Science can not even get when life started right

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They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.
There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

I find it more ironic that Ian Flemming's James Bond is a murderer, a thief, a spy and a rapist ... not a name I would use to advocate Christian lifestyle ...
The gods work in stra

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.
What can you tell us about supernatural entities doing everything you claim could not have happened naturally?

Show us the magic.

I wasn't there. And frankly, I'm not that interested in the HOW (which we finite little humans probably aren't even capable of understanding anyway) I'm more interested in the Source. But hey, if you want to spend your life trying to figure out how it was created, go right ahead.
I can understand your not being interested in learning about anything not in the Bible. Everything you need to know is in there.

That is absolutely false. But I can see that you are very presumptuous. Or I guess you just have your own little ideas about believers in your head, then you try to force everyone to fit your preconceived ideas.
Actually, my own little ideas about believers are derived from the own little ideas believers express.

Would it be best not to believe the believers?

I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who doesn't want to learn anything that's not in the bible. Obviously the bible doesn't talk about numerous things, and there are many different ways of knowing truth. So yeah, you do seem to have narrow little stereotypes of believers that you came up with... either that or you've been around a small handful of Christians with views unlike any I've ever known.
There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.

Gravity is dumb luck? ... I'm very interested and would like to subscribe to your newsletter ...

Never said that, try again.

... everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck ...

Everything in existence put itself together by gravity ...

By intelligent design. If the gravity constant was a tad more the universe would not have come together like it is. The same with a tad less. God put the right formula together, didn't He?
There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

I find it more ironic that Ian Flemming's James Bond is a murderer, a thief, a spy and a rapist ... not a name I would use to advocate Christian lifestyle ...
The gods work in stra

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.
What can you tell us about supernatural entities doing everything you claim could not have happened naturally?

Show us the magic.

I wasn't there. And frankly, I'm not that interested in the HOW (which we finite little humans probably aren't even capable of understanding anyway) I'm more interested in the Source. But hey, if you want to spend your life trying to figure out how it was created, go right ahead.
I can understand your not being interested in learning about anything not in the Bible. Everything you need to know is in there.

That is absolutely false. But I can see that you are very presumptuous. Or I guess you just have your own little ideas about believers in your head, then you try to force everyone to fit your preconceived ideas.
Actually, my own little ideas about believers are derived from the own little ideas believers express.

Would it be best not to believe the believers?

I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who doesn't want to learn anything that's not in the bible. Obviously the bible doesn't talk about numerous things, and there are many different ways of knowing truth. So yeah, you do seem to have narrow little stereotypes of believers that you came up with... either that or you've been around a small handful of Christians with views unlike any I've ever known.
I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who wants to learn anything that's not in the bible.

My ton is heavier than your ton.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?
There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

I find it more ironic that Ian Flemming's James Bond is a murderer, a thief, a spy and a rapist ... not a name I would use to advocate Christian lifestyle ...
The gods work in stra

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.
What can you tell us about supernatural entities doing everything you claim could not have happened naturally?

Show us the magic.

I wasn't there. And frankly, I'm not that interested in the HOW (which we finite little humans probably aren't even capable of understanding anyway) I'm more interested in the Source. But hey, if you want to spend your life trying to figure out how it was created, go right ahead.
I can understand your not being interested in learning about anything not in the Bible. Everything you need to know is in there.

That is absolutely false. But I can see that you are very presumptuous. Or I guess you just have your own little ideas about believers in your head, then you try to force everyone to fit your preconceived ideas.
Actually, my own little ideas about believers are derived from the own little ideas believers express.

Would it be best not to believe the believers?

I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who doesn't want to learn anything that's not in the bible. Obviously the bible doesn't talk about numerous things, and there are many different ways of knowing truth. So yeah, you do seem to have narrow little stereotypes of believers that you came up with... either that or you've been around a small handful of Christians with views unlike any I've ever known.
I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who wants to learn anything that's not in the bible.

