Science and Religion


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Science and Religion
I heard from some christians who denie the evolution, some are even flat earthers, but I am theological evolutionary, I combine both. I believe the ulitmate origin of the world, the universe and all creatures is God. He created everything but science finds out "how he did it". I combine both.
Science says that there is a ultimate biological "eve" and ultimate biological "adam" we all descendt from. The same says the Bible. It is in haplogroup studies.
How did he create Adam and Eve?
Science says that there is a ultimate biological "eve" and ultimate biological "adam" we all descendt from. The same says the Bible. It is in haplogroup studies.
How did he create Adam and Eve?

The Bible says he created humans from "mud" I believe that is a metaphor for evolution that we descendt from single cells or the creation before us, like animals and such. That being said God also gave humans "the spirit" he blew it in their nose. At that point we became humans different destined to rule the creatures. That is how I see it.
That being said God also gave humans "the spirit" he blew it in their nose. At that point we became humans different destined to rule the creatures.
When did he/she/it do that? Like is it that Adam and Eve's literal parents weren't human?
That being said God also gave humans "the spirit" he blew it in their nose. At that point we became humans different destined to rule the creatures.
When did he/she/it do that? Like is it that Adam and Eve's literal parents weren't human?

I have no clear idea, Im a armchair hobby philosopher not theologician or scientist. We evolved from single cellls, from the creation. Thats what I know.
Except at some stage god took a particular interest in one set of cells? I would have thought that to be the critical point, worthy of intense study.
Except at some stage god took a particular interest in one set of cells? I would have thought that to be the critical point, worthy of intense study.
Dude, everything unfolded according to the laws of nature which have life and intelligence built into them.

God isn’t micromanaging existence. He willed existence into being and let it go.
Science says that there is a ultimate biological "eve" and ultimate biological "adam" we all descendt from. The same says the Bible.
No. The Bible says they lived at the same time and procreated, and that there were none before. That is all demonstrably false.
Science and Religion
I heard from some christians who denie the evolution, some are even flat earthers, but I am theological evolutionary, I combine both. I believe the ulitmate origin of the world, the universe and all creatures is God. He created everything but science finds out "how he did it". I combine both.
Science is more or less worthless beyond the religious purposes and intents which it serves, whether we're talking the fairly recent Baconian natural sciences, and the axioms and mathematical approximations they're founded upon and constructed from, or any other strain of innovative or creative thinking, abstraction, and formalization, philosophical, theological, psychological, technological, and so on and so forth.

I'm tempted to argue that there's really just "religion", no "science" at all - thoughts, information, discoveries, or the invention of theories, scientific or otherwise, approximated from mathematics being solely a religious endeavor, done either as a creative or aesthetic end in and of themselves, or used for religious purposes and intents, such as the religious belief(s) in using knowledge and technologies to better human lives, rather than harm or destroy them, whether in the context of the archaic Baconian natural sciences, or in the realms of other forms of theology or philosophy on the subject, such as Buddhist thought.
Science and Religion
I heard from some christians who denie the evolution, some are even flat earthers, but I am theological evolutionary, I combine both. I believe the ulitmate origin of the world, the universe and all creatures is God. He created everything but science finds out "how he did it". I combine both.
Science is more or less worthless beyond the religious purposes and intents which it serves, whether we're talking the fairly recent Baconian natural sciences, and the axioms and mathematical approximations they're founded upon and constructed from, or any other strain of innovative or creative thinking, abstraction, and formalization, philosophical, theological, psychological, technological, and so on and so forth.

Said the fool on his quantum mechanical device....
Science and Religion
I heard from some christians who denie the evolution, some are even flat earthers, but I am theological evolutionary, I combine both. I believe the ulitmate origin of the world, the universe and all creatures is God. He created everything but science finds out "how he did it". I combine both.
Science is more or less worthless beyond the religious purposes and intents which it serves, whether we're talking the fairly recent Baconian natural sciences, and the axioms and mathematical approximations they're founded upon and constructed from, or any other strain of innovative or creative thinking, abstraction, and formalization, philosophical, theological, psychological, technological, and so on and so forth.

Said the fool on his quantum mechanical device....
If I was using my quantum mechanical device to wire money to ISIS in hopes they would bomb civilians, it would be rather wicked and worthless.

So long as the quantum mechanical advice is being used in good ways, and good intents, in accordance with religious principles such as the Golden Rule, which our legal systems such as Common Law are founded and predicated upon.

Not to mention the silly and likely exaggerated popular or folk myth in regards to the Baconian system of natural science, falsely leading one to believe that science, as a human endeavor existing as far back as the ancient Greece and before the development of Bacon's specific inductive method, couldn't have developed in any other number of was, and possibly been more beneficial and led to superior technology and innovation than Bacon's specific method, it's mathematical approximations, and axioms it was founded upon.

Being a fairy recent historical invention dating back to the 15-16th century, unlike the only truly "pure" science, mathematics, which as been in development since the ancients in all human societies, I suspect the rather archaic Baconian sciences and their methodologies will eventually die out, as many of the archaic, 19th century theories, such as Newtons are already outdated in favor of newer ones, such as quantum and String theory.

Likely it will be computer and informational sciences, in which most future discoveries will take place, as opposed to the rather archaic natural sciences such as biology, Newtonian physics, and their archaic and dated axioms and approximations, and hopefully all the popular myths and superstitions which surround them, their silly historical myths and quaint teleological claims rooted in various religious or philosophical axioms, like that of the little Humanist cult and its nonscientific fetishization of "science" as some type of quasi-theistic entity rather than just a tiny economic industry and systems and axioms of learning, theorization, or information gathering, such as, again, the Baconian inductive method, its arbitrated industry rules for evidence, testing, mathematically approximating and so forth, and the many little childish false dicthomies and simplifications which simple people so often appeal to, not because they're "true" in any inherent or immutable sense, but solely because their simplistic, convenient little axioms and fables not requiring any deeper reasoning, thought, or mental taxation, as documented by experts like Phillip Tetlock and his research into the sciences of forecasting and thinking, it being simplistic mode of "system 1" thinking which simple and less intelligent people often tend to use and abuse just to impose "coherency" and maintain willful ignorance, rather than due to reasoning or seeking truth or greater understandings and approximations thereof to begin with.

Such as the whole "science / religion" dichotomy to begin with.
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Science says that there is a ultimate biological "eve" and ultimate biological "adam" we all descendt from. The same says the Bible. It is in haplogroup studies.
How did he create Adam and Eve?

The Bible says he created humans from "mud" I believe that is a metaphor for evolution that we descendt from single cells or the creation before us, like animals and such. That being said God also gave humans "the spirit" he blew it in their nose. At that point we became humans different destined to rule the creatures. That is how I see it.
The Bible says he created humans from "mud" I believe that is a metaphor for evolution that we descendt from single cells or the creation before us, like animals and such. That being said God also gave humans "the spirit" he blew it in their nose. At that point we became humans different destined to rule the creatures. That is how I see it.

as a matter of fact, the christian bible claims man was made from dust ...

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;

I sympathies with your discretion being correct over that of their book as water is a requirement for physiological life on earth and negates the claim of the desert religions.

I combine both.

just the desert religions or all religions, apples and oranges are the same for you.

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