science writer says those born today will likely see the end of humanity


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Well it was nice while it lasted.

Will YOUR child witness the end of humanity? Mankind will be extinct in 100 years because of climate change, warns expert
  • Writer David Auerbach has highlighted the danger of global warming
  • In 2010 a prominent scientist said humanity would be gone by 2100
  • The recent G7 summit in Germany sought to address climate change
  • But scientists have criticised the lack of meaningful action

Humans will be extinct in 100 years due to overcrowding, declining resources and climate change, according to a prominent scientist.

The comments were first made by Australian microbiologist Dr Frank Fenner in 2010, but engineer and science writer David Auerbach has reiterated the doom-laden warning in his latest article.

He criticises the recent G7 summit for failing to deal with the problems facing the survival of humanity, such as global warming and exhausting Earth's resources.

Mr Auerbach goes on to say that experts have predicted that 21st century civilisation faces a similar fate to the inhabitants of Easter Island, who went extinct when they overexploited their natural habitat.

MORE: Mankind will be extinct in 100 years because of climate change warns expert Daily Mail Online
"Frank John Fenner was an Australian scientist with a distinguished career in the field of virology. His two greatest achievements are cited as overseeing the eradication of smallpox, and the control of Australia's rabbit plague through the introduction of Myxoma virus."

After all, virologists make the best weathermen.

Scientists can be as bobble-headed as anyone else.
I knew this back in the 90's, but they may not make it to 80 if the USA keeps nominating people like Obama and Hillary.
Meh. We adapt. The black plague was supposed to extinct us. So was the invention of the atom bomb. And acid rain. And Y2K and killer bees.

Climate change? In 2080...people will laugh at our generation for thinking it would wipe us out.
Another leftist scientist making stupid claims....remember...he isn't the first lefty nut to pose as a scientist....remember the population bomb.......that idiot...he said there would not be enough food to feed all the people in the 1980s.....that food riots would be common place......and of course the number one problem for poor people in America....obesity........
Environment is a loose term. If we include humans as part of that (!), then there are many possibilities that a vast cataclysm is in the making. Mere overpopulation could do most of humanity in.
Well it was nice while it lasted.

Will YOUR child witness the end of humanity? Mankind will be extinct in 100 years because of climate change, warns expert
  • Writer David Auerbach has highlighted the danger of global warming
  • In 2010 a prominent scientist said humanity would be gone by 2100
  • The recent G7 summit in Germany sought to address climate change
  • But scientists have criticised the lack of meaningful action

Humans will be extinct in 100 years due to overcrowding, declining resources and climate change, according to a prominent scientist.

The comments were first made by Australian microbiologist Dr Frank Fenner in 2010, but engineer and science writer David Auerbach has reiterated the doom-laden warning in his latest article.

He criticises the recent G7 summit for failing to deal with the problems facing the survival of humanity, such as global warming and exhausting Earth's resources.

Mr Auerbach goes on to say that experts have predicted that 21st century civilisation faces a similar fate to the inhabitants of Easter Island, who went extinct when they overexploited their natural habitat.

MORE: Mankind will be extinct in 100 years because of climate change warns expert Daily Mail Online

Climate change is no threat to the human race. It's a threat to people living too close to the oceans, but it's not an all-at-once threat and people will have ample time to retreat inland.

Gravest threats facing us right now include, but aren't limited to:

- over-reliance on computers and electricity. One big burp from the Sun (as happened not 200 years ago but before electricity was widely implemented,) or terrorist hack and we're back in the 18th century, and many of us wont survive the switch.

- some drug-resistant germ becomes a global plague and wipes out much of the human population (ala "12 Monkies")

- the US defaults on its' national debt collapsing world markets resulting in unimagined chaos.

- an asteroid can hit us any minute and there's nothing we can do it about it. As just happened a few years ago in Cherbylinsk. Had an impact energy of about 400 kilotons (about 2 MIRV warheads from an ICBM. Only reason Cherbylinsk survived is because it airburst high enough. Not being a nuclear weapon, no radioactive fallout, thermal flash effect, EMP, or other things.)

