Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

Sorry, this is a non-starter. You violated the inherent truth of liberalism
evidence your objection to the climate science is one of ideology and not science and truth

You're the one with the anti science philosophy. You wish to absolutely squelch discussion of the subject. That is as anti science as you can get.

Yes, the data on global warming is clearly unclear. The scientific honesty is to keep an open mind. The last thing a liberal has. there is no validity in science until you can predict the future, not just explain the past. And the global warming science has been consistently wrong with every prediction

Ditto, you aren't offering anything but your personal testimony that's it's true and belief that someone out there proved it. Global warming is a religion to liberals. I haven't said it's not true, I said I have an open mind. But the reality is that all the evidence is inconclusive. You describe an open mind on the subject as ideology and your blind belief in that which isn't proven as science.

Dante is one self deluded Hombre

I would suggest that he is just a liar. Nothing to see there, folk. Move along

How about addressing what they say in the Report numbskull. Go on, it won't hurt your peanut sized brain too much....I promise it won't!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
The report? I have no hard-on with the IPPC IPCC ABCD none.

The day the scientific community comes out and says "We were all wrong and that anonymous twit on the message board was correct" I'll struggle with my conscious. Until then, I will forever see you as an old fool who thinks his science degree from ages ago makes him more of an expert on climate science than most every single climate scientist in the world

It is fine that you believe in man made climate change,global cooling, global warming or whatever the flavor of the week is, I don't care.
I am not buying it, we have bigger fish to fry. It is also just fine if people Are not buying the man made climate change theory too.
I don't get why the climate change believers want everyone to believe as they do??

It's just a matter of opinion...
global warming is not JUST an opinion.

there is a field in science concerned with climate change. you must have been one of those people who believed the science was not in on cigs and cancer

Yet that "science" can't predict anything accurately, which is the basic first test of scientific theory
When NASA launched men to go land on the moon and come back. The theories that this could happen were based on predictions

Oh yeah, you disagree with NASA too :eek:



^ Guam, still upright and above water
How about addressing what they say in the Report numbskull. Go on, it won't hurt your peanut sized brain too much....I promise it won't!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
The report? I have no hard-on with the IPPC IPCC ABCD none.

The day the scientific community comes out and says "We were all wrong and that anonymous twit on the message board was correct" I'll struggle with my conscious. Until then, I will forever see you as an old fool who thinks his science degree from ages ago makes him more of an expert on climate science than most every single climate scientist in the world

It is fine that you believe in man made climate change,global cooling, global warming or whatever the flavor of the week is, I don't care.
I am not buying it, we have bigger fish to fry. It is also just fine if people Are not buying the man made climate change theory too.
I don't get why the climate change believers want everyone to believe as they do??

It's just a matter of opinion...
global warming is not JUST an opinion.

there is a field in science concerned with climate change. you must have been one of those people who believed the science was not in on cigs and cancer

Yet that "science" can't predict anything accurately, which is the basic first test of scientific theory
When NASA launched men to go land on the moon and come back. The theories that this could happen were based on predictions

Oh yeah, you disagree with NASA too :eek:
NASA has changed since then. Since we no longer go to space NASA must generate some way to justify it's 17 billion dollar funding.
How about addressing what they say in the Report numbskull. Go on, it won't hurt your peanut sized brain too much....I promise it won't!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
The report? I have no hard-on with the IPPC IPCC ABCD none.

The day the scientific community comes out and says "We were all wrong and that anonymous twit on the message board was correct" I'll struggle with my conscious. Until then, I will forever see you as an old fool who thinks his science degree from ages ago makes him more of an expert on climate science than most every single climate scientist in the world

You say there is no pause. THEY say there is. THEY are THE driving force in the political effort to impoverish the people of this planet. They say YOU.... are wrong.
Okay. another ideological arguments from the self-professed scientist?

There is a political effort intended to impoverish the planet? You disbelieve climate science, yet you believe in political conspiracies intending to impoverish the planet. okay

No, my argument is the satellite data shows no warming. EMPIRICAL FACT. Your group says there has been and points to a computer generated fiction to support their contention.

They do this to support their desire to completely restructure the energy, food distribution, and redistribute the wealth of the world. That is THEIR goal. Not ours. THEIRS is the politically driven operation. We wish for things to remain as they are.

Under us the people get to live their normal lives.

Under you the people get to lose 76 trillion of their dollars that will be hoovered up by the already wealthy and the uber rich, and the result will be less for everyone else.

It is the ultimate form of class warfare.
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Its not about climate change, its about attacking corporations the left hates, that's all its about. Facts, the truth, its meaningless to these people.
This thread keeps getting uglier, as the deniers keep getting more unhinged and retreat further into their alternate reality. That happens with dying cults. Jonestown wasn't a pleasant place near the end. Deniers, I suggest you start quietly slipping out into the jungle now, before the koolaid vat comes out. I do understand that the most dedicated cultists here will be staying until the end and proudly forcing the less enthusiastic cultists to drink up. After all, if you've dedicated your life to the cult, where else can you go?

