Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

I'm just waiting for the Globalist idiots to start pushing a 'Global Cooling' scam. Because i assure you, that is coming next. But see, at least Global Cooling is a real threat to humanity. There is no evidence showing Global Warming ends life on Earth. In fact, in the warmest temperatures ever recorded, life actually thrived on the Planet. It was incredibly diverse and abundant. More so than today.

However, when it turns cold, life struggles to survive. Not much survives Ice Ages. So at least Global Cooling would be somewhat of a concern. But again, no need to panic. You're gonna die of anything but Global Warming and Global Cooling. So just live and enjoy your short time here. Peace. :)
Been there done that: 1974 the leftards were pushing we were headed into another ice age unless we acted now. Maybe we overreacted?
Another Ice Age?
I'm just waiting for the Globalist idiots to start pushing a 'Global Cooling' scam. Because i assure you, that is coming next.

Don't be absurd. The scientists have been predicting warming pretty consistently since ... oh ... 1958, when this Bell Labs film was made, and then shown in middle school science classrooms for the next 30 years.

Remarkable, how good and how consistent the science has been. Remember, just because you'll flipflop whenever the wind blows, don't assume the rational people are like that.

Now, unlike the very consistent and very correct scientists, deniers often try to push a cooling scare. Or a red scare, which is your specialty. Cooling scare, red scare, the consistent thing is how the real world evidence has no effect on denier hysterical fantasies.

I don't fear Global Warming or Global Cooling. We'll survive... or we won't. The hysterical fear mongering isn't unnecessary. Just enjoy each day here like it's your last.
I'm just waiting for the Globalist idiots to start pushing a 'Global Cooling' scam. Because i assure you, that is coming next.

Don't be absurd. The scientists have been predicting warming pretty consistently since ... oh ... 1958, when this Bell Labs film was made, and then shown in middle school science classrooms for the next 30 years.

Remarkable, how good and how consistent the science has been. Remember, just because you'll flipflop whenever the wind blows, don't assume the rational people are like that.

Now, unlike the very consistent and very correct scientists, deniers often try to push a cooling scare. Or a red scare, which is your specialty. Cooling scare, red scare, the consistent thing is how the real world evidence has no effect on denier hysterical fantasies.

It was Global Cooling...the New Ice Age! then snow is a thing of the past Global Warming, then after no warming for 2 decades, er, Climate Change! Yeah, that's the ticket!

Yeah, and there's no evidence supporting the idea that life can't survive when the Planet warms. In fact, the evidence supports the exact opposite. The Planet has actually been much warmer in the past. And during those periods, animal and plant life thrived. It was incredibly diverse and abundant. But if you are the type that's inclined to live in fear, Global Cooling could be of some concern. Animals and plants don't do well in extreme cold climates. Not much thrives during Ice Ages.

But like i said before, there's no need to fear Global Warming or Global Cooling. Climate Change is just being used to scare people into supporting political agendas. Politics has now invaded Science. And that's very sad. But I would just advise people to live life to the fullest. We're only here a short time. Don't waste that time living in fear.
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I'm just waiting for the Globalist idiots to start pushing a 'Global Cooling' scam. Because i assure you, that is coming next. But see, at least Global Cooling is a real threat to humanity. There is no evidence showing Global Warming ends life on Earth. In fact, in the warmest temperatures ever recorded, life actually thrived on the Planet. It was incredibly diverse and abundant. More so than today.

However, when it turns cold, life struggles to survive. Not much survives Ice Ages. So at least Global Cooling would be somewhat of a concern. But again, no need to panic. You're gonna die of anything but Global Warming and Global Cooling. So just live and enjoy your short time here. Peace. :)
Been there done that: 1974 the leftards were pushing we were headed into another ice age unless we acted now. Maybe we overreacted?
Another Ice Age?

Ha, maybe? There's no need to fear either. Climate Change is being used to scare the People. Frightened people tend to go along with whatever their leaders tell them will save them. Many are willing to give up their Freedom & Liberty in the belief that the One World Government will save them from the Global Warming Boogeyman.

It's that kind of fear that has allowed our Government to implement Nazi decrees like the Patriot Act and NDAA. The People can become so afraid, they're willing to give up all their rights in order to be 'safe.' Fear is a very old and successful tactic used to get the People to go along. Just choose to not live in fear. Keep your Freedom & Liberty, and take your chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman.
Yeah, and there's no evidence supporting the idea that life can't survive when the Planet warms.

So why do so many deniers think life can't survive when the planet warms? After all, you only see that crazy story from deniers. None of the rational people have ever said or implied such a bizarre thing.

Now, the rational people do point out that when the human population and all of its agriculture has evolved around a specific climate pattern, changing that climate quickly will have significant negative consequences. It's not an era of hunter-gatherers any more, who can simply move to a new spot. All the land on earth is already claimed. You can't pack up and move billions of people to wherever the more fertile spot might be. Think of the current Syrian crisis, times a thousand. Nobody wants refugees.
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Been there done that: 1974 the leftards were pushing we were headed into another ice age unless we acted now. Maybe we overreacted?
Another Ice Age?

