Scientists mimic fireflies


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Feb 28, 2011
Public release date: 8-Jan-2013
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Contact: Angela Stark
[email protected]
Optical Society of America

Scientists mimic fireflies to make brighter LEDs

Optics Express papers detail new bio-inspired coating that increases LED efficiency by 55 percent

The nighttime twinkling of fireflies has inspired scientists to modify a light-emitting diode (LED) so it is more than one and a half times as efficient as the original. Researchers from Belgium, France, and Canada studied the internal structure of firefly lanterns, the organs on the bioluminescent insects' abdomens that flash to attract mates. The scientists identified an unexpected pattern of jagged scales that enhanced the lanterns' glow, and applied that knowledge to LED design to create an LED overlayer that mimicked the natural structure. The overlayer, which increased LED light extraction by up to 55 percent, could be easily tailored to existing diode designs to help humans light up the night while using less energy. The work is published in a pair of papers today in the Optical Society's (OSA) open-access journal Optics Express...

(read rest of article at:Scientists mimic fireflies to make brighter LEDs )
That's fascinating, Trakar. What a great idea to look to the little masters of bright whose reproduction depends on lighting up. ;)


This is the firefly they used, photuris, from South America.


Above are the insect's scales, located on is lantern. they found

that the sharp edges are where the most light is emitted.​
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That's fascinating, Trakar. What a great idea to look to the little masters of bright whose reproduction depends on lighting up. ;)


This is the firefly they used, photuris, from South America.​


Above are the insect's scales, located on is lantern. they found​

that the sharp edges are where the most light is emitted.​

I completely agree! It shouldn't be surprising that nature finds so many solutions/improvements that are applicable to our technologies. She has had a lot longer to work on the issues than we have!

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