Scientists and warnings.

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have just seen a tragedy concerning a landslide, predicted by scientists, and ignored by all that could have done something to lessen the toll. Politically not expediant to make people uncomfortable. Until they start dieing from that sick set of mind.

Now we have the vast majority of scientists from all over the world stating that global warming is a clear and present danger, one that is already creating problems. And they will be damned by the very same kind of people that let others die for political expediancy.
As the number of weather extemes increases, and the toll becomes greater, what are the political repercussions going to be for those that have been telling people that nothing is happening? My prediction is that people like Senator Inhofe will make a speech in which he will damn the scientists whom he presently castigaters for perpetuating a hoax, for not giving any warning. These "Conservatives" are quite allergic to accountability.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have just seen a tragedy concerning a landslide, predicted by scientists, and ignored by all that could have done something to lessen the toll. Politically not expediant to make people uncomfortable. Until they start dieing from that sick set of mind.

Now we have the vast majority of scientists from all over the world stating that global warming is a clear and present danger, one that is already creating problems. And they will be damned by the very same kind of people that let others die for political expediancy.

You have any links for this? Or are you just making stuff up?

and one doesn't "Stop" a landslide of that magnitude, one moves out of the way.
Geological cycles. Nothing more, nothing less. That we're this arrogant to think that we're anything greater than a pinprick is startling. I suggest reading john mcphee.
Government was supposed to prevent that with zoning regulations so we need to look at where the problem is instead of blaming the "Jews" like Adolf Hitler.
Geological cycles. Nothing more, nothing less. That we're this arrogant to think that we're anything greater than a pinprick is startling. I suggest reading john mcphee.

The Control of Nature is one of my favorite non-fiction books.
While there is no debate among climate scientists about the "greenhouse effect," and that mankind's activities are magnifying it, many other related issues are still fraught with controversy.

The computerized climate extrapolations that predicted the"hockey stick" effect on global temperatures have proven ludicrously pessimistic and, indeed, the level of warming over the past 20 years has maddeningly failed to reach the dire expectations of the alarmists. Predictions of specific increases in global temperatures have been shown to be nothing more than a SWAG ("scientific wild-ass guess") - hardly sufficient to be making major policy decisions over.

The world's use of carbon fuels is going to increase dramatically over the next 20 years (going beyond that is a ridiculous exercise) because of the third world's understandable hunger for modernization (mainly cars and air conditioning), and because of the stupid movement against nuclear power. Note that in GERMANY of all places, where the Greens hold an asurd amount of power, they are replacing Nuke plants with coal, oil, and natural gas plants. And talk to Germans on the street and they are PISSED! Their electric costs are now rivaling their housing costs.

Given this, the measures proposed by Environmentalists to curb CO2 are pointless and potentially hazardous to an economy that is, in every meaningful way, still in recession.

And one cannot help but notice that the people who are shouting loudest about CO2 are coincidentally the ones who would also favor the takeover of the entire industrial/agricultural complex by government. One is reminded of the "Watermelon" metaphor - they are green on the outside, but red on the inside.

And one also wonders why this crowd, who demand draconian economic and regulatory measures based on the percentage of "scientists" who "believe in" anthropogenic global warming, absolutely discounts the opinions of 99% of the country's economists, who are virtually unanimous in their opinion that raising the Minimum Wage is a bad idea.

It's a curious thing indeed.
here in California i feel if you live at the top of a hill or the bottom of one......your a fool and your on your own....Earthquakes happen here climate change or not....
I would find it very refreshing to hear some honesty in the Climate Change debate.

If the naysayers would stop the ignorant denials and just admit that they just don't have the will to change anything in response, I could respect that.
I would find it very refreshing to hear some honesty in the Climate Change debate.

If the naysayers would stop the ignorant denials and just admit that they just don't have the will to change anything in response, I could respect that.
That's odd since we have been decreasing pollutants as technology increases. Where do you see a lack of will? We could cut US emissions to zero and it would have little effect on global CO2s since China is still going full bore without the concern. There's a little honesty for you.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have just seen a tragedy concerning a landslide, predicted by scientists, and ignored by all that could have done something to lessen the toll. Politically not expediant to make people uncomfortable. Until they start dieing from that sick set of mind.

Now we have the vast majority of scientists from all over the world stating that global warming is a clear and present danger, one that is already creating problems. And they will be damned by the very same kind of people that let others die for political expediancy.

Fear mongering at its worst, Roxie.
Politicizing the tragedy is despicable.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have just seen a tragedy concerning a landslide, predicted by scientists, and ignored by all that could have done something to lessen the toll. Politically not expediant to make people uncomfortable. Until they start dieing from that sick set of mind.

Now we have the vast majority of scientists from all over the world stating that global warming is a clear and present danger, one that is already creating problems. And they will be damned by the very same kind of people that let others die for political expediancy.

"Predicted by scientists?" Could you refer us to the article where a scientist predicted this event?
I would find it very refreshing to hear some honesty in the Climate Change debate.

If the naysayers would stop the ignorant denials and just admit that they just don't have the will to change anything in response, I could respect that.

To hear that all you would have to do is start admitting the truth rather than your constant lying.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have just seen a tragedy concerning a landslide, predicted by scientists, and ignored by all that could have done something to lessen the toll. Politically not expediant to make people uncomfortable. Until they start dieing from that sick set of mind.

Now we have the vast majority of scientists from all over the world stating that global warming is a clear and present danger, one that is already creating problems. And they will be damned by the very same kind of people that let others die for political expediancy.

"Predicted by scientists?" Could you refer us to the article where a scientist predicted this event?

"Scientists" as in the Army Corps of Engineers. Roxie will move the truth as needed to fit his drivel. He learned that tactic from the global warming crowd.
As the number of weather extemes increases, and the toll becomes greater, what are the political repercussions going to be for those that have been telling people that nothing is happening? My prediction is that people like Senator Inhofe will make a speech in which he will damn the scientists whom he presently castigaters for perpetuating a hoax, for not giving any warning. These "Conservatives" are quite allergic to accountability.

Weather "extremes" haven't been increasing, numskull. Almost everything you post is based on premises that have been proven false.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have just seen a tragedy concerning a landslide, predicted by scientists, and ignored by all that could have done something to lessen the toll. Politically not expediant to make people uncomfortable. Until they start dieing from that sick set of mind.

Now we have the vast majority of scientists from all over the world stating that global warming is a clear and present danger, one that is already creating problems. And they will be damned by the very same kind of people that let others die for political expediancy.

"Predicted by scientists?" Could you refer us to the article where a scientist predicted this event?

"Scientists" as in the Army Corps of Engineers. Roxie will move the truth as needed to fit his drivel. He learned that tactic from the global warming crowd.

His contortions on this matter are legendary.

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