Science can not even get when life started right

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and no one can prove there was any energy before matter was created.
All the evidence shows us exactly that. All of it. But the evidence that convinces career scientists doesn't convince a "genius" like you. And that is your problem and nobody else's.
There's no one more full of shit than a career anything.
These professionals respond to their donors.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?
You apparently don't know that the Big Bang refers to the expansion of universe, not a literal explosion.

There's no magic about the universe expanding. That is measurable.

What laws of physics don't exist?
No one said that there's "magic" in the universe expanding. The "magic" is in everything coming about by dumb luck. I mean, I admire your faith... really!
In reference to various gods and claims to their performing unnatural events, unverified claims to supernatural events, I use magic and supernaturalism interchangeably.

Pulling a rabbit out of a hat and various gods creating existence from nothing falls somewhere between magic and supernaturalism on the logarithmic scale of silliness.
But creating something out of nothing is explained by science? Be specific now and link to this claim.

Is creating something out of nothing explained by science or even a claim of science? Do tell.

On the other hand, how is creating something from nothing explained by the gods?
How does your god explain it?
This is what comes to mind when I read posts here, by atheists:

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Romans 1:22
What is foolish about the search for knowledge, exploring the natural world, learning how nature works?

You may despise science and exploration because it tends to reduce your gods resume' but that doesn't entitle anyone to think their fears and superstitions should be a limitation for others.

I never claimed that and that's certainly not what I believe, not even close. In fact, you managed to get every single thing you said wrong.

Your presumptuousness and narrow little false stereotypes are back at it again.

If you really want to know what that scripture is about, look in the mirror. It's about people who think they're so smart, but end up becoming fools, because they try to explain everything away, the way atheists do.
I find a certain humility in the sense that science can be wrong and must adjust as new information may change what wad earlier thought to accurate.

I find a certain dogmatic theme in the angry religionists who hurl bible verses at the evilutionist atheists.

There's a difference between science itself, and atheists on a message board.

The former may have a certain humility, assuming that it's used in the right way.... but the latter certainly doesn't.
There are plenty of Orthodox Jews with actual credentials working on these issues.
So what? There are also probably plenty of bicyclists, horoscope readrrs, and gamblers. Completely irrelevant.

And not one single jew in the iron age was working on any of this.

Look at your silly dog and pony show...get back on topic...
There are plenty of Orthodox Jews with actual credentials working on these issues.
So what? There are also probably plenty of bicyclists, horoscope readrrs, and gamblers. Completely irrelevant.

And not one single jew in the iron age was working on any of this.

Look at your silly dog and pony show...get back on topic...
Jews were forbidden by the Roman Catholic Church from engaging in white-collar professions.
As soon as Jews were invited by Germany into their universities, the Jews excelled and the envy of the Catholics eventually became the flame for the Holocaust.
Your history sucks.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?
You apparently don't know that the Big Bang refers to the expansion of universe, not a literal explosion.

There's no magic about the universe expanding. That is measurable.

What laws of physics don't exist?
No one said that there's "magic" in the universe expanding. The "magic" is in everything coming about by dumb luck. I mean, I admire your faith... really!
In reference to various gods and claims to their performing unnatural events, unverified claims to supernatural events, I use magic and supernaturalism interchangeably.

Pulling a rabbit out of a hat and various gods creating existence from nothing falls somewhere between magic and supernaturalism on the logarithmic scale of silliness.

If we're defining "magical" as silly or ridiculous, then what you believe (everything being the result of dumb luck) is infinitely more magical, and takes far, far, FAR more faith. Again, I could never have as much faith as you do, really! :laugh:

In reference to various gods

There's only one God.
Explain why you think everything is the result of dumb luck.

There are thousands of gods that humans have invented. Most of those gods were invented before your gods.
When green growth evolved to metabolize by photosynthesis, it extracted almost all available carbon from CO_2 in the primordial atmosphere, leaving plenty of O_2 for other forms of life that would require it. Did not God Himself create the green plants before the oxygen-breathing animals, according to the Bible?

When these liberal pro-abortion Soros-funded "scientists" cannot acknowledge that the life of an individual human being begins at conception rather than at birth, they have no hope of getting the science right on the beginning of life on earth.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?
You apparently don't know that the Big Bang refers to the expansion of universe, not a literal explosion.

There's no magic about the universe expanding. That is measurable.

What laws of physics don't exist?
No one said that there's "magic" in the universe expanding. The "magic" is in everything coming about by dumb luck. I mean, I admire your faith... really!
In reference to various gods and claims to their performing unnatural events, unverified claims to supernatural events, I use magic and supernaturalism interchangeably.

Pulling a rabbit out of a hat and various gods creating existence from nothing falls somewhere between magic and supernaturalism on the logarithmic scale of silliness.

If we're defining "magical" as silly or ridiculous, then what you believe (everything being the result of dumb luck) is infinitely more magical, and takes far, far, FAR more faith. Again, I could never have as much faith as you do, really! :laugh:

In reference to various gods

There's only one God.
Explain why you think everything is the result of dumb luck.

