Scientific Method, 2016

  1. State your hypothesis
  2. Show us the rigorous testing it survived refuting it
  3. Insult me for calling you out on your bullshit
  4. Run away
You don't have it right. General Relativity was called a theory before rigorous testing. String Theory in quantum mechanics has been called a theory from day one, although there is no rigorous testing. This link shows one conceptual idea of theory in the sciences.

There are two kinds of proof in scientific theories.
The first is mathematical or logical proof. Mathematical proof about the consistency of the theory, essentially that all the pieces play together well.

Climate science is not a rigorous theory, but is a composite of physical pieces that all play together well. Climate science shows how back-radiation can keep the earth from loosing heat. It shows how the surface can radiate 400 W/m2 while absorbing only 160 W/m2 from the sun. It shows how CO2 can increase that heat retention, etc. There is no other meaningful theory that covers that.

The "alternate theories" proposed by skeptics, such as the adiabatic ideal gas law, or the rejection of two way radiant energy flow are outright wrong, and are all full of holes.

So, wait a second Sparky. Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that an atmosphere of 100% N2 would not retain ANY Heat? Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that 400PPM and a gnat's fart worth of methane is sufficient to cause the differential between what the Earth receives and what it radiates back?

You should have been Madoff's accountant, he'd still be in the Fund Management business
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So, wait a second Sparky. Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that an atmosphere of 100% would not retain ANY Heat? Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that 400PPM and a gnat's fart worth of methane is sufficient to cause the differential between what the Earth receives and what it radiates back?
I didn't invent that hypothesis. It was discovered decades ago.
So, wait a second Sparky. Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that an atmosphere of 100% would not retain ANY Heat? Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that 400PPM and a gnat's fart worth of methane is sufficient to cause the differential between what the Earth receives and what it radiates back?
I didn't invent that hypothesis. It was discovered decades ago.
and to date, never validated.
So, wait a second Sparky. Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that an atmosphere of 100% would not retain ANY Heat? Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that 400PPM and a gnat's fart worth of methane is sufficient to cause the differential between what the Earth receives and what it radiates back?
I didn't invent that hypothesis. It was discovered decades ago.

Can you put this "Hypothesis" into words please
AGW is a scientific theory supported by the research - by the science - conducting in tens of thousands of peer-reviewed, published studies by thousands of degreed, professional scientists. What have you got that says otherwise? A blog? Your opinion?

AGW is hypothesis not supported by the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence to support the anthropogenic component...and isn't it odd that for all those "pal reviewed" papers, there still remains no observed, measured quantified evidence in support of that A?...says a great deal about the state of climate pseudoscience.
  1. State your hypothesis
  2. Show us the rigorous testing it survived refuting it
  3. Insult me for calling you out on your bullshit
  4. Run away
You don't have it right. General Relativity was called a theory before rigorous testing. String Theory in quantum mechanics has been called a theory from day one, although there is no rigorous testing. This link shows one conceptual idea of theory in the sciences.

There are two kinds of proof in scientific theories.
The first is mathematical or logical proof. Mathematical proof about the consistency of the theory, essentially that all the pieces play together well.

Climate science is not a rigorous theory, but is a composite of physical pieces that all play together well. Climate science shows how back-radiation can keep the earth from loosing heat. It shows how the surface can radiate 400 W/m2 while absorbing only 160 W/m2 from the sun. It shows how CO2 can increase that heat retention, etc. There is no other meaningful theory that covers that.

The "alternate theories" proposed by skeptics, such as the adiabatic ideal gas law, or the rejection of two way radiant energy flow are outright wrong, and are all full of holes.

The atmosphere, and climate are quite physical...and very observable...why do you suppose that there is no observed, measured, quantified physical evidence supporting the A in AGW....and the fact that string theory was called theory with no actual testing at all goes a long way in describing the state of post modern science.
There is no theory stating that increased CO2 in the atmosphere is causing warming??

I agree. A deliberately false "theory" is not a "theory," it is FRAUD...

That would be the Greenhouse Effect, not a theory but a well identified process in atmospheric physics.

God are you stupid.