My ton is heavier than your ton.

The Bible is not a science book. It is a book that describes the relationship between Man and God.

If you went to church you would know that.
There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

I find it more ironic that Ian Flemming's James Bond is a murderer, a thief, a spy and a rapist ... not a name I would use to advocate Christian lifestyle ...
The gods work in stra

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.
What can you tell us about supernatural entities doing everything you claim could not have happened naturally?

Show us the magic.

I wasn't there. And frankly, I'm not that interested in the HOW (which we finite little humans probably aren't even capable of understanding anyway) I'm more interested in the Source. But hey, if you want to spend your life trying to figure out how it was created, go right ahead.
I can understand your not being interested in learning about anything not in the Bible. Everything you need to know is in there.

That is absolutely false. But I can see that you are very presumptuous. Or I guess you just have your own little ideas about believers in your head, then you try to force everyone to fit your preconceived ideas.
Actually, my own little ideas about believers are derived from the own little ideas believers express.

Would it be best not to believe the believers?

I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who doesn't want to learn anything that's not in the bible. Obviously the bible doesn't talk about numerous things, and there are many different ways of knowing truth. So yeah, you do seem to have narrow little stereotypes of believers that you came up with... either that or you've been around a small handful of Christians with views unlike any I've ever known.
I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who wants to learn anything that's not in the bible.

My ton is heavier than your ton.
You are a bald faced liar very few people don't believe in science. I agree there are a couple SMALL sects that don't really but they are minuscule. The vast majority of Christians accept science and believe science does good for the most part. We just don't worship at scientists feet like you and a couple others around here do.
There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.

Gravity is dumb luck? ... I'm very interested and would like to subscribe to your newsletter ...

Never said that, try again.

... everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck ...

Everything in existence put itself together by gravity ...

By intelligent design. If the gravity constant was a tad more the universe would not have come together like it is. The same with a tad less. God put the right formula together, didn't He?
If today was Tuesday it wouldn't be Wednesday.

If things were different, things would be different. Strange how that works.

If the gods had made gravity a little differently, the planet wouldn't have been struck 65 million years ago.

Those gods, they're so careless.
There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

I find it more ironic that Ian Flemming's James Bond is a murderer, a thief, a spy and a rapist ... not a name I would use to advocate Christian lifestyle ...
The gods work in stra

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.
What can you tell us about supernatural entities doing everything you claim could not have happened naturally?

Show us the magic.

I wasn't there. And frankly, I'm not that interested in the HOW (which we finite little humans probably aren't even capable of understanding anyway) I'm more interested in the Source. But hey, if you want to spend your life trying to figure out how it was created, go right ahead.
I can understand your not being interested in learning about anything not in the Bible. Everything you need to know is in there.

That is absolutely false. But I can see that you are very presumptuous. Or I guess you just have your own little ideas about believers in your head, then you try to force everyone to fit your preconceived ideas.
Actually, my own little ideas about believers are derived from the own little ideas believers express.

Would it be best not to believe the believers?

I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who doesn't want to learn anything that's not in the bible. Obviously the bible doesn't talk about numerous things, and there are many different ways of knowing truth. So yeah, you do seem to have narrow little stereotypes of believers that you came up with... either that or you've been around a small handful of Christians with views unlike any I've ever known.
I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who wants to learn anything that's not in the bible.

My ton is heavier than your ton.

The Bible is not a science book. It is a book that describes the relationship between Man and God.

If you went to church you would know that.

Others say science is just now discovering the science text of the bible. Why are they right and you are wrong?
There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

I find it more ironic that Ian Flemming's James Bond is a murderer, a thief, a spy and a rapist ... not a name I would use to advocate Christian lifestyle ...
The gods work in stra

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.
What can you tell us about supernatural entities doing everything you claim could not have happened naturally?

Show us the magic.