Now, getting back to the thread topic, here are a bunch of takedowns of the Dave Evans conspiracy nonsense. Higher level stuff, and few here can understand it, but the point is that Evans wrote a bunch of nonsense, and everyone who understands the math and science knows what nonsense it was.

Force F from outer space

Not even partially correct

moyhu: On partial derivatives
This thread keeps getting uglier, as the deniers keep getting more unhinged and retreat further into their alternate reality. That happens with dying cults. Jonestown wasn't a pleasant place near the end. Deniers, I suggest you start quietly slipping out into the jungle now, before the koolaid vat comes out. I do understand that the most dedicated cultists here will be staying until the end and proudly forcing the less enthusiastic cultists to drink up. After all, if you've dedicated your life to the cult, where else can you go?

Now, getting back to the thread topic, here are a bunch of takedowns of the Dave Evans conspiracy nonsense. Higher level stuff, and few here can understand it, but the point is that Evans wrote a bunch of nonsense, and everyone who understands the math and science knows what nonsense it was.

Force F from outer space

Not even partially correct

moyhu: On partial derivatives

You joining the Alarmists in a Denier Pogrom?? Same old story; at the heart of a socialist is violence!!

No, my argument is the satellite data shows no warming. EMPIRICAL FACT. Your group says there has been and points to a computer generated fiction to support their contention.

They do this to support their desire to completely restructure the energy, food distribution, and redistribute the wealth of the world. That is THEIR goal. Not ours. THEIRS is the politically driven operation. We wish for things to remain as they are.

Under us the people get to live their normal lives.

Under you the people get to lose 76 trillion of their dollars that will be hoovered up by the already wealthy and the uber rich, and the result will be less for everyone else.

It is the ultimate form of class warfare.
So NASA and the world's scientific community are on board with this attempt to -- what did you actually write "completely restructure the energy, food distribution, and redistribute the wealth of the world"?

if that doesn't sound nuts to you there is no hope
This thread keeps getting uglier, as the deniers keep getting more unhinged and retreat further into their alternate reality. That happens with dying cults. Jonestown wasn't a pleasant place near the end. Deniers, I suggest you start quietly slipping out into the jungle now, before the koolaid vat comes out. I do understand that the most dedicated cultists here will be staying until the end and proudly forcing the less enthusiastic cultists to drink up. After all, if you've dedicated your life to the cult, where else can you go?

Now, getting back to the thread topic, here are a bunch of takedowns of the Dave Evans conspiracy nonsense. Higher level stuff, and few here can understand it, but the point is that Evans wrote a bunch of nonsense, and everyone who understands the math and science knows what nonsense it was.

Force F from outer space

Not even partially correct

moyhu: On partial derivatives

And you personally know global warming is real and man made how?
Climate Change happens. There's no need to freak out and panic over it. The Planet warms, the Planet cools. Most should have known to be skeptical of the fear mongering when Politicians got involved. Politics has invaded the realm of Science now. It's tainted. Get the Politicians out of it, and we can get back to real Science again.
The 'Global Warming' scam is all about a 'One World Government.' Climate Change is being used to scare the People into supporting a massive Global Government takeover.

It all comes down to choosing either Freedom & Liberty, or complete Government control and dominance over your life. Me personally, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. Bring him on.
There have already been two threads in the Environment folder where this got laughed at. But I get it, when conservatives get their marching orders, they all rush to obey.

Evans is a clown who botched the math and physics. However, you won't be able to convince a denier of that, being their faith in their conspiracy theory is unshakable. According to them, the last 3 centuries of math and physics are all wrong, overturned by an electrical engineer political fanatic. Yeah, that's probably it.

If Evans isn't a clown, he merely needs to use his theory to make climate predictions, and show those predictions come true. Mainstream climate science has been getting everything right for decades, which is why it has such credibility. Of course, like every other denier, Evans won't have the guts to put his credibility on the line by making predictions, or to submit his work to peer review.
So when is the sky going to fall?....
Why is it you are so anxious to have your taxes increased, the economy scuttled due to onerous regulations and even more jobs sent out of the country?
There have already been two threads in the Environment folder where this got laughed at. But I get it, when conservatives get their marching orders, they all rush to obey.

Evans is a clown who botched the math and physics. However, you won't be able to convince a denier of that, being their faith in their conspiracy theory is unshakable. According to them, the last 3 centuries of math and physics are all wrong, overturned by an electrical engineer political fanatic. Yeah, that's probably it.

