Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

ok, and as you examined this data, how did you eliminate normal climate fluctuations and other non-man made causes like the sun in your analysis of the data?

First, because we know the sun has been cooling as of late. Believe it or not, scientists measure such things. I know your cult has these visions of scientists slapping their heads and saying "The Sun! Why didn't we think of that!", but your cult is a bunch of loonies.

Second, because solar and other natural causes would all result in stratospheric warming. Instead, we see stratospheric cooling. That's a smoking gun for warming caused by greenhouse gasses, as is the increase in backradiation and decrease in outgoing longwave radiation in the GHG bands.

And what does your analysis reveal is the cause of every prediction made by global warming nuts as being wrong?

Since the predictions have been very accurate, it reveals you're parroting the nonsense your conspiracy clique has been spoonfeeding you.

Now, I know your political cult requires you to faithfully repeat all the various fantasies. So, you and your fellow acolytes can just go on preaching to each other. Give each other those group hugs and the emotional validation that you crave. Try to convince each other that you're not crazy, and that you're really special brilliant and unique little snowflakes who know TheRealTruth which the world is trying to hush up.

In fact they are so wrong, they had to rename global warming to be "climate change?"

Your Messiah/GodKing/DearLeader Bush and his administration coined that term, because they didn't want to admit to global warming. Do learn some history.

Just so you know, my sister is a left wing moon bat and she has a PhD in math specializing in theoretical statistics. She estimates we need an absolute minimum of 150 years of actual data to have any statistically valid measurement. How do you want me to phrase to her that you know she's full of shit?

"You're full of shit" should cover it. I don't have to know the details. When the whole world disagrees with you, it invariably means you're full of shit.
ok, and as you examined this data, how did you eliminate normal climate fluctuations and other non-man made causes like the sun in your analysis of the data?

First, because we know the sun has been cooling as of late. Believe it or not, scientists measure such things. I know your cult has these visions of scientists slapping their heads and saying "The Sun! Why didn't we think of that!", but your cult is a bunch of loonies.

Second, because solar and other natural causes would all result in stratospheric warming. Instead, we see stratospheric cooling. That's a smoking gun for warming caused by greenhouse gasses, as is the increase in backradiation and decrease in outgoing longwave radiation in the GHG bands.

And what does your analysis reveal is the cause of every prediction made by global warming nuts as being wrong?

Since the predictions have been very accurate, it reveals you're parroting the nonsense your conspiracy clique has been spoonfeeding you.

Now, I know your political cult requires you to faithfully repeat all the various fantasies. So, you and your fellow acolytes can just go on preaching to each other. Give each other those group hugs and the emotional validation that you crave. Try to convince each other that you're not crazy, and that you're really special brilliant and unique little snowflakes who know TheRealTruth which the world is trying to hush up.

In fact they are so wrong, they had to rename global warming to be "climate change?"

Your Messiah/GodKing/DearLeader Bush and his administration coined that term, because they didn't want to admit to global warming. Do learn some history.

Just so you know, my sister is a left wing moon bat and she has a PhD in math specializing in theoretical statistics. She estimates we need an absolute minimum of 150 years of actual data to have any statistically valid measurement. How do you want me to phrase to her that you know she's full of shit?

"You're full of shit" should cover it. I don't have to know the details. When the whole world disagrees with you, it invariably means you're full of shit.

Just so you know, I have two modes. Serious and fun. If you want to have a serious discussion, cut the insults. If you want to have fun we're good.

I do find it amusing that apparently you're a skilled researcher capable of reading and interpreting extensive scientific data, a climatologist able to determine the long term effects as well as identify the causes of changes in climate, an astronomist who intimately knows the effect of astronomical events on earth climate and a mathematical and statistical guru who understands complicated mathematical multi variable algorithms and can accurately determining statistical significance on long term results of short term data measurements. And at the same time you can't finish a sentence without a high school insult
Just so you know, I have two modes. Serious and fun. If you want to have a serious discussion, cut the insults. If you want to have fun we're good.

So you're saying you're willing to lose your insults now? That you won't be raving more about "global warming nuts" and "moonbats" and "bigots"?

Something about motes and beams comes to mind.

I do find it amusing that apparently you're a skilled researcher capable of reading and interpreting extensive scientific data, a climatologist able to determine the long term effects as well as identify the causes of changes in climate, an astronomist who intimately knows the effect of astronomical events on earth climate and a mathematical and statistical guru who understands complicated mathematical multi variable algorithms and can accurately determining statistical significance on long term results of short term data measurements.

I find your double standards amusing, and indicative of how your politics distorts your view of science.

Any other discipline, you'd have no trouble with people standing on the shoulders of giants and giving a summary of what the current science says. But someone does that in climate science, and you all have meltdowns over it.