That's one of cult myths of the deniers, but back in reality, scientists have been consistently predicting warming for a very long time. Deniers, not having any science on their side, are reduced to pointing to some Time Magazine article.


It's the deniers who now make "cooling is imminent!" hysteria one of their staple tactics. Given how the deniers have been failing with their ice age predictions for so many years, why should anyone pay attention to them now?
Yeah, and there's no evidence supporting the idea that life can't survive when the Planet warms.

So why do so many deniers think life can't survive when the planet warms? After all, you only see that crazy story from deniers. None of the rational people have ever said or implied such a bizarre thing.

Now, the rational people do point out that when the human population and all of its agriculture has evolved around a specific climate pattern, changing that climate quickly will have significant negative consequences. It's not an era of hunter-gatherers any more, who can simply move to a new spot. All the land on earth is already claimed. You can't pack up and move billions of people to wherever the more fertile spot might be. Think of the current Syrian crisis, times a thousand. Nobody wants refugees.

To you a "denier" isn't anyone who isn't a propaganda swilling leftist. You don't even require anyone to "deny" to be a "denier." Just not being willing to set yourself on fire in Lafayette Park to get the President to send trillions to poor countries to solve global warming is enough.

I like how you leftists are so rabidly extreme, then you say you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are when you're Republican black and white squared
Yeah, and there's no evidence supporting the idea that life can't survive when the Planet warms.

So why do so many deniers think life can't survive when the planet warms? After all, you only see that crazy story from deniers. None of the rational people have ever said or implied such a bizarre thing.

Now, the rational people do point out that when the human population and all of its agriculture has evolved around a specific climate pattern, changing that climate quickly will have significant negative consequences. It's not an era of hunter-gatherers any more, who can simply move to a new spot. All the land on earth is already claimed. You can't pack up and move billions of people to wherever the more fertile spot might be. Think of the current Syrian crisis, times a thousand. Nobody wants refugees.

Animals and plant life thrive in warm climates. The historical climate record shows that. So if gets warmer, we'll survive. Now if you wanna start fear mongering over 'Global Cooling, i might entertain that for a bit. Animals and plant life struggle in extreme cold climates. Not much can thrive in Ice Ages.

But regardless, it's all hysterical fear mongering at this point. An effort to scare the People into going along with a particular political agenda. Fear is an old successful tactic used to convince the People to go along. It's how our Government was able to implement Nazi decrees like the Patriot Act and NDAA. My advice would be to not live in fear. You're gonna die from something, but it won't be from Global Warming/Global Cooling. So just live and enjoy your short time here. Peace. :)
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Been there done that: 1974 the leftards were pushing we were headed into another ice age unless we acted now. Maybe we overreacted?
Another Ice Age?

That's one of cult myths of the deniers, but back in reality, scientists have been consistently predicting warming for a very long time. Deniers, not having any science on their side, are reduced to pointing to some Time Magazine article.


It's the deniers who now make "cooling is imminent!" hysteria one of their staple tactics. Given how the deniers have been failing with their ice age predictions for so many years, why should anyone pay attention to them now?

All irrelevant. Once the Politicians got involved, the Science became suspect. Politics has invaded the realm of Science. Whether pushing warming or cooling, it's all unnecessary fear mongering.

More CO2 and warming will not end human civilization. In fact, a lush tropical climate has been proven to be ideal for animal and plant life. There is no Global Warming Boogeyman to slay. So... bring on the warmth!
6 degrees in applied mathematics.

You only need applied Real Analysis at the PH.D level and every things covered. Why did he waste his time obtaining 6 degrees?

Something is not right with this person. Wait, is he a doctor?
Soggy in NOLA said:
Are you high or something?

Of higher intelligence, sure. A commonality among deniers is that they're a rather slow crowd. Smart people simply don't get sucked into that cult.

That makes no sense whatsoever. Denialism? What's to deny? Kind of hard to deny something that isn't real.

You're denying the increasing temperatures and the human cause, all of which is directly supported by data that's directly observable. You're denying reality, hence you're a denier.

But hey, maybe there really is a VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot, and you and a small handful of political fringe cultists are the only people in the world who see the RealTruth. Yeah, that's the ticket.

But hey, have at it Chicken Little... the sky IS falling!!!

You can rage on message boards all you want, but the world has left you behind. The American Republican party is the last significant political group on the planet to still bitterly cling to the failed conspiracy theory of denialism. All of the other conservative parties of the world have abandoned your sinking ship.

ha ha ha... Yeah, I know, you AGW cultists are a bunch of geniuses... you tell us daily. I'm old enough tio have been hearing this tired old "we're gonna die in ten years if we don't do (fill in the blank)"

They're yet to be correct. This planet is 4.5 billion years old.... when it is done with us, it will shrug us off like so much dust.
Record Cold And Snow Destroy Global Warming Claims ...
Feb 25, 2015 - Yet another bitterly cold, snowy winter is destroying alarmist global warming ... once again that over-the-top global warming predictions are proving no more ... may have made it more likely, may have made it worse than it would have ... air can hold more moisture, so winter snow storms that used to bring 12 ...