Sorry skid mark, but the greenhouse effect has never been either measured or quantified...and is meaningless without its built in fudge factor.
  1. State your hypothesis
  2. Show us the rigorous testing it survived refuting it
  3. Insult me for calling you out on your bullshit
  4. Run away
You don't have it right. General Relativity was called a theory before rigorous testing. String Theory in quantum mechanics has been called a theory from day one, although there is no rigorous testing. This link shows one conceptual idea of theory in the sciences.

There are two kinds of proof in scientific theories.
The first is mathematical or logical proof. Mathematical proof about the consistency of the theory, essentially that all the pieces play together well.

Climate science is not a rigorous theory, but is a composite of physical pieces that all play together well. Climate science shows how back-radiation can keep the earth from loosing heat. It shows how the surface can radiate 400 W/m2 while absorbing only 160 W/m2 from the sun. It shows how CO2 can increase that heat retention, etc. There is no other meaningful theory that covers that.

The "alternate theories" proposed by skeptics, such as the adiabatic ideal gas law, or the rejection of two way radiant energy flow are outright wrong, and are all full of holes.

So, wait a second Sparky. Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that an atmosphere of 100% N2 would not retain ANY Heat? Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that 400PPM and a gnat's fart worth of methane is sufficient to cause the differential between what the Earth receives and what it radiates back?

You should have been Madoff's accountant, he'd still be in the Fund Management business

An atmosphere of 100% N2 would be warmer than our present temperature because the atmosphere would have no means of radiatively cooling itself...convection and conduction would be doing all the work...
So, wait a second Sparky. Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that an atmosphere of 100% would not retain ANY Heat? Does your "Hypothesis" suppose that 400PPM and a gnat's fart worth of methane is sufficient to cause the differential between what the Earth receives and what it radiates back?
I didn't invent that hypothesis. It was discovered decades ago.

And Professor Woods promptly showed that it was flawed...and it remained in the dustbin of failed hypothesis till leftists drug it out and dusted it off to put it to political use via pseudoscience.
AGW is a scientific theory supported by the research - by the science - conducting in tens of thousands of peer-reviewed, published studies by thousands of degreed, professional scientists. What have you got that says otherwise? A blog? Your opinion?

How about this-

Or this-

Scientists questioning the accuracy of IPCC climate projections
These scientists have said that it is not possible to project global climate accurately enough to justify the ranges projected for temperature and sea-level rise over the next century. They may not conclude specifically that the current IPCC projections are either too high or too low, but that the projections are likely to be inaccurate due to inadequacies of current global climate modeling.

Scientists arguing that global warming is primarily caused by natural processes

Graph showing the ability with which a global climate model is able to reconstruct the historical temperature record, and the degree to which those temperature changes can be decomposed into various forcing factors. It shows the effects of five forcing factors: greenhouse gases, man-made sulfate emissions, solar variability, ozone changes, and volcanic emissions.[67]
These scientists have said that the observed warming is more likely to be attributable to natural causes than to human activities. Their views on climate change are usually described in more detail in their biographical articles.

Scientists arguing that the cause of global warming is unknown

These scientists have said that no principal cause can be ascribed to the observed rising temperatures, whether man-made or natural.

Scientists arguing that global warming will have few negative consequences

These scientists have said that projected rising temperatures will be of little impact or a net positive for society or the environment.

Deceased scientists

This section includes deceased scientists who would otherwise be listed in the prior sections.

See also

And Professor Woods promptly showed that it was flawed...and it remained in the dustbin of failed hypothesis till leftists drug it out and dusted it off to put it to political use via pseudoscience.
I have not read about Professor Woods. How did he show that it was flawed?
"So you can show us experiments controlling for changes in CO2 between 280 and 400PPM?"

Indeed, we can, from the actual highly correlated raw data from satellites and balloons showing precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere as CO2 rose...
"So you can show us experiments controlling for changes in CO2 between 280 and 400PPM?"

Who are you quoting here?

Indeed, we can, from the actual highly correlated raw data from satellites and balloons showing precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere as CO2 rose...

