...can't wait to send Trump packing are blaming the most successful President in the last 50 years for 'everybody' going 'f*ing stupid'...and you think Trump leaving will solve the problem of 'everybody going f*ing stupid'?

There was some suspense over whether WaPo would go with “pounce” or “seize on” for its headline on Schumer’s menacing language toward Justices. It went with “seize on.”

There was some suspense over whether WaPo would go with “pounce” or “seize on” for its headline on Schumer’s menacing language toward Justices. It went with “seize on.”

...more than the GOP has called Schumer out for his THREATS. It is no surprise the WaPo is trying to spin it as the GOP attacking Schumer...
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.

I AGREE. The idea of a Chief Justice standing up defending his Justices saying they will remain independent and will not be influenced by threats or bullying ---- by a senator no less ---- hurts the Judicial Independence. o_O
Stop with the bs. Schumer's an ass but he's never threatened physical violence. I appreciate you're acknowledging Trump's been out of bounds too, though

It didn't have to be a physical threat, he implied consequences to them personally if they decided the "wrong" way. Be it impeachment, civil suit, protesting, or censure, Schumer threatened some action against them based on how he thinks they will decide on the LA abortion case.
Marty, you're being pissy today. You know Schumer wouldn't physically threaten anyone. Even McConnell is above that (-:

But an impeachment or stacking the Court are possibilities. And prior to Gorsuch, the last time a non-Catholic Justice was nominated it was David Souter. And before that it was O'Connor. That's not random selection process. LOL

He threatened them. Trump didn't threaten the other two, he called them out.

Do you really think K or G should be impeached if they rule in favor of louisiana?

They should not be impeached, what will happen is a Million Women March, with a large number of men joining them to picket the Court in cities all across America. R v. W will remain the law, and if the GOP succeeds in removing it they will not only lose elections, the party itself will go the way of the Whigs, for they will lose their favorite wedge issue.

However, the bill itself is nothing more than harming poor women, who can't afford to travel outside of the state of Louisiana, which makes this effort despicable.
Despite the Anti-abortionists' pathetic attempts to portray Schumer as Preston Brooks, I don't see how politicians from the bible belt will suffer in elections. Lousiana's law is nearly identical to Miss's and there's nothing better for a theorcrat politician down here that "protecting unborn babies."

That's what makes the four Catholics and Gorsuch's likely outcome despicable. If a woman has a right to control her own body by having an abortion before viability, the SC is intentionally acting to deprive women their const rights. That's Schumer's point. There WILL be consequences.
and what will that be where he needs to say it in such a manner?

you bitch like a stuck kittykat at almost every nugget trump says as if he's the anti-christ. at times, he sure comes across like it. however, when someone on YOUR side pulls a huge turd out of their ass to show off, you try to explain how it's not a turd yet if it was, they have every right to wave it around.
Democrats are having a National meltdown and I'm laughing and loving every minute of every day watching it.
The implication of the headline is that the GOP is out of line for “seizing” on his remarks. Like they had a seizure or something over it

This is why the media is Fake
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?
Except as the OP notes, Trump didn't and no matter how badly you need to trash the POTUS, your BS will not become truth.

"If you think we're rallying now you ain't seen nothing yet," Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, told supporters at a rally in Los Angeles over the weekend. "If you see anybody from that (Trump) Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."

She and many more members of the house rightly should be at least censured for their bullshit but since they currently have a majority that is highly unlikely. However the Republicans hold a majority in the senate and the gutless assholes have NO excuse for not censuring Schumer and doing it right now. This kind of shit needs to be stopped and stopped right now. It's gotten way out of hand and will only continue to get worse if not brought under control. And the sooner the better.

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