And at the same time you can't finish a sentence without a high school insult

So after flinging your own insults, you cry about insults, kind of right after you started getting your ass handed to you. If I had to guess, you're setting up an excuse to get huffy and stomp off.
The 'Global Warming' scam is all about a 'One World Government.' Climate Change is being used to scare the People into supporting a massive Global Government takeover.

It all comes down to choosing either Freedom & Liberty, or complete Government control and dominance over your life. Me personally, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. Bring him on.
go back to your usual haunt -- the conspiracy forums

No need to panic. You're gonna die from anything but 'Global Warming.' Seriously, it's true. So just live and enjoy the short time you have.
The 'Global Warming' scam is all about a 'One World Government.' Climate Change is being used to scare the People into supporting a massive Global Government takeover.

It all comes down to choosing either Freedom & Liberty, or complete Government control and dominance over your life. Me personally, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. Bring him on.
go back to your usual haunt -- the conspiracy forums

No need to panic. You're gonna die from anything but 'Global Warming.' Seriously, it's true. So just live and enjoy the short time you have.
hey twerp, who said anything about panic? Oh, you usually do.

never mind
Record Cold And Snow Destroy Global Warming Claims ...
Feb 25, 2015 - Yet another bitterly cold, snowy winter is destroying alarmist global warming ... once again that over-the-top global warming predictions are proving no more ... may have made it more likely, may have made it worse than it would have ... air can hold more moisture, so winter snow storms that used to bring 12 ...

It's a scam. It's being used by the One World Government Globalist crowd to scare the People into supporting absolute Government control of their lives. Frightened people look for 'Saviors.' And in this case, the One World Government Globalist folks are playing that Savior.

It's 'Global Warming' today, it'll be 'Global Cooling' tomorrow. And then when that's done, they'll invent a new Boogeyman for the People to fear. The key is, to not live in fear. The Global Warming Boogeyman ain't gonna get ya. You're gonna die from anything but 'Global Warming.' I would advise just living and enjoying every day you have left on this Planet. Because it really is a short ride.
Record Cold And Snow Destroy Global Warming Claims ...
Feb 25, 2015 - Yet another bitterly cold, snowy winter is destroying alarmist global warming ... once again that over-the-top global warming predictions are proving no more ... may have made it more likely, may have made it worse than it would have ... air can hold more moisture, so winter snow storms that used to bring 12 ...

Didn't the global warming data suggest weird weather like the ones cited? I guess a simpleton like you think global warming is about warmer temps in the city you live. the science predicts record snow falls and more.... check it out
Record Cold And Snow Destroy Global Warming Claims ...
Feb 25, 2015 - Yet another bitterly cold, snowy winter is destroying alarmist global warming ... once again that over-the-top global warming predictions are proving no more ... may have made it more likely, may have made it worse than it would have ... air can hold more moisture, so winter snow storms that used to bring 12 ...

It's a scam. It's being used by the One World Government Globalist crowd to scare the People into supporting absolute Government control of their lives. Frightened people look for 'Saviors.' And in this case, the One World Government Globalist folks are playing that Savior.

It's 'Global Warming' today, it'll be 'Global Cooling' tomorrow. And then when that's done, they'll invent a new Boogeyman for the People to fear. The key is, to not live in fear. The Global Warming Boogeyman ain't gonna get ya. You're gonna die from anything but 'Global Warming.' I would advise just living and enjoying every day you have left on this Planet. Because it really is a short ride.
go away. go back posting in the conspiracy forums, you lonely little man

The 'Global Warming' scam is all about a 'One World Government.' Climate Change is being used to scare the People into supporting a massive Global Government takeover.

It all comes down to choosing either Freedom & Liberty, or complete Government control and dominance over your life. Me personally, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman. Bring him on.
go back to your usual haunt -- the conspiracy forums

No need to panic. You're gonna die from anything but 'Global Warming.' Seriously, it's true. So just live and enjoy the short time you have.
hey twerp, who said anything about panic? Oh, you usually do.

never mind

Good, you're making progress. Don't live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. He ain't gonna get ya. We're all gonna die. But you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming.' You're gonna die from anything but that.

All the hysterical fear mongering is absolutely unnecessary. It's what happens when Politicians get involved. We can't get back to real Science if the Politicians are involved. That's the reality.
Record Cold And Snow Destroy Global Warming Claims ...
Feb 25, 2015 - Yet another bitterly cold, snowy winter is destroying alarmist global warming ... once again that over-the-top global warming predictions are proving no more ... may have made it more likely, may have made it worse than it would have ... air can hold more moisture, so winter snow storms that used to bring 12 ...

It's a scam. It's being used by the One World Government Globalist crowd to scare the People into supporting absolute Government control of their lives. Frightened people look for 'Saviors.' And in this case, the One World Government Globalist folks are playing that Savior.