It has been a topsy-turvy winter for much of the contiguous United States. The divide between record warmest and much below-average could not be any more stark. In the eastern US, for the entire winter, average temperatures were amongst the coldest third of all years back to 1895. And along with the cold came record-breaking snow across New England.

On the flip side, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and Washington observed their warmest winters on record (which goes back 120 years) while Oregon, Idaho and Wyoming observed winter in the top three. But let’s not stop there; the warm conditions extended across the far north too as Alaska experienced a second consecutive warm winter.

“Winter” in Alaska | NOAA
6 degrees in applied mathematics.

You only need applied Real Analysis at the PH.D level and every things covered. Why did he waste his time obtaining 6 degrees?

Something is not right with this person. Wait, is he a doctor?

So, wait, now the "pro education", "pro science" bunch is whining about too many degrees?

You people are nuts.
the same morons that want to lecture others on the difference between weather and climate cite records that go "back 120 years" on a planet that is billions of years old.
There have already been two threads in the Environment folder where this got laughed at. But I get it, when conservatives get their marching orders, they all rush to obey.

Evans is a clown who botched the math and physics. However, you won't be able to convince a denier of that, being their faith in their conspiracy theory is unshakable. According to them, the last 3 centuries of math and physics are all wrong, overturned by an electrical engineer political fanatic. Yeah, that's probably it.

If Evans isn't a clown, he merely needs to use his theory to make climate predictions, and show those predictions come true. Mainstream climate science has been getting everything right for decades, which is why it has such credibility. Of course, like every other denier, Evans won't have the guts to put his credibility on the line by making predictions, or to submit his work to peer review.
He has 6 math degrees. It was the IPCC that is either purposely making shit up or is too ignorant to use their magical weather predicting machine properly.

6 math degrees is a red light!! It does not mean he is more intelligent than someone with one degree in mathematics, it means there is something screwy with the person in question.

One PH.D in Mathematics is all you need. You can switch your focus from your dissertation, the PH.D signifies you can teach yourself materials in the field.

Hence, why is this guy claiming 6 degrees in mathematics. Something is screwy here.(Yes, it is possible. But it is also a waste of time!)
the same morons that want to lecture others on the difference between weather and climate cite records that go "back 120 years" on a planet that is billions of years old.

Yeah, that's what, 0.00000266667? Yeah, there's a trend for you.
Sorry, this is a non-starter. You violated the inherent truth of liberalism
evidence your objection to the climate science is one of ideology and not science and truth
Just because it's science does not ever mean it's truth.

I'm not sure what that means, but global warming conclusions are pseudo science
try refuting NASA NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming

Hansen has been an alarmist for years!! He has been busy adjusting data to fit his theory......the epitome of fraud!!

Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA

Frankly it looks like crap to me!!


It looks like two different data sets to me. Are they suppose to be from the same location? Or are they averages?
6 degrees in applied mathematics.

You only need applied Real Analysis at the PH.D level and every things covered. Why did he waste his time obtaining 6 degrees?

Something is not right with this person. Wait, is he a doctor?

So, wait, now the "pro education", "pro science" bunch is whining about too many degrees?

You people are nuts.

If they were from different fields(Like history, Law, philosophy, Physics...) but they are all concentrated in mathematics!!

There is something screwy with such a claim. It is a red light. 6 associate degrees--you should have tried for the PH.D. 6 higher degrees like Bachelor or Masters, then you are living in Academia.

Let me put it another way--You are basically relearning the same things, over and over again.
One thing you learn in all this, is that human beings are fascinated, and obsessed with End-Times and death. They're consumed with the harsh reality of mortality. Whether it's religious zealots, zombie apocalypse zealots, or Global Warming zealots, they all have that in common.

They're obsessed with their eventual demise. There has to be an impending doom to fear. They take some sort of comfort in believing they know how it's gonna end for em. I guess it's the human condition. The sad inevitability of the end.
I'm just waiting for the Globalist idiots to start pushing a 'Global Cooling' scam. Because i assure you, that is coming next. But see, at least Global Cooling is a real threat to humanity. There is no evidence showing Global Warming ends life on Earth. In fact, in the warmest temperatures ever recorded, life actually thrived on the Planet. It was incredibly diverse and abundant. More so than today.

However, when it turns cold, life struggles to survive. Not much survives Ice Ages. So at least Global Cooling would be somewhat of a concern. But again, no need to panic. You're gonna die of anything but Global Warming and Global Cooling. So just live and enjoy your short time here. Peace. :)
Been there done that: 1974 the leftards were pushing we were headed into another ice age unless we acted now. Maybe we overreacted?
Another Ice Age?

Awww, it's that cute global cooling myth again that was debunked last decade.

An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth's climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests.

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