Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

The Scammers have quite a record on this bullshit.

First we learned from Climategate that data was fabricated.

Then we learned that NASA and NOAA had fabricated data.

Then we learned that all a fudge factor was added to most of the world wide temperature data.

Now we are learning that the computer models were corrupted.

But yet these Moon Bats claim that it is "settled science".

Fucking morons!.

You didnt learn any of that

It is an example of a real error in the current climate modeling. When observation doesn't match the predictions.......
No...Simply put, it is the uncovering of flawed data. Data to be used for political purposes.
The earths climate cycles are in constant flux. And there isn't a damned thing we can do about it.

The data is the observation that something in the earth's climate is absorbing more man made (released) CO2 than most climate scientist expected. The error was in the model. That's how the scientific method works.
“Yes, CO2 has an effect, but it’s about a fifth or tenth of what the IPCC says it is. CO2 is not driving the climate; it caused less than 20 per cent of the global warming in the last few decades”.

The Australian claims CO2 causes less than 20 percent of global warming. So he is clearly saying it does cause some global warming. Therefore, your next sentence is retarded:

CO2 is not causing global warming.

Let the big kids deals with the science, because you clearly don't understand even the simplest things.
No it has no effect. Read the whole piece dear and then read other things about global warming and you will understand that we are being systematically lied to in order to take away our cars our coal our electricity our businesses in order to give more power to the government and less to the people.
And you personally know global warming is real and man made how?

Because all the directly measured evidence shows it. And not a single model of any sort is required, so that big denier conspiracy lie there won't work as an evasion.

I do understand how your conspiracy cult demands you declare that all the evidence is fake. After all, that's why you're called deniers. Denying reality is the defining characteristic of your cult.

Feel free to keep denying reality. We certainly can't stop you. Just understand that everyone is laughing at you, provided they're not ignoring you completely. You're in the same category as flat earthers, birthers, antivaxxers, 9/11 truthers, moon lander hoax believers, grassy knollers, illumaniti conspiracists and homeopaths.
“Yes, CO2 has an effect, but it’s about a fifth or tenth of what the IPCC says it is. CO2 is not driving the climate; it caused less than 20 per cent of the global warming in the last few decades”.

The Australian claims CO2 causes less than 20 percent of global warming. So he is clearly saying it does cause some global warming. Therefore, your next sentence is retarded:

CO2 is not causing global warming.

Let the big kids deals with the science, because you clearly don't understand even the simplest things.
No it has no effect.

Read your own link:

Yes, CO2 has an effect, but it’s about a fifth or tenth of what the IPCC says it is.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
The Scammers have quite a record on this bullshit.

First we learned from Climategate that data was fabricated.

Then we learned that NASA and NOAA had fabricated data.

Then we learned that all a fudge factor was added to most of the world wide temperature data.

Now we are learning that the computer models were corrupted.

But yet these Moon Bats claim that it is "settled science".

Fucking morons!.
That's the thing about science, it is never settled. Theories are always changing. That's why this so called consensus of scientists is utter bull crap.

In this case there is more than just disagreement among scientists. There is a strong record of deceit.
And you personally know global warming is real and man made how?

Because all the directly measured evidence shows it. And not a single model of any sort is required, so that big denier conspiracy lie there won't work as an evasion.

I do understand how your conspiracy cult demands you declare that all the evidence is fake. After all, that's why you're called deniers. Denying reality is the defining characteristic of your cult.

Feel free to keep denying reality. We certainly can't stop you. Just understand that everyone is laughing at you, provided they're not ignoring you completely. You're in the same category as flat earthers, birthers, antivaxxers, 9/11 truthers, moon lander hoax believers, grassy knollers, illumaniti conspiracists and homeopaths.

So you'vepersonally examined the evidence and understand the model and what it shows and implies?

As for the rest, I know liberals are bigots who think you know what everyone things, but you don't, your strawmen are wrong
The guy in the OP has been blogging. He has not submitted his work for peer review, so for now it is best to take it with a big grain of salt.
The Scammers have quite a record on this bullshit.

First we learned from Climategate that data was fabricated.

Then we learned that NASA and NOAA had fabricated data.

Then we learned that all a fudge factor was added to most of the world wide temperature data.

Now we are learning that the computer models were corrupted.

But yet these Moon Bats claim that it is "settled science".

Fucking morons!.
That's the thing about science, it is never settled. Theories are always changing. That's why this so called consensus of scientists is utter bull crap.

In this case there is more than just disagreement among scientists. There is a strong record of deceit.
Exactly. An error in entering the data seems like it was done on purpose to fudge the information.
Cookie, whenever the data reported on this climate thing is debunked, the typical response from the left wing, is "global cooling".....