It's 'Global Warming' today, it'll be 'Global Cooling' tomorrow. And then when that's done, they'll invent a new Boogeyman for the People to fear. The key is, to not live in fear. The Global Warming Boogeyman ain't gonna get ya. You're gonna die from anything but 'Global Warming.' I would advise just living and enjoying every day you have left on this Planet. Because it really is a short ride.
go away. go back posting in the conspiracy forums, you lonely little man


Careful, the Global Warming Boogeyman gon get ya. BOO!
"A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which underpins all climate science.

He has found that, while the underlying physics of the model is correct, it had been applied incorrectly.

He has fixed two errors and the new corrected model finds the climate’s sensitivity to carbon dioxide (CO2) is much lower than was thought.

It turns out the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has over-estimated future global warming by as much as 10 times, he says.

“Yes, CO2 has an effect, but it’s about a fifth or tenth of what the IPCC says it is. CO2 is not driving the climate; it caused less than 20 per cent of the global warming in the last few decades”.

CO2 is not causing global warming.

Read more: Australian scientist discovers ERRORS in Global Warming models that COMPLETELY undermine climate theory!!! » The Right Scoop -
The consensus of why ice ages have come and gone throughout history is earth wobble and solar fluctuations. Guess what's missing from every climate change computer model.
I'm just waiting for the Globalist idiots to start pushing a 'Global Cooling' scam. Because i assure you, that is coming next. But see, at least Global Cooling is a real threat to humanity. There is no evidence showing Global Warming ends life on Earth. In fact, in the warmest temperatures ever recorded, life actually thrived on the Planet. It was incredibly diverse and abundant. More so than today.

However, when it turns cold, life struggles to survive. Not much survives Ice Ages. So at least Global Cooling would be somewhat of a concern. But again, no need to panic. You're gonna die of anything but Global Warming and Global Cooling. So just live and enjoy your short time here. Peace. :)
Just so you know, I have two modes. Serious and fun. If you want to have a serious discussion, cut the insults. If you want to have fun we're good.

So you're saying you're willing to lose your insults now? That you won't be raving more about "global warming nuts" and "moonbats" and "bigots"?

Something about motes and beams comes to mind.

I do find it amusing that apparently you're a skilled researcher capable of reading and interpreting extensive scientific data, a climatologist able to determine the long term effects as well as identify the causes of changes in climate, an astronomist who intimately knows the effect of astronomical events on earth climate and a mathematical and statistical guru who understands complicated mathematical multi variable algorithms and can accurately determining statistical significance on long term results of short term data measurements.

I find your double standards amusing, and indicative of how your politics distorts your view of science.

Any other discipline, you'd have no trouble with people standing on the shoulders of giants and giving a summary of what the current science says. But someone does that in climate science, and you all have meltdowns over it.

And at the same time you can't finish a sentence without a high school insult

So after flinging your own insults, you cry about insults, kind of right after you started getting your ass handed to you. If I had to guess, you're setting up an excuse to get huffy and stomp off.

So you pick fun, do you, pussy?

I didn't give a shit which you picked, I just wanted you to pick.
I'm just waiting for the Globalist idiots to start pushing a 'Global Cooling' scam. Because i assure you, that is coming next.

Don't be absurd. The scientists have been predicting warming pretty consistently since ... oh ... 1958, when this Bell Labs film was made, and then shown in middle school science classrooms for the next 30 years.

Remarkable, how good and how consistent the science has been. Remember, just because you'll flipflop whenever the wind blows, don't assume the rational people are like that.

Now, unlike the very consistent and very correct scientists, deniers often try to push a cooling scare. Or a red scare, which is your specialty. Cooling scare, red scare, the consistent thing is how the real world evidence has no effect on denier hysterical fantasies.
The fact remains there is no such thing as man made global warming/cooling, algore made it up so him and his "green" lobbyists can get rich. And now they all are, it must've worked. Good for them.

Hashtag chicken little is full of Sh!t
I'm just waiting for the Globalist idiots to start pushing a 'Global Cooling' scam. Because i assure you, that is coming next.

Don't be absurd. The scientists have been predicting warming pretty consistently since ... oh ... 1958, when this Bell Labs film was made, and then shown in middle school science classrooms for the next 30 years.

Remarkable, how good and how consistent the science has been. Remember, just because you'll flipflop whenever the wind blows, don't assume the rational people are like that.

Now, unlike the very consistent and very correct scientists, deniers often try to push a cooling scare. Or a red scare, which is your specialty. Cooling scare, red scare, the consistent thing is how the real world evidence has no effect on denier hysterical fantasies.

It was Global Cooling...the New Ice Age! then snow is a thing of the past Global Warming, then after no warming for 2 decades, er, Climate Change! Yeah, that's the ticket!
The fact remains there is no such thing as man made global warming/cooling, algore made it up so him and his "green" lobbyists can get rich.

Sp right after I show a movie from 1958 that explained about why global warming was happening, Rustic here still declares Al Gore invented it.

You just can't fix stupid when it's that powerful.

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