Scientific America: Conservatism Has Shortened Life Expectancy In The US

A story in this month’s Scientific Americanpoints out that Americans are dying younger and at a greater rate than citizens of other industrially advanced countries. The reason for this is not complex, it’s easy to say exactly why:

Conservative ideology is causing more Americans to die.

The story points out that life expectancy in America is lower now than it has been in any year since 1996. That means that the advances in medical science and social behavior that have led to an almost continual rise in life expectancy for a century and a half stopped in America in the last few years and, in fact, we have gone backwards.

In fact, the only reason American life expectancy has dropped significantly in any years since before the Civil War, when these things began be be tracked systematically, has been due to the Civil War and the First World War combined with the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.

Modern American conservatism is having the same effect on American lives and life spans as war and disease has had in the past.​

Conservatism is literally killing Americans. And it’s doing it in three easily understood ways:

Pro life.
but its worse for liberals who are obviously very brain dead at young ages
Gee, I thought ObamaCare fixed all this for us. You mean things are getting worse? The hell you say.........
Giving people access to medical care doesn’t matter when conservatives get their advice from fringe blogs and Facebook groups because doctors are all mind controlled by pharma and the guvmint.
None of those 3 things in the article kill as many people as do heart disease, diabetes stroke and other diet related illnesses.

It is the Standard American diet that is the reason our life expectancy is dropping
None of those 3 things in the article kill as many people as do heart disease, diabetes stroke and other diet related illnesses.

It is the Standard American diet that is the reason our life expectancy is dropping


Anything But Clot-shots.

Peak physical condition young athletes are all dying of COINCIDENCE.


A story in this month’s Scientific Americanpoints out that Americans are dying younger and at a greater rate than citizens of other industrially advanced countries. The reason for this is not complex, it’s easy to say exactly why:

Conservative ideology is causing more Americans to die.

The story points out that life expectancy in America is lower now than it has been in any year since 1996. That means that the advances in medical science and social behavior that have led to an almost continual rise in life expectancy for a century and a half stopped in America in the last few years and, in fact, we have gone backwards.

In fact, the only reason American life expectancy has dropped significantly in any years since before the Civil War, when these things began be be tracked systematically, has been due to the Civil War and the First World War combined with the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.

Modern American conservatism is having the same effect on American lives and life spans as war and disease has had in the past.​

Conservatism is literally killing Americans. And it’s doing it in three easily understood ways:

Pro life.
We don’t give up on people. Not even the fringe weirdos.

As it has been said so many times, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results each time.

What's really going on in this country has little to do with politics. We are the fattest country in the world, we get the least amount of exercise than most in the world, our OD deaths have been increasing the last several years, and violent crime particularly in these Democrat cities have been on the increase as well. All these factors contribute to our lowering lifespan, not some political ideology. And of course we can't rule out the hundreds of thousands of covid deaths either.
A story in this month’s Scientific Americanpoints out that Americans are dying younger and at a greater rate than citizens of other industrially advanced countries. The reason for this is not complex, it’s easy to say exactly why:

Conservative ideology is causing more Americans to die.

The story points out that life expectancy in America is lower now than it has been in any year since 1996. That means that the advances in medical science and social behavior that have led to an almost continual rise in life expectancy for a century and a half stopped in America in the last few years and, in fact, we have gone backwards.

In fact, the only reason American life expectancy has dropped significantly in any years since before the Civil War, when these things began be be tracked systematically, has been due to the Civil War and the First World War combined with the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.

Modern American conservatism is having the same effect on American lives and life spans as war and disease has had in the past.​

Conservatism is literally killing Americans. And it’s doing it in three easily understood ways:

Pro life.
How is conservative policy causing American to die younger?
All I did here was point out that the drug abuse epidemic is highly prevalent in rural communities.

But that upset a lot of your snowflake buddies so this is what we get.
Drug addiction is a liberal problem 95-5 no matter where its going on
How do you figure? Drug addiction is highly prevalent in oral communities which are highly conservative.


Massive issues in rural communities.
Good and evil exist side by side

Even in godless dope addicted san franciseo or seattle there are good people

And the same goes for rural America where many libs live among the God fearing majority

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