Science can not even get when life started right

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They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
Nor can it seem religion. The difference is science usually admits that it's guessing while religion insists that it's right in spite of ample evidence to the contrary.
Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
No it isn't, because it isn't an explanation at all. It is substituting one mystery for another. It grants no insight and yields no useful predictions. It's no more an "explanation" than saying "unicorns waved magic wands".
Some (or many?) of them don't believe the Big Bang anymore
Totally wrong. They all still believe in a hot big bang. All the evidence shows us this happened. What they do not agree on is everything that happened before the big bang. Nor does anyone claim to know with any certainty.
response dropped the context of his post.
Lie. As anyone can see for themselves. And his statement is wrong, regardless of context.

As in the Torah, Dark Energy existed before Light.
I don't believe the earth is 6000 years old.
And yet you reject the evidence that shows us the age of the earth, when it suits your magical fetishes to do so.
No I don't link to ANY claim by me that says I don't believe science when it says how old the Earth is, then link to any claim by me that says the earth is only 6000 years old, then link to any claim by me that denies the fossil records.
Name a well know scientist that claims the Big Bang theory is proven?
Name one that thinks it is false. And before you do, understand that the big bang is what happened after the expansion area. Lots of people like you don't know what the big bang is, and lots of lay articles incorporate more into big bang theory than it actually contains.
Name a well know scientist that claims the Big Bang theory is proven?
Name one that thinks it is false. And before you do, understand that the big bang is what happened after the expansion area. Lots of people like you don't know what the big bang is, and lots of lay articles incorporate more into big bang theory than it actually contains.
Big bang is not proven and in fact there is now evidence BY science that something is older then when science claims it happened. Yet you worship science and think theories and assumptions are facts.
Some (or many?) of them don't believe the Big Bang anymore
Totally wrong. They all still believe in a hot big bang. All the evidence shows us this happened. What they do not agree on is everything that happened before the big bang. Nor does anyone claim to know with any certainty.

I was talking about posters here, not scientists. Some do not agree with the Big Bang, but something similar. At least based on what I've read here. But thanks for letting us know that the Big Bang is still the predominant view, that only makes our point stronger.
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