Scientists Simulate "Runaway Greenhouse Effect" That Turns Earth Into Uninhabitable Hell

But THAT's NOT what the taxpayer funded FUDGE STUDY claims.... it claims the WOOD was OUTSIDE unfrozen for 30k years...

I don't like being accused of lying when I haven't lied and you have done so over and over and over again.
homO is...
President Barack Hussein Obama. "homO" is the epithet of a grade school child.
a closeted gay coward with a man as a "wife"
Fuck you, you stupid asshole.
the worst example of a beneficiary of "affirmative action" that was never justified in her case
Fuck you, you stupid asshole
too chicken to SHOW HER TRANSCRIPTS from SCHOOLS ATTENTED because SHE WAS NOT THAT "SMART" and was not admitted on the basis of merit
Fuck you, you STUPID asshole.
a taxpayer funded HATE HOAXER
Fuck you, you stupid asshole
a descendant of JEWISH CONFEDERATE SLAVE OWNERS and blacks from Africa whose ancestors enslaved those sold to the JEWISH OWNED BOATS
Fuck you, you stupid asshole
Fuck you, you stupid asshole
Fuck you, you stupid asshole.
Fuck you, you stupid asshole
Fuck you, you stupid asshole
Fuck you, you stupid asshole.

You're also an utter coward. Let me repeat that: YOU ARE A COWARD
I don't like being accused of lying when I haven't lied and you have done so over and over and over again.

President Barack Hussein Obama. "homO" is the epithet of a grade school child.

Fuck you, you stupid asshole.

Fuck you, you stupid asshole

Fuck you, you STUPID asshole.

Fuck you, you stupid asshole

Fuck you, you stupid asshole

Fuck you, you stupid asshole

Fuck you, you stupid asshole.

Fuck you, you stupid asshole

Fuck you, you stupid asshole

Fuck you, you stupid asshole.

You're also an utter coward. Let me repeat that: YOU ARE A COWARD

Now everyone read that and marvel...

Co2 FRAUD exposed, destroyed, and the real culprit of climate change explained and documented, and THIS is how the Co2 FRAUD responds to it...

The linked story talks about this simulation. The reason I am posting about it here is to point out what is going on here. These "climate scientists" have been pulling stunts like this for years now. They run these concocted computer models that are dependent upon multiple variables, many combinations of which either do not occur in nature or are highly unlikely to occur. Some of their modeling runs mathematical equations that work going forward, but do not work in reverse. For example, 10 plus 10 equals 20. 20 minus 10 equals 10. But in the climate scientology world, where ongoing life-and-death crisis is necessary to keep the funding flowing, 10 plus 10 equals 20, but 20 minus 10 may equal 3. This is the sort of end-result focused, corrupt modeling that the "climate scientists" are dealing with. They seemingly attempt to justify such an unscientific approach with the rather base ethic of "Yeah, but what if it IS true?!? Then we are all going to die!!"

This "simulation" is dependent upon the equations and variables these "climate scientists" programmed. I mean, they could just as easily create a simulation of another ice age. It depends on who is writing the code in the modeling software. Why aren't people asking for independent evaluations of these models? I could create a modeling system on paper that determines for every cigar I smoke I get a sloppy hummer from Erin Burnett. That may be what I want to happen, but I can tell you with a very high degree of certainty that it ain't gonna happen.

The purpose of this end of the world simulation is to keep people upset in order to (1) keep the money flowing to these half-assed scientists, because this is how they are getting paid; and (2) to further the neo-Marxist narratives that keep people on edge and falsely believing that every day they wake up on the precipice of death due to one of many non-existent crises.
As I've posted maybe hundreds of times, people like you do not understand computer models
John Fund writes:

