Scientists Prove Warmer Eras Prior to Industrial Age, Disproves AGW

I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

It wasn't that long ago. Not that long ago they were growing grapes and making wine in England. You need not worry about climate change because it's been in a state of constant change since earth was earth. If it ever stops changing, then you can worry.

3 millions years ago is the time mentioned in the study which supposedly proves man-made global warming to be false.
Well it hasn't that long ago that they were growing grapes and making wine in present day England, say 2, 3, or 4 thousand years at most.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

If CO2 was as high 3 million years ago, how did it get that high? Maybe man isn't causing the rise of CO2 now but some natural phenomena is.

The recent indictments of colleges engaging in relatively petty crimes to accept unqualified students if the price is right has revealed a system of corruption. One can only imagine what fudged data researchers would be willing to come up with to support the agenda related to lucrative federal global warming grants.
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Lol, so now we know for a FACT that while humans were still evolving into higher life forms, the Earth was warmer and had more CO2, along with the note that Mars and Earth seem to h ave the same warming/cooling cycles.

If AGW can be falsifiable, meaning it is real science and not psuedo science, then this should do it.

But we all know it is a secular religion and has nothing to do with science and never did.

Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax

Quotes Breitbart.

Expects to be taken seriously.

What’s the option? Mainstream media, i.e., Democrat propagandists, would never report anything that disputes AGW theology.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

If CO2 was as high 3 million years ago, how did it get that high? Maybe man isn't causing the rise of CO2 now but some natural phenomena is.


That might be. My point was that the level of CO2 3 million years ago doesn't prove whether or not man is contributing to it now.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

If CO2 was as high 3 million years ago, how did it get that high? Maybe man isn't causing the rise of CO2 now but some natural phenomena is.


That might be. My point was that the level of CO2 3 million years ago doesn't prove whether or not man is contributing to it now.

Correct. Since we know that CO2 levels can vary without mans "help", I would say it would be damn near impossible to say with certainty that we are the cause of CO2 rise.

I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

If CO2 was as high 3 million years ago, how did it get that high? Maybe man isn't causing the rise of CO2 now but some natural phenomena is.


That might be. My point was that the level of CO2 3 million years ago doesn't prove whether or not man is contributing to it now.

but it does prove no big deal.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

It wasn't that long ago. Not that long ago they were growing grapes and making wine in England. You need not worry about climate change because it's been in a state of constant change since earth was earth. If it ever stops changing, then you can worry.
This is an attitude that I've never understood: just because it may be natural GW is not an issue. I have personally seen the effects of GW in the global loss of glaciers. Man-made or natural, those glaciers are going fast. Are there any other potential natural disasters you think we should ignore? We build levees to control floods, we don't ask are the floods natural or man-made, either will kill.

Um well yes that's what glaciers do... They grow, they shrink....then they grow again.
Now slap yourself in the head and say:


Well heres the thing.....

These bozos say "the science is decided". But then, why do they routinely go rigging the data?:2up:

The other thing is, climate change is an exceedingly fringe issue for voters. Always has been and the reason is, people really dont care. Very few people are moved to climate change action so it's a hugely peripheral issue.....look at the response to the concept of something like the Green New Deal. An immense collective yawn by the public.:113:
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I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

But it does disprove the idea that it’s going to be catastrophic for the environment and cause mass extinctions of many species, which is what the fear mongers are peddling in order to get more control over people’s lives. The globalists could care less about the environment, they just want to use the issue to push their Agenda.
Mass extinctions is a natural process that has been in effect since before Pelosis 1st face lift.
The reason the science isnt mattering in the real world is because climate alarmists started going full-on retard with the bomb throwing about 15 years the point where climate skeptics are winning everywhere you look. It's all documented in this thread which is now 7 years running.....

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

It's a train wreck if you are a climate crusader....:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fu:
Lol, so now we know for a FACT that while humans were still evolving into higher life forms, the Earth was warmer and had more CO2, along with the note that Mars and Earth seem to h ave the same warming/cooling cycles.

If AGW can be falsifiable, meaning it is real science and not psuedo science, then this should do it.

But we all know it is a secular religion and has nothing to do with science and never did.

Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax

Current CO2 levels of 410 parts per million (ppm) were last seen on Earth three million years ago, according to the most detailed reconstruction of the Earth’s climate by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and published in Science Advances.

Yes, you read that correctly, three million — million — years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today…

Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren’t barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols.​

But then again, maybe Mamoth farts were worse than cars?

This doesnt falsify AGW.

This is an attitude that I've never understood: just because it may be natural GW is not an issue. I have personally seen the effects of GW in the global loss of glaciers. Man-made or natural, those glaciers are going fast. Are there any other potential natural disasters you think we should ignore? We build levees to control floods, we don't ask are the floods natural or man-made, either will kill.
Um well yes that's what glaciers do... They grow, they shrink....then they grow again.
Now slap yourself in the head and say:


And species emerge and, the vast majority, go extinct. That is what species do. If that natural cycle is fine with you, that is your call. I'd like humanity to survive, especially my branch of it.
But it does disprove the idea that it’s going to be catastrophic for the environment and cause mass extinctions of many species, which is what the fear mongers are peddling in order to get more control over people’s lives. The globalists could care less about the environment, they just want to use the issue to push their Agenda.
How do we know how catastrophic it will be? Hurricane Sandy alone cost the US 65 billion. If we should have one such storm a year due to GW, spending money now to harden our cities might look like a good investment to our kids.
Lol, so now we know for a FACT that while humans were still evolving into higher life forms, the Earth was warmer and had more CO2, along with the note that Mars and Earth seem to h ave the same warming/cooling cycles.

If AGW can be falsifiable, meaning it is real science and not psuedo science, then this should do it.

But we all know it is a secular religion and has nothing to do with science and never did.

Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax

Current CO2 levels of 410 parts per million (ppm) were last seen on Earth three million years ago, according to the most detailed reconstruction of the Earth’s climate by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and published in Science Advances.

Yes, you read that correctly, three million — million — years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today…

Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren’t barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols.​

But then again, maybe Mamoth farts were worse than cars?

Jim, unfortunately we have a generation of young people who have been brainwashed by the AWG Global Warming myth. They will have to be deprogramed.
But it does disprove the idea that it’s going to be catastrophic for the environment and cause mass extinctions of many species, which is what the fear mongers are peddling in order to get more control over people’s lives. The globalists could care less about the environment, they just want to use the issue to push their Agenda.
How do we know how catastrophic it will be? Hurricane Sandy alone cost the US 65 billion. If we should have one such storm a year due to GW, spending money now to harden our cities might look like a good investment to our kids.

Good idea......if you put Manhatten on 50 ft. stilts I think it would be pretty safe after that from sandy-like storm. Would only cost about 500 billion or so.:2up:
Good idea......if you put Manhatten on 50 ft. stilts I think it would be pretty safe after that from sandy-like storm. Would only cost about 500 billion or so.:2up:
Luckily someone came up with a better idea. Sandy cost NYC $19 billion so I guess they figured $1 billion in prevention is a bargain.
The biggest take away from this article- climate science is NOT settled. If it were, how are they making new discoveries. The second biggest take away- the majority of so called climate experts will tout every new discovery as proof of AGW.
Lol, so now we know for a FACT that while humans were still evolving into higher life forms, the Earth was warmer and had more CO2, along with the note that Mars and Earth seem to h ave the same warming/cooling cycles.

If AGW can be falsifiable, meaning it is real science and not psuedo science, then this should do it.

But we all know it is a secular religion and has nothing to do with science and never did.

Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax

Current CO2 levels of 410 parts per million (ppm) were last seen on Earth three million years ago, according to the most detailed reconstruction of the Earth’s climate by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and published in Science Advances.

Yes, you read that correctly, three million — million — years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today…

Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren’t barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols.​

But then again, maybe Mamoth farts were worse than cars?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, your thread is completely bogus.
3 million years ago there was no political agenda, no redistribution of wealth.
So back then there was no man made global climate change.
Fast forward to today, we have a drive to globalization and redistribution of wealth to the
dictators of third world countries. A push to get rid of the last superpower in the world. we have man made climate change.

See.....I think you now can see the err in this bogus made up fake news story. :eusa_eh:

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