Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

When are the Sheeple finally gonna get it? They're being herded in a particular direction. And that direction is hysterical panic. People who live in fear, generally accept anything their Government does. It's how the U.S. adopted Nazi legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA.

People who are afraid turn to a 'Savior.' And in this case, it's an all-powerful One World Government. But in reality, you're gonna die from anything but 'Global Warming.' So there's absolutely no reason to live in fear of it. Just live, and enjoy your short time on this Planet.
Of course you'll. try to discredit him.

Any scientist that tried to prove global warming is a lie gets ignored or squelched.

The emperor has no clothes but you like looking at him naked.

Global warming is a lie. A calculated lie.
Why and how would Dante be able to discredit a scientist and his supposed findings?

Weirdo people who get caught up in conspiracies theories usually assume they and others have much more power than they really do.

It is the scientific community that discredits this one lone kook. Dante is only sharing widely available information. It is you Misty that is admiring the Emperor Dr Evans with his supposed new clothes
Referring to yourself in the third person? Please
Of course you'll. try to discredit him.

Any scientist that tried to prove global warming is a lie gets ignored or squelched.

The emperor has no clothes but you like looking at him naked.

Global warming is a lie. A calculated lie.
Why and how would Dante be able to discredit a scientist and his supposed findings?

Weirdo people who get caught up in conspiracies theories usually assume they and others have much more power than they really do.

It is the scientific community that discredits this one lone kook. Dante is only sharing widely available information. It is you Misty that is admiring the Emperor Dr Evans with his supposed new clothes
Referring to yourself in the third person? Please.
Of course you'll. try to discredit him.

Any scientist that tried to prove global warming is a lie gets ignored or squelched.

The emperor has no clothes but you like looking at him naked.

Global warming is a lie. A calculated lie.
Why and how would Dante be able to discredit a scientist and his supposed findings?

Weirdo people who get caught up in conspiracies theories usually assume they and others have much more power than they really do.

It is the scientific community that discredits this one lone kook. Dante is only sharing widely available information. It is you Misty that is admiring the Emperor Dr Evans with his supposed new clothes
Referring to yourself in the third person? Please...
Look, you and
Of course you'll. try to discredit him.

Any scientist that tried to prove global warming is a lie gets ignored or squelched.

The emperor has no clothes but you like looking at him naked.

Global warming is a lie. A calculated lie.
Why and how would Dante be able to discredit a scientist and his supposed findings?

Weirdo people who get caught up in conspiracies theories usually assume they and others have much more power than they really do.

It is the scientific community that discredits this one lone kook. Dante is only sharing widely available information. It is you Misty that is admiring the Emperor Dr Evans with his supposed new clothes
Of course you'll. try to discredit him.

Any scientist that tried to prove global warming is a lie gets ignored or squelched.

The emperor has no clothes but you like looking at him naked.

Global warming is a lie. A calculated lie.
Why and how would Dante be able to discredit a scientist and his supposed findings?

Weirdo people who get caught up in conspiracies theories usually assume they and others have much more power than they really do.

It is the scientific community that discredits this one lone kook. Dante is only sharing widely available information. It is you Misty that is admiring the Emperor Dr Evans with his supposed new clothes
You and others have convinced yourselves that climate change is due to human activity.
You agree with the political agenda that results from that belief.
That's where this is going. Simple politics.
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The OP doesnt believe scientists anyway. So her saying that a scientist discovers errors either shows that now she believes scientists and will support their findings or this is bullshit because she doesnt believe anyone who says anything unless it matches what she already believes
The OP doesnt believe scientists anyway. So her saying that a scientist discovers errors either shows that now she believes scientists and will support their findings or this is bullshit because she doesnt believe anyone who says anything unless it matches what she already believes

He's predicting temperatures to start cooling down in 2017 and we'll have a mini-ice age by 2030. If we see temperatures stagnate until 2017 as he says then others will be forced to sit up and listen. Otherwise, his credibility is out the window.
Temperatures have not gotten warmer is 17 years. That's proof that the climate is not getting warmer. It's staying the same.
And the climate nattering naybobs would say "that's due to global cooling"
The OP doesnt believe scientists anyway. So her saying that a scientist discovers errors either shows that now she believes scientists and will support their findings or this is bullshit because she doesnt believe anyone who says anything unless it matches what she already believes

He's predicting temperatures to start cooling down in 2017 and we'll have a mini-ice age by 2030. If we see temperatures stagnate until 2017 as he says then others will be forced to sit up and listen. Otherwise, his credibility is out the window.
Temperatures have not gotten warmer is 17 years. That's proof that the climate is not getting warmer. It's staying the same.
And the climate nattering naybobs would say "that's due to global cooling"
Yes that's why it went from global warming to climate change. That alone should make people skeptical.
Republicans main sticking point is always what you call something.

Call them terrorist! Freedom Fries!

They are very ADD that way

It is an example of a real error in the current climate modeling. When observation doesn't match the predictions.......
When they successfully tell me what the weather will be a month in advance I'll give them credit for actually predicting weather. But they can't even do that.
The Scammers have quite a record on this bullshit.