- further out in the future, genetic research could unleash a genetic weapon on the world wiping out specifc groups of people like a specific ethnicity. That HIV first showed up in the gay male population is highly suspicious. If HIV were engineered, it seems someone went to a lot of trouble to exterminate gays. If it in fact was the case, a more effective and more specialized version could be forthcoming. One that targets specific genes and doesn't then cross-contaminate into the heterosexual population like HIV did.

- aliens could show up and wipe us out, enslave us, or more likely, eat us.
Meh. We adapt. The black plague was supposed to extinct us. So was the invention of the atom bomb. And acid rain. And Y2K and killer bees.

Climate change? In 2080...people will laugh at our generation for thinking it would wipe us out.

Stop being such an optimist !!
Environment is a loose term. If we include humans as part of that (!), then there are many possibilities that a vast cataclysm is in the making. Mere overpopulation could do most of humanity in.

Over population is good for science fiction but it is not a threat. We are no where close to having too many people.....what we have are leftists, disguised as scientists, who don't like people wanting less people around....see the 20th century on their first big push for this.....see today when they talk about "family planning" for the non white people in the third world............population control is just more lefty racism disguised as science.......
There is a possibility that an impact could wipe us out, and there is the possibility that we could have a run away greenhouse effect such as developed in the P-T extinction. Both possibilities are very small. What is far more likely is that the climate will respond to the rapid warming in such a way as to negatively impact our agriculture, and we will lose a significant portion of our population through starvation. Very bad cess, but hardly an extinction event for humanity.
Well it was nice while it lasted.

Will YOUR child witness the end of humanity? Mankind will be extinct in 100 years because of climate change, warns expert
  • Writer David Auerbach has highlighted the danger of global warming
  • In 2010 a prominent scientist said humanity would be gone by 2100
  • The recent G7 summit in Germany sought to address climate change
  • But scientists have criticised the lack of meaningful action

Humans will be extinct in 100 years due to overcrowding, declining resources and climate change, according to a prominent scientist.

The comments were first made by Australian microbiologist Dr Frank Fenner in 2010, but engineer and science writer David Auerbach has reiterated the doom-laden warning in his latest article.

He criticises the recent G7 summit for failing to deal with the problems facing the survival of humanity, such as global warming and exhausting Earth's resources.

Mr Auerbach goes on to say that experts have predicted that 21st century civilisation faces a similar fate to the inhabitants of Easter Island, who went extinct when they overexploited their natural habitat.

MORE: Mankind will be extinct in 100 years because of climate change warns expert Daily Mail Online

Climate change is no threat to the human race. It's a threat to people living too close to the oceans, but it's not an all-at-once threat and people will have ample time to retreat inland.

Gravest threats facing us right now include, but aren't limited to:

- over-reliance on computers and electricity. One big burp from the Sun (as happened not 200 years ago but before electricity was widely implemented,) or terrorist hack and we're back in the 18th century, and many of us wont survive the switch.

- some drug-resistant germ becomes a global plague and wipes out much of the human population (ala "12 Monkies")

- the US defaults on its' national debt collapsing world markets resulting in unimagined chaos.

- an asteroid can hit us any minute and there's nothing we can do it about it. As just happened a few years ago in Cherbylinsk. Had an impact energy of about 400 kilotons (about 2 MIRV warheads from an ICBM. Only reason Cherbylinsk survived is because it airburst high enough. Not being a nuclear weapon, no radioactive fallout, thermal flash effect, EMP, or other things.)

- further out in the future, genetic research could unleash a genetic weapon on the world wiping out specifc groups of people like a specific ethnicity. That HIV first showed up in the gay male population is highly suspicious. If HIV were engineered, it seems someone went to a lot of trouble to exterminate gays. If it in fact was the case, a more effective and more specialized version could be forthcoming. One that targets specific genes and doesn't then cross-contaminate into the heterosexual population like HIV did.

- aliens could show up and wipe us out, enslave us, or more likely, eat us.

See, try to stay sane, this was good: One big burp from the Sun (as happened not 200 years ago but before electricity was widely implemented,) or terrorist hack and we're back in the 18th century, and many of us wont survive the switch.
I saw the thread title and I was prepared to make a joke about AGW and then I saw that the thread's substance took care of that.
Remove all democrats if you want to save humanity.

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