If Evans isn't a clown, he merely needs to use his theory to make climate predictions, and show those predictions come true. Mainstream climate science has been getting everything right for decades, which is why it has such credibility. Of course, like every other denier, Evans won't have the guts to put his credibility on the line by making predictions, or to submit his work to peer review.
So . tell us when the sky will begin falling.
Why are you so anxious to see your taxes increased, the enactment of even more onerous regulations on business and more jobs sent out of the country?
There have already been two threads in the Environment folder where this got laughed at. But I get it, when conservatives get their marching orders, they all rush to obey.

Evans is a clown who botched the math and physics. However, you won't be able to convince a denier of that, being their faith in their conspiracy theory is unshakable. According to them, the last 3 centuries of math and physics are all wrong, overturned by an electrical engineer political fanatic. Yeah, that's probably it.

If Evans isn't a clown, he merely needs to use his theory to make climate predictions, and show those predictions come true. Mainstream climate science has been getting everything right for decades, which is why it has such credibility. Of course, like every other denier, Evans won't have the guts to put his credibility on the line by making predictions, or to submit his work to peer review.
Do you drive a motor vehicle? Use electricity?
Then you are part of the problem and have no right to an opinion.
So a scientist -- discovers this?

So the scientific community has NOT been lying if this news is taken to be credible. It only means science was incorrect and gets corrected as time goes on? Wow!

Science at work? What will the right wing denier nuts do now, embrace science and scientists? Nah, they'll talk about Al Gore and other shit :rofl:
Ahh ..The straw man argument.
Yes, you're right, Those of us on the right eschew ALL scientific research...Sure.
Genius, did it ever occur to you that for example, many of these so called climate scientists are able to make a living because most of their funding comes from the federal government? With that said, if the administration asks for a study, would it not be fiscally prudent for those doing the study to produce the results the administration funding the research to be exactly what the administration wants to see?.
In other words, the scientists doing the work for the Obama administration are not likely to be unbiased in their conclusions.
Human caused climate change does not exist.
"A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which underpins all climate science.

He has found...


Read more: Australian scientist discovers ERRORS in Global Warming models that COMPLETELY undermine climate theory!!! » The Right Scoop -

Should say Read more carefully: since at least 2011 this Dr Evans has been going on, and on, and, on... David Evans' Understanding of the Climate Goes Cold

The Australian NEWS article is posted by a nut job calling himself Sooper Mexican or some such nonsense :rofl:

very credible, eh?
Give up your car. Stop using electricity. otherwise, you are part of the problem.
The 'Global Warming' scam is all about a 'One World Government.' Climate Change is being used to scare the People into supporting a massive Global Government takeover.

It all comes down to choosing either Freedom & Liberty, or complete Government control and dominance over your life. Me personally, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. Bring him on.
Favourite climate myths by David Evans
Below are many of the climate myths used by David Evans plus how often each myth has been used.

Climate misinformer: David Evans

Climate myths by Evans What the Science Says

Usage at the time of article = Numbers in black:

"There's no tropospheric hot spot" We see a clear "short-term hot spot" - there's various evidence for a "long-term hot spot". 4

"Climate sensitivity is low" Net positive feedback is confirmed by many different lines of evidence. 1

"Temp record is unreliable" The warming trend is the same in rural and urban areas, measured by thermometers and satellites. 1

"It's microsite influences" Microsite influences on temperature changes are minimal; good and bad sites show the same trend. 1

"Hansen's 1988 prediction was wrong"
Jim Hansen had several possible scenarios; his mid-level scenario B was right.


"Ice age predicted in the 70s" The vast majority of climate papers in the 1970s predicted warming. 1

"It warmed before 1940 when CO2 was low" Early 20th century warming is due to several causes, including rising CO2. 1

"Models are unreliable" Models successfully reproduce temperatures since 1900 globally, by land, in the air and the ocean. 1

"Climate's changed before" Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time; humans are now the dominant forcing. 1

"It's cooling" The last decade 2000-2009 was the hottest on record. 1

"We're coming out of the Little Ice Age"
Scientists have determined that the factors which caused the Little Ice Age cooling are not currently causing global warming


"It's a 1500 year cycle" Ancient natural cycles are irrelevant for attributing recent global warming to humans. 1

"There's no empirical evidence" There are multiple lines of direct observations that humans are causing global warming. 1

"It cooled mid-century" Mid-century cooling involved aerosols and is irrelevant for recent global warming. 1

"CO2 lags temperature" CO2 didn't initiate warming from past ice ages but it did amplify the warming. 1

"It's cosmic rays" Cosmic rays show no trend over the last 30 years & have had little impact on recent global warming. 1​
Blah blah blah...
Genius.,..Nobody cares.
This whole climate change thing is nothing more than a political agenda.

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