First we learned from Climategate that data was fabricated.

Then we learned that NASA and NOAA had fabricated data.

Then we learned that all a fudge factor was added to most of the world wide temperature data.

Now we are learning that the computer models were corrupted.

But yet these Moon Bats claim that it is "settled science".

Fucking morons!.
The OP doesnt believe scientists anyway. So her saying that a scientist discovers errors either shows that now she believes scientists and will support their findings or this is bullshit because she doesnt believe anyone who says anything unless it matches what she already believes

He's predicting temperatures to start cooling down in 2017 and we'll have a mini-ice age by 2030. If we see temperatures stagnate until 2017 as he says then others will be forced to sit up and listen. Otherwise, his credibility is out the window.
Temperatures have not gotten warmer is 17 years. That's proof that the climate is not getting warmer. It's staying the same.
And the climate nattering naybobs would say "that's due to global cooling"

Since it's not true, most scientist ignore it.

It is an example of a real error in the current climate modeling. When observation doesn't match the predictions.......
No...Simply put, it is the uncovering of flawed data. Data to be used for political purposes.
The earths climate cycles are in constant flux. And there isn't a damned thing we can do about it.

It is an example of a real error in the current climate modeling. When observation doesn't match the predictions.......
When they successfully tell me what the weather will be a month in advance I'll give them credit for actually predicting weather. But they can't even do that.

An honest scientist will tell you that here is no accurate computer climate model.
The Scammers have quite a record on this bullshit.

First we learned from Climategate that data was fabricated.

Then we learned that NASA and NOAA had fabricated data.

Then we learned that all a fudge factor was added to most of the world wide temperature data.

Now we are learning that the computer models were corrupted.

But yet these Moon Bats claim that it is "settled science".

Fucking morons!.
That's the thing about science, it is never settled. Theories are always changing. That's why this so called consensus of scientists is utter bull crap.
Do you drive a motor vehicle? Use electricity?
Then you are part of the problem and have no right to an opinion.

Look, if you deniers want to live in caves and swear off modern technology, do it. Go on, worship your earth goddess all you want. We have no problems with that. Just stop trying to force everyone else to live under your weird Gaian cult rules. While you're rolling around in the dirt, all the normal people are happily working on how to create a sustainable modern technological society.
The OP doesnt believe scientists anyway. So her saying that a scientist discovers errors either shows that now she believes scientists and will support their findings or this is bullshit because she doesnt believe anyone who says anything unless it matches what she already believes

He's predicting temperatures to start cooling down in 2017 and we'll have a mini-ice age by 2030. If we see temperatures stagnate until 2017 as he says then others will be forced to sit up and listen. Otherwise, his credibility is out the window.
Temperatures have not gotten warmer is 17 years. That's proof that the climate is not getting warmer. It's staying the same.
And the climate nattering naybobs would say "that's due to global cooling"

Since it's not true, most scientist ignore it.
Wanna bet.....
Cookie, whenever the data reported on this climate thing is debunked, the typical response from the left wing, is "global cooling".....
For example, during the mid 2000's the US was influenced by several land falling hurricanes. In the last 10 years, that trend has waned significantly.
IOf course the so called scientists and those complicit with the environmentalist movement immediately began to screech "Global warming!".....
Since the frequency of landfalling storms has been reduced, they now have tyo come up with a different narrative. That is "global cooling"...
Or , they just stick with "the reason why there are so few hurricanes to hit the US is due to global warming"....
Last winter was one the coldest and snowiest winters for the US in the last 100 years.
Of course the reason for this put forth by the left wing environmentalist movement was......"Climate change"

It is an example of a real error in the current climate modeling. When observation doesn't match the predictions.......
When they successfully tell me what the weather will be a month in advance I'll give them credit for actually predicting weather. But they can't even do that.

An honest scientist will tell you that here is no accurate computer climate model.
Then there are very few honest scientists.
Do you drive a motor vehicle? Use electricity?
Then you are part of the problem and have no right to an opinion.

Look, if you deniers want to live in caves and swear off modern technology, do it. Go on, worship your earth goddess all you want. We have no problems with that. Just stop trying to force everyone else to live under your weird Gaian cult rules. While you're rolling around in the dirt, all the normal people are happily working on how to create a sustainable modern technological society.
There is no such thing as a "denier"....This is a made up term. Made up by the environazi left in order to protect the narrative.
And I see you have no response to the fact that you are still using fossil fuels and then advocating for their non use.
So shut up....
“Yes, CO2 has an effect, but it’s about a fifth or tenth of what the IPCC says it is. CO2 is not driving the climate; it caused less than 20 per cent of the global warming in the last few decades”.

The Australian claims CO2 causes less than 20 percent of global warming. So he is clearly saying it does cause some global warming. Therefore, your next sentence is retarded:

CO2 is not causing global warming.

Let the big kids deals with the science, because you clearly don't understand even the simplest things.

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