Science says you cant vax your way out of this

Vaccines usually take up to 10 years to come to market. They go through animal trials first before they even do human trials, before they put it on the market, and need approval at every stage. We're about at the animal trials right now. Hope it turns out well for you.
That's stupid. Extensive human trials were completed long ago.
I'm finding this whole discussion fascinating....
Simply because the exact same people who couldn't figure out their Children's middle school math homework and help them are now all educated enough to be more knowledgeable than PHDs in virology and epidemiology.
Which are lies not borne out by the data.

Notice you fools have rogue nonscientists on youtube who do no research and try to pass off anecdotes. . While every professional scientific society says you are wrong.
I'm not interested in your Alt Left uninformed opinions

Do not respond to my comments unless you have evidence that anything that physician said was inaccurate.
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Vaccines usually take up to 10 years to come to market. They go through animal trials first before they even do human trials, before they put it on the market, and need approval at every stage. We're about at the animal trials right now. Hope it turns out well for you.

Nonsense - We had decades of research with other COVIDS. Once we got the blueprint on this one from China it was a simple matter of plugging the data into a computer. This was followed by clinical trials involving tens of thousands.

Need more? Over 320 million pokes have been delivered over the past 18 months in the US alone. There have next to ZERO issues with either Pfizer or Moderna. A few with the J&J.

So this has been the largest clinical trial in US history. Anyone doubting efficacy or safety at this point is a clown.
That's stupid. Extensive human trials were completed long ago.
No, it was OKed on an emergency basis. There were no animal trials, and the mid to long term effects are not known. That's why it usually takes years longer, just to be safe.
Nonsense - We had decades of research with other COVIDS. Once we got the blueprint on this one from China it was a simple matter of plugging the data into a computer. This was followed by clinical trials involving tens of thousands.

Need more? Over 320 million pokes have been delivered over the past 18 months in the US alone. There have next to ZERO issues with either Pfizer or Moderna. A few with the J&J.

So this has been the largest clinical trial in US history. Anyone doubting efficacy or safety at this point is a clown.
"ZERO issues"? C'mon man, seriously? And what are the mid to long term effects?
I'm finding this whole discussion fascinating....
Simply because the exact same people who couldn't figure out their Children's middle school math homework and help them are now all educated enough to be more knowledgeable than PHDs in virology and epidemiology.

oh please. These 'experts' went through the government public school system. THey're well educated by they are not smart by any means.
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Yeah. We got rid of small pox, polio, measles and mumps, because vaccines don't work.

Were you born that fucking stupid, or did your mother drop you on your head whe you were a baby?
The difference between the smallpox, polio, measles and mumps viruses and COVID-19, is that, in the case of polio, it's primary method of spread was fecal-oral and in the case of smallpox, it was primarily direct long-term face-to-face contact. Measles and mumps were transmitted similarly to COVID-19, via sneezing (airborne) transmission.
But unlike measles and mumps, COVID-19, acts more like your standard rhinoviruses (colds) and influenzas (flus) in that they create variants and the more rapidly these types of viruses create variants, the more likely you are to have them around, year after year, after year. With the rhinovirus, there are a couple of dozen base types and a couple of hundred variants. With the influenza virus (there are bacterial and viral, the bacterial can be cured with antibiotics while the viral can only be treated symptomatically), this is a matter of new viruses cropping up via animal to human transmission.
COVID-19, like your common cold, mutates and thus creates variants and the frequency and number of variants, are what makes stopping some difficult if not impossible. Technology being what it is, we'll still have colds and flus around for the foreseeable future and we might be adding in the COVID-19 virus to that list. Prominent virologists have said that barring extinction by nuclear war or a massive sized asteroid strike, the lowly virus may be what causes humans to become extinct.
Hey! Don't drink all the Kool-aid at once, save some for later.

MrPillow and his Big Lie adherents drained the Kool Aid many months ago.


Fauci Follies .....vaxxed are the superspreaders....time to get on with life.

So many of the crackpots raving against vaccination and masking are hardcore ideologues spouting their dogma, rather than public health experts who have studied the data.

National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins is warning unvaccinated Americans to get their shots and for everyone to go back to wearing masks as coronavirus case numbers have skyrocketed over the past month.
CDC records show that there are now 129,701 daily new cases of COVID-19, up more then 700% from early July, and Collins told "Fox News Sunday" that he sees it only getting worse before it gets better.
"I will be surprised if we don’t cross 200,000 cases a day in the next couple of weeks, and that’s heartbreaking considering we never thought we’d be back in that space again," Collins . That was January-February, that shouldn’t be August. But here we are with delta variant which is so contagious, and this heartbreaking situation where 90 million people are still unvaccinated who are sitting ducks for this virus and that’s the mess we’re in. We’re in a world of hurt and it’s a critical juncture to try to do everything we can to turn that around."
So many of the crackpots raving against vaccination and masking are hardcore ideologues spouting their dogma, rather than public health experts who have studied the data.

National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins is warning unvaccinated Americans to get their shots and for everyone to go back to wearing masks as coronavirus case numbers have skyrocketed over the past month.
CDC records show that there are now 129,701 daily new cases of COVID-19, up more then 700% from early July, and Collins told "Fox News Sunday" that he sees it only getting worse before it gets better.
"I will be surprised if we don’t cross 200,000 cases a day in the next couple of weeks, and that’s heartbreaking considering we never thought we’d be back in that space again," Collins . That was January-February, that shouldn’t be August. But here we are with delta variant which is so contagious, and this heartbreaking situation where 90 million people are still unvaccinated who are sitting ducks for this virus and that’s the mess we’re in. We’re in a world of hurt and it’s a critical juncture to try to do everything we can to turn that around."

Not happening.
Dude, I can link you to another hundred REAL virologists and 1,380,000 links who say this quack is full of crap if you'd like.
You choose
dr stock indiana fact check covid

Maybe instead of sending a bunch of links to media articles you can simply point out in scientific terms how he's wrong.

I'm not saying he's right. Haven't seen this until today, but I wasted a good 5 minutes reading your last link leading to "proof" and am not doing that again.

You say he is wrong. Your claim, you prove it.

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