There are thousands of gods that humans have invented. Most of those gods were invented before your gods.
You have fallen for the Science god.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?
You apparently don't know that the Big Bang refers to the expansion of universe, not a literal explosion.

There's no magic about the universe expanding. That is measurable.

What laws of physics don't exist?
No one said that there's "magic" in the universe expanding. The "magic" is in everything coming about by dumb luck. I mean, I admire your faith... really!
In reference to various gods and claims to their performing unnatural events, unverified claims to supernatural events, I use magic and supernaturalism interchangeably.

Pulling a rabbit out of a hat and various gods creating existence from nothing falls somewhere between magic and supernaturalism on the logarithmic scale of silliness.

If we're defining "magical" as silly or ridiculous, then what you believe (everything being the result of dumb luck) is infinitely more magical, and takes far, far, FAR more faith. Again, I could never have as much faith as you do, really! :laugh:

In reference to various gods

There's only one God.
Explain why you think everything is the result of dumb luck.

There are thousands of gods that humans have invented. Most of those gods were invented before your gods.

Haha, it's becoming more clear how you operate. That is what YOU believe, when you boil it all down. I believe the exact opposite.
This is what comes to mind when I read posts here, by atheists:

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Romans 1:22
What is foolish about the search for knowledge, exploring the natural world, learning how nature works?

You may despise science and exploration because it tends to reduce your gods resume' but that doesn't entitle anyone to think their fears and superstitions should be a limitation for others.

I never claimed that and that's certainly not what I believe, not even close. In fact, you managed to get every single thing you said wrong.

Your presumptuousness and narrow little false stereotypes are back at it again.

If you really want to know what that scripture is about, look in the mirror. It's about people who think they're so smart, but end up becoming fools, because they try to explain everything away, the way atheists do.
I find a certain humility in the sense that science can be wrong and must adjust as new information may change what wad earlier thought to accurate.

I find a certain dogmatic theme in the angry religionists who hurl bible verses at the evilutionist atheists.

There's a difference between science itself, and atheists on a message board.

The former may have a certain humility, assuming that it's used in the right way.... but the latter certainly doesn't.

I get the sense that your feelings are hurt by challenges to your religious beliefs.

Would you prefer that everyone acknowledge that your religion is true and that your gods are true and everyone else accept that their religion and their gods are false?

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?
You apparently don't know that the Big Bang refers to the expansion of universe, not a literal explosion.

There's no magic about the universe expanding. That is measurable.

What laws of physics don't exist?
No one said that there's "magic" in the universe expanding. The "magic" is in everything coming about by dumb luck. I mean, I admire your faith... really!
In reference to various gods and claims to their performing unnatural events, unverified claims to supernatural events, I use magic and supernaturalism interchangeably.

Pulling a rabbit out of a hat and various gods creating existence from nothing falls somewhere between magic and supernaturalism on the logarithmic scale of silliness.

If we're defining "magical" as silly or ridiculous, then what you believe (everything being the result of dumb luck) is infinitely more magical, and takes far, far, FAR more faith. Again, I could never have as much faith as you do, really! :laugh:

In reference to various gods

There's only one God.
Explain why you think everything is the result of dumb luck.

There are thousands of gods that humans have invented. Most of those gods were invented before your gods.

Haha, it's becoming more clear how you operate. That is what YOU believe, when you boil it all down. I believe the exact opposite.
"Haha''. So all the gods invented before your gods were false... because you're right and they were wrong.

This is what comes to mind when I read posts here, by atheists:

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Romans 1:22
What is foolish about the search for knowledge, exploring the natural world, learning how nature works?

You may despise science and exploration because it tends to reduce your gods resume' but that doesn't entitle anyone to think their fears and superstitions should be a limitation for others.

I never claimed that and that's certainly not what I believe, not even close. In fact, you managed to get every single thing you said wrong.

Your presumptuousness and narrow little false stereotypes are back at it again.

If you really want to know what that scripture is about, look in the mirror. It's about people who think they're so smart, but end up becoming fools, because they try to explain everything away, the way atheists do.
I find a certain humility in the sense that science can be wrong and must adjust as new information may change what wad earlier thought to accurate.

I find a certain dogmatic theme in the angry religionists who hurl bible verses at the evilutionist atheists.

There's a difference between science itself, and atheists on a message board.

The former may have a certain humility, assuming that it's used in the right way.... but the latter certainly doesn't.

I get the sense that your feelings are hurt by challenges to your religious beliefs.

Would you prefer that everyone acknowledge that your religion is true and that your gods are true and everyone else accept that their religion and their gods are false?

More presumptuousness and laughably false statements.

No, I'm totally fine. I'm actually sitting here laughing at those of you who pridefully bash others, thinking you guys are so much smarter than everyone, although I'm not gonna lie, I do feel sorry for you guys too.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?
You apparently don't know that the Big Bang refers to the expansion of universe, not a literal explosion.

There's no magic about the universe expanding. That is measurable.

