Science says you cant vax your way out of this

I'm sure that there are science deniers who are not diehard Trumpers, but they're not nearly as blatant.

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Trump Praises Xi for Handling of Coronavirus Outbreak

February 7, 2020
Yeah. We got rid of small pox, polio, measles and mumps, because vaccines don't work.
Care to cite which coronavirus was the first to have an effective vaccine created to stop its transmission?
What the hell is science anymore? Pro vax, anti-vax, t's all politically motivated.
The inescapable truth about these vaccines is that regardless of how effective they are, they will never eradicate a coronavirus and until I see some data that quantifies how they can prove their claim that the vaccinated have a much less chance of death or serious illness, I'll point out that well over 85% of those who contract this virus without the benefit of being vaccinated, ALSO have very little chance of being seriously ill or dying.
Yeah. We got rid of small pox, polio, measles and mumps, because vaccines don't work.

That's the thing... the Mumps, Polio, and Measles vaccines work. If you take them, you don't get Mumps, Polio, or Measles.

Even the manufactures of COVID vaccines say they won't stop you from contracting or spreading COVID.

If they don't work, what is the point in taking them?

Fauci Follies .....vaxxed are the superspreaders....time to get on with life.

I was waiting for the grand reveal and lo and behold, out comes the Ivermectin claims from this doctor. Many may not realize this, but Ivermectin has been tried and tested in 4 countries already and it became part of their official covid19 treatment protocol. That's a lot of faith. Those governments all but dropped Ivermectin and did so very quickly when it showed no efficacy. Even in Peru which currently has the highest per capita death rate from covid and is currently under a state of emergency has dropped the drug as a form of treatment. This country was hailed as a massive success by pro ivermectin doctors. Why would a country reject a miracle drug that ivermectin doctors were just praising for it's success there? Does none of this give anyone a moment of pause when it comes to constantly promoting ivermectin over vaccination?
Doctor's scrip for fentanyl? Where's that now? Some 17-18-year-old virus? And the cop-docs are pulling DNA cheek swabs for a rape kit to diagnose guys on street?
It’s according to some, 25 years of evolutionary time. Though consider opioid use in SE Asia. What did the commie virus think of that?
I was waiting for the grand reveal and lo and behold, out comes the Ivermectin claims from this doctor. Many may not realize this, but Ivermectin has been tried and tested in 4 countries already and it became part of their official covid19 treatment protocol. That's a lot of faith. Those governments all but dropped Ivermectin and did so very quickly when it showed no efficacy. Even in Peru which currently has the highest per capita death rate from covid and is currently under a state of emergency has dropped the drug as a form of treatment. This country was hailed as a massive success by pro ivermectin doctors. Why would a country reject a miracle drug that ivermectin doctors were just praising for it's success there? Does none of this give anyone a moment of pause when it comes to constantly promoting ivermectin over vaccination?
But you have to also consider China recently bragging that there’s no malaria in their country. What are the commies hiding about hydroxychloroquine?
I was waiting for the grand reveal and lo and behold, out comes the Ivermectin claims from this doctor. Many may not realize this, but Ivermectin has been tried and tested in 4 countries already and it became part of their official covid19 treatment protocol. That's a lot of faith. Those governments all but dropped Ivermectin and did so very quickly when it showed no efficacy. Even in Peru which currently has the highest per capita death rate from covid and is currently under a state of emergency has dropped the drug as a form of treatment. This country was hailed as a massive success by pro ivermectin doctors. Why would a country reject a miracle drug that ivermectin doctors were just praising for it's success there? Does none of this give anyone a moment of pause when it comes to constantly promoting ivermectin over vaccination?
Apart from the question as to efficacy against SARS-CoV-2, one is forced to consider sea life as natural reservoir: Cetacea. Ivermectin originally came from a Japanese golf course. How close is this golf course to beached dolphins and Zelda William’s dad’s video: the cow on the beach?

No efficacy? How long after infection by the commie virus was it administered, Einstein?
Frankenvaxxes ginning up more business.....
Neither you nor anyone else can say with confidence that the virus is doing better business in the vaxxed than unvaxxed. The Alachua County, Florida unvaxxed are showing mutations that differ from the vaxxed in Alachua County, Florida.
But you have to also consider China recently bragging that there’s no malaria in their country. What are the commies hiding about hydroxychloroquine?
Some black dude in Africa got bitten by a mosquito, good old doc in a white coat is poking and prodding him in the belly, shuffles a deck of cards, calls it malaria or sickle cell or something like that prescribes a shot of quinine or tonic water — like black people never could have survived in Africa before without the white witch docs ...
Yeah. We got rid of small pox, polio, measles and mumps, because vaccines don't work.

Were you born that fucking stupid, or did your mother drop you on your head whe you were a baby?
Still don't understand the difference between small pox, polio, measles, and mumps vaccines and the new mRNA inhibitors. Hint: They are NOT the same thing and are NOT based on the same principle.
But you have to also consider China recently bragging that there’s no malaria in their country. What are the commies hiding about hydroxychloroquine?

Apart from the question as to efficacy against SARS-CoV-2, one is forced to consider sea life as natural reservoir: Cetacea. Ivermectin originally came from a Japanese golf course. How close is this golf course to beached dolphins and Zelda William’s dad’s video: the cow on the beach?

No efficacy? How long after infection by the commie virus was it administered, Einstein?

Please take your medication every day!
Science says you can reduce the adverse effects with vax.

Conventional vaccines have a proven scientific record due to the 5-12 years of clinical trials. mRNA isnt a vaccine since it doesn't introduce an attenuated virus AND hasn't been through the proper clinical trials. The "science" also told us that these mRNA had efficacy rates of 95 percent and that has been proven to be false now due to the "breakthrough" cases which is shuck and jive misinfo for......the injection didn't work as well as we thought.

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