Then let's see it.
And Professor Woods promptly showed that it was flawed...and it remained in the dustbin of failed hypothesis till leftists drug it out and dusted it off to put it to political use via pseudoscience.
I have not read about Professor Woods. How did he show that it was flawed?

No doubt...not surprising at all. I wouldn't expect the sources you rely on for information to mention Professor Woods and his experiment that disproved the greenhouse hypothesis any more than I would have expected them to inform you that it has been proven experimentally that there is a gravity induced temperature gradient in columns of air...

What I would expect is for you to disregard the experiments showing the temperature gradient in favor of arguing about his conclusions regarding what the experiments a gravity induced temperature gradient in columns of air.
"So you can show us experiments controlling for changes in CO2 between 280 and 400PPM?"

Who are you quoting here?

Indeed, we can, from the actual highly correlated raw data from satellites and balloons showing precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere as CO2 rose...

Then let's see it.

You're quoting me, you intellectual black hole
And Professor Woods promptly showed that it was flawed...and it remained in the dustbin of failed hypothesis till leftists drug it out and dusted it off to put it to political use via pseudoscience.
I have not read about Professor Woods. How did he show that it was flawed?

No doubt...not surprising at all. I wouldn't expect the sources you rely on for information to mention Professor Woods and his experiment that disproved the greenhouse hypothesis any more than I would have expected them to inform you that it has been proven experimentally that there is a gravity induced temperature gradient in columns of air...

What I would expect is for you to disregard the experiments showing the temperature gradient in favor of arguing about his conclusions regarding what the experiments a gravity induced temperature gradient in columns of air.
You didn't answer my question. Show me the link where Professor Woods showed back radiation was flawed.
And Professor Woods promptly showed that it was flawed...and it remained in the dustbin of failed hypothesis till leftists drug it out and dusted it off to put it to political use via pseudoscience.
I have not read about Professor Woods. How did he show that it was flawed?

Hope this helps

"Thereafter, in 2011, Professor Nasif Nahle of Monterrey, Mexico performed his own very accurate repeat experiment using four small greenhouses under strict peer-reviewed control.*** Nahle came to the conclusion that Wood’s experiment was totally correct. Nahle’s findings were that in the three small greenhouses having covers of different materials (glass and plastic polymers) and upon one hour of solar exposure, the temperature differences were scarcely in the range of 1° to 1.5° C (as in the Wood’s experiment a century before). Nahle saw that the other “holed” greenhouse – more exposed to cooling convection and environment temperature – showed a lower temperature. This was compelling proof that a greenhouse is heated merely by the blocking of air convection with the outside environment and not by any specious mechanism(s) such as “backradiation” or the “trapping” of longwave outgoing infra-red radiations."

For the 500th time here, the tippy toppiests had a big problem in 2005, highly correlated satellite and balloon data showing precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere. Faced with clear proof their CO2 hypothesis was 100% pure bullshit, the tippys did what they do - they took RAW DATA showing NO WARMING and FUDGED it (this time with two uncorrelated "corrections") into a "peer reviewed climate study" that claimed "warming" when the RAW DATA SHOWED NO WARMING...

Hiding the Hiatus: Global Warming on Pause

"Since the late 1970s, however, we have had access to reliable lower troposphere temperature records for 99 percent of the globe, obtained from highly accurate microwave sounding instruments aboard a series of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather satellites. There are two main datasets that record, post, and analyze these global temperature measurements: the Earth System Science Center of the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and Remote Sensing Systems (RSS). Both of these datasets, comprising the most reliable global temperature data available, show no detectable global warming over the past 19 years. The RSS satellite dataset shows no global warming at all for 225 months, from October 1996 to June 2015."

Then these "not about truth" tippys FUDGED the data, claiming "orbit wobble" meant the satellite data had to be FUDGED from showing NO WARMING to ... viola ... "warming," and the balloons, well, their thermometers were just wrong (as are every other thermometer showing NO WARMING on Earth), and hence given a one time FUDGE factor, making their "correction"s uncorrelated....

And then, tomorrow, I will state the highly correlated satellite and balloon data shows NO WARMING in the atmosphere, and be asked for yet another "link" for the 501st time....

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