What laws of physics don't exist?
No one said that there's "magic" in the universe expanding. The "magic" is in everything coming about by dumb luck. I mean, I admire your faith... really!
In reference to various gods and claims to their performing unnatural events, unverified claims to supernatural events, I use magic and supernaturalism interchangeably.

Pulling a rabbit out of a hat and various gods creating existence from nothing falls somewhere between magic and supernaturalism on the logarithmic scale of silliness.

If we're defining "magical" as silly or ridiculous, then what you believe (everything being the result of dumb luck) is infinitely more magical, and takes far, far, FAR more faith. Again, I could never have as much faith as you do, really! :laugh:

In reference to various gods

There's only one God.
Explain why you think everything is the result of dumb luck.

There are thousands of gods that humans have invented. Most of those gods were invented before your gods.

Haha, it's becoming more clear how you operate. That is what YOU believe, when you boil it all down. I believe the exact opposite.
"Haha''. So all the gods invented before your gods were false... because you're right and they were wrong.


Nice deflection there! You completely dodged the point to change what we're talking about. But whatever, I have to get going anyway.

They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
That is false !! You’re a science illiterate
Took hundreds of millions of years for green plants to form which produced the oxygen for bigger brains and life

Takes too long. The Earth would be gone by then. Rocks and fossils would've dissolved and crumbled into dust. Stars would've spent their fuel or exploded. The planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are not indestructible. Where's your common sense?

There’s a certain irony with a believer in magic and supernaturalism lecturing about common sense.

You mean like these secularist that believe that the universe magically created itself out of nothing?

That is the best magic trick of all time, isn't it?
I'm not sure where you got ''the universe out of nothing'', slogan. The expansion of the universe was preceded by something. There doesn't appear to be anything supernatural about the expansion of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics as we know them appear to operate all the way back to fractions of a second after the expansion started.

What elements of physics can you identify as supernatural?

The Big Bang is literally something outta nutin. Magic.

What was there before the BB?

Where did the energy from the BB come from?

What initiated the BB?

What controlled the evolution of the universe to create life on earth and maybe elsewhere?

Nobody has the answers to those very basic questions.

Intelligent design is a more logical explanation than that magic BS.
ID'iot creationism is magic under a burqa of religion.

The Secularists believe in big time magic. The Big Bang is literally magic. To get around the absurd idea of a Big Bang the idiots come up with bullshit like "oh, the Laws of Physics didn't exist". Really?
You apparently don't know that the Big Bang refers to the expansion of universe, not a literal explosion.

There's no magic about the universe expanding. That is measurable.

What laws of physics don't exist?
No one said that there's "magic" in the universe expanding. The "magic" is in everything coming about by dumb luck. I mean, I admire your faith... really!
In reference to various gods and claims to their performing unnatural events, unverified claims to supernatural events, I use magic and supernaturalism interchangeably.

Pulling a rabbit out of a hat and various gods creating existence from nothing falls somewhere between magic and supernaturalism on the logarithmic scale of silliness.

If we're defining "magical" as silly or ridiculous, then what you believe (everything being the result of dumb luck) is infinitely more magical, and takes far, far, FAR more faith. Again, I could never have as much faith as you do, really! :laugh:

In reference to various gods

There's only one God.
Explain why you think everything is the result of dumb luck.

There are thousands of gods that humans have invented. Most of those gods were invented before your gods.

Haha, it's becoming more clear how you operate. That is what YOU believe, when you boil it all down. I believe the exact opposite.
"Haha''. So all the gods invented before your gods were false... because you're right and they were wrong.


Nice deflection there! You completely dodged the point to change what we're talking about. But whatever, I have to get going anyway.
No deflection. If you're not going to support your statement, be honest about that.
This is what comes to mind when I read posts here, by atheists:

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Romans 1:22
What is foolish about the search for knowledge, exploring the natural world, learning how nature works?

You may despise science and exploration because it tends to reduce your gods resume' but that doesn't entitle anyone to think their fears and superstitions should be a limitation for others.

I never claimed that and that's certainly not what I believe, not even close. In fact, you managed to get every single thing you said wrong.

Your presumptuousness and narrow little false stereotypes are back at it again.

If you really want to know what that scripture is about, look in the mirror. It's about people who think they're so smart, but end up becoming fools, because they try to explain everything away, the way atheists do.
I find a certain humility in the sense that science can be wrong and must adjust as new information may change what wad earlier thought to accurate.

I find a certain dogmatic theme in the angry religionists who hurl bible verses at the evilutionist atheists.

There's a difference between science itself, and atheists on a message board.

The former may have a certain humility, assuming that it's used in the right way.... but the latter certainly doesn't.

I get the sense that your feelings are hurt by challenges to your religious beliefs.

Would you prefer that everyone acknowledge that your religion is true and that your gods are true and everyone else accept that their religion and their gods are false?

More presumptuousness and laughably false statements.

No, I'm totally fine. I'm actually sitting here laughing at those of you who pridefully bash others, thinking you guys are so much smarter than everyone, although I'm not gonna lie, I do feel sorry for you guys too.
Challenging your claims to gods is not "bashing".
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