I wasn't there. And frankly, I'm not that interested in the HOW (which we finite little humans probably aren't even capable of understanding anyway) I'm more interested in the Source. But hey, if you want to spend your life trying to figure out how it was created, go right ahead.
I can understand your not being interested in learning about anything not in the Bible. Everything you need to know is in there.

That is absolutely false. But I can see that you are very presumptuous. Or I guess you just have your own little ideas about believers in your head, then you try to force everyone to fit your preconceived ideas.
Actually, my own little ideas about believers are derived from the own little ideas believers express.

Would it be best not to believe the believers?

I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who doesn't want to learn anything that's not in the bible. Obviously the bible doesn't talk about numerous things, and there are many different ways of knowing truth. So yeah, you do seem to have narrow little stereotypes of believers that you came up with... either that or you've been around a small handful of Christians with views unlike any I've ever known.
I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who wants to learn anything that's not in the bible.

My ton is heavier than your ton.
You are a bald faced liar very few people don't believe in science. I agree there are a couple SMALL sects that don't really but they are minuscule. The vast majority of Christians accept science and believe science does good for the most part. We just don't worship at scientists feet like you and a couple others around here do.
Oh, well, as long as you say so, but very few people believe you.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?

Some (or many?) of them don't believe the Big Bang anymore. But that doesn't change the fact that what they believe is still the greatest Magic Trick of all time. That's why I always giggle when they go on and on about "magic" as they look down their nose at believers. :heehee:
Last edited:
There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

I find it more ironic that Ian Flemming's James Bond is a murderer, a thief, a spy and a rapist ... not a name I would use to advocate Christian lifestyle ...
The gods work in stra

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

There's no "common sense" in believing that life came from non-life, or that the universe, natural laws and everything in existence put itself together by dumb luck. In fact, that's the opposite of common sense. That's pure foolishness while thinking one is so smart.
What can you tell us about supernatural entities doing everything you claim could not have happened naturally?

Show us the magic.

I wasn't there. And frankly, I'm not that interested in the HOW (which we finite little humans probably aren't even capable of understanding anyway) I'm more interested in the Source. But hey, if you want to spend your life trying to figure out how it was created, go right ahead.
I can understand your not being interested in learning about anything not in the Bible. Everything you need to know is in there.

That is absolutely false. But I can see that you are very presumptuous. Or I guess you just have your own little ideas about believers in your head, then you try to force everyone to fit your preconceived ideas.
Actually, my own little ideas about believers are derived from the own little ideas believers express.

Would it be best not to believe the believers?

I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who doesn't want to learn anything that's not in the bible. Obviously the bible doesn't talk about numerous things, and there are many different ways of knowing truth. So yeah, you do seem to have narrow little stereotypes of believers that you came up with... either that or you've been around a small handful of Christians with views unlike any I've ever known.
I've been around tons of believers, and I've never known one who wants to learn anything that's not in the bible.

My ton is heavier than your ton.

The Bible is not a science book. It is a book that describes the relationship between Man and God.

If you went to church you would know that.

Others say science is just now discovering the science text of the bible. Why are they right and you are wrong?

The Book of Genesis is a discussion on the relationship between Man and God. There is no science in it. If someone wants to assign science to it then that is fine but has no real basis in the text.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?

Some (or many?) of them don't believe the Big Bang anymore. But that doesn't change the fact that what they believe is still the greatest Magic trick of all time. That's why I always giggle when they go on and on about "magic" as they look down their nose at believers. :heehee:

The BB is a placeholder that scientists use to explain the unexplainable. They even admit it.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?

Some (or many?) of them don't believe the Big Bang anymore. But that doesn't change the fact that what they believe is still the greatest Magic trick of all time. That's why I always giggle when they go on and on about "magic" as they look down their nose at believers. :heehee:

The BB is a placeholder that scientists use to explain the unexplainable. They even admit it.
Except the worshipers of science claim it is factually true and even proven just like how they claim it is proven man descended from an ape like creature.
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