What are you babbling about? Nobody on the rational side ever invokes global cooling. Only deniers rave about global cooling. Deniers have been predicting an imminent cooling for years, as Evans just did again, and have been proven to be hilariously wrong, given how the world just keeps warming strongly.

For example, during the mid 2000's the US was influenced by several land falling hurricanes. In the last 10 years, that trend has waned significantly.

Given global warming theory doesn't predict more hurricanes, your point there seems to be you have no idea what global warming theory says, so you're just making up crazy stories.

In other words, you're a typical denier.

Now, tell us some more about this global cooling that most of your denier pals believe in so strongly. When is it going to arrive?
The scientist has been blogging. He has not submitted his work for peer review, so for now it is best to take it with a grain of salt.
Yes but others have submitted their opinions and they are ignored and not invited to global summits involving discussions on global warming.

Why? Why not let all opinions be examined instead of silencing the dissenters?
The scientist has been blogging. He has not submitted his work for peer review, so for now it is best to take it with a grain of salt.
Yes but others have submitted their opinions and they are ignored and not invited to global summits involving discussions on global warming.

Why? Why not let all opinions be examined instead of silencing the dissenters?
You would have to provide specific examples.

Let us know when this guy has submitted his work for peer review.
Cookie, whenever the data reported on this climate thing is debunked, the typical response from the left wing, is "global cooling".....

What are you babbling about? Nobody on the rational side ever invokes global cooling. Only deniers rave about global cooling. Deniers have been predicting an imminent cooling for years, as Evans just did again, and have been proven to be hilariously wrong, given how the world just keeps warming strongly.

For example, during the mid 2000's the US was influenced by several land falling hurricanes. In the last 10 years, that trend has waned significantly.

Given global warming theory doesn't predict more hurricanes, your point there seems to be you have no idea what global warming theory says, so you're just making up crazy stories.

In other words, you're a typical denier.

Now, tell us some more about this global cooling that most of your denier pals believe in so strongly. When is it going to arrive?
"The reality is that NO scientist on the planet can tell you with credible probability whether the climate in 2030 will be cooler or warmer than today."

A quote from scientists in the book Global Warming: The Facts.
“Yes, CO2 has an effect, but it’s about a fifth or tenth of what the IPCC says it is. CO2 is not driving the climate; it caused less than 20 per cent of the global warming in the last few decades”.

The Australian claims CO2 causes less than 20 percent of global warming. So he is clearly saying it does cause some global warming. Therefore, your next sentence is retarded:

CO2 is not causing global warming.

Let the big kids deals with the science, because you clearly don't understand even the simplest things.

She quoted them saying it was causing global warming only to then assert that it doesnt in the very next sentence. Thats some hard core brainwashing there
Exactly. An error in entering the data seems like it was done on purpose to fudge the information.

In reality the climate change we see on a year to year basis is about the same we have always seen. Sometime it is hot, sometime it is cold, sometime it is dry and sometime it is wet.

The scammers have been unable to prove the drastic changes in climate that they were predicting 20 years ago because it hasn't happen.

Since they can show real climate change caused by man made source they fabricate data.

The whole scam operation should have been shut down years with the original Climategate revelations but it wasn't because it is like a religion to these stupid Moon Bats.
Come on, by now everyone knows...

For the last 18 years, weather satellites have not seem an increase in global temperature.
So you've personally examined the evidence and understand the model and what it shows and implies?

Well, yes. Not every individual measurement, but I've certainly seen the papers and results.

I see the warming temperatures, the stratospheric cooling, the increase in backradiation, the decrease in outgoing longwave in the greenhouse gas bands. There is no explanation for such data other than global warming theory.

If you or any denier has a better explanation for the data, they need to present it. So far, they haven't. Either they declare the data is faked, or they wave their hands around wildly and yell "natural cycles!", even though things like the stratospheric cooling directly contradict any natural cycles theory.
There have already been two threads in the Environment folder where this got laughed at. But I get it, when conservatives get their marching orders, they all rush to obey.

Evans is a clown who botched the math and physics. However, you won't be able to convince a denier of that, being their faith in their conspiracy theory is unshakable. According to them, the last 3 centuries of math and physics are all wrong, overturned by an electrical engineer political fanatic. Yeah, that's probably it.

If Evans isn't a clown, he merely needs to use his theory to make climate predictions, and show those predictions come true. Mainstream climate science has been getting everything right for decades, which is why it has such credibility. Of course, like every other denier, Evans won't have the guts to put his credibility on the line by making predictions, or to submit his work to peer review.

Bottom line:

There is no evidence of GW.... its all based on models. Hardly science... if these environutters had been right, we should have all been dead decades ago. But, they're never right. Thats why I just laugh at all these leftwing bedwetters driving around their stupid little electric cars. Sorry, I'll keep my Suburban.

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