[Imperial College epidemiologist Neil] Ferguson was behind the disputed research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. He also predicted that up to 150,000 people could die. There were fewer than 200 deaths. . . .
In 2002, Ferguson predicted that up to 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease) in beef. In the U.K., there were only 177 deaths from BSE.
In 2005, Ferguson predicted that up to 150 million people could be killed from bird flu. In the end, only 282 people died worldwide from the disease between 2003 and 2009.
In 2009, a government estimate, based on Ferguson’s advice, said a “reasonable worst-case scenario” was that the swine flu would lead to 65,000 British deaths. In the end, swine flu killed 457 people in the U.K.
Last March, Ferguson admitted that his Imperial College model of the COVID-19 disease was based on undocumented, 13-year-old computer code that was intended to be used for a feared influenza pandemic, rather than a coronavirus. Ferguson declined to release his original code so other scientists could check his results. He only released a heavily revised set of code last week, after a six-week delay.
So the real scandal is: Why did anyone ever listen to this guy?
As I've posted maybe hundreds of times, people like you do not understand computer models
John Fund writes:
I agree with you that Lord Long Rod likely knows little about computer models but I have to wonder what this blurb about Ferguson, that you've now posted repeatedly, tells us about climate models in general. Ferguson is not writing GCMs, is he.
Now everyone read that and marvel...
Co2 FRAUD exposed, destroyed, and the real culprit of climate change explained and documented, and THIS is how the Co2 FRAUD responds to it...

A pathological liar. Claims to have been born in 1970, but to have been in Jr, High School in the mid 1960s.

So pathologically dishonest and intellectually stunted that he doesn't even try to get his lies straight.

And then throws a childish tantrum when called on it.

A bit of advice for Crick — if you don't like being called a liar, then perhaps you might want to try telling the truth once in a while. Or, at the very least, pay enough attention to what lies you have already told that you don't so blatantly contradict them with later lies.
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The media is not telling you about all the very credible scientists that disagree, so you are not aware of them apparently. Second, the media you use must not tell you about the flaws with their modeling.

Forget about me, how do YOU sleep at night with the leftist media’s hand up your ass, you piece of shit?
Do tell about these "credible" scientist's fuckup.
A pathological liar. Claims to have been born in 1970, but to have been in Jr, High School in the mid 1960s.
My profile says I was born on January 1st, 1970. I picked that data because computers with dead BIOS batteries constantly suggested it to me.
So pathologically dishonest and intellectually stunted that he doesn't even try to get his lies straight.
I don't lie Bob, so I have no need to try to keep stories straight.
And then throws a childish tantrum when called on it.
It wasn't childish. It was a simplre, rational response to your statements and I have followed up on it precisely as I said I would.
A bit of advice for Crick — if you don't like being called a liar, then perhaps you might want to try telling the truth once in a while.
A bit of advice for you Bob. If you want to call someone a liar, you need some evidence of lies being told. When you have something besides the blatantly obvious and fully intentional misstatement of my DoB, you let us all know. And, mind you, you're the third or fourth person whose called me a liar and not one of them has so far produced anything to back up their accusations. That, of course, makes them and YOU, liars. And they all seem to be driven by the same motivation that is pushing you down this rocky path: embarrassment.
Or, at the very least, pay enough attention to what lies you have already told that you don't so blatantly contradict them with later lies.


I know since you claim to be an electrician, it must have been embarrassing to you to be repeatedly corrected about something as basic as batteries and capacitors but attempting to attack my credibility will not solve your problem. I think everyone here understood your point about circuit load which was certainly correct, but you had missed the actual point of contention: Capacitors have dramatically less internal resistance than do batteries. Using capacitors as a power source is a relatively new application and, to be honest, is not something an electrician would likely ever deal with. Of couse, the same is true of batteries. You deal for the most part with house wiring and power lines, an admirable profession. But everyone makes mistakes now and then. I make mistakes. You can look them up on this forum because I admit it when I do. It's sometimes very embarrassing to do so, but I know it's what needs doing. It's a clear component of exercising The Golden Rule.
Using capacitors as a power source is a relatively new application and, to be honest, is not something an electrician would likely ever deal with. Of couse, the same is true of batteries.
Our trade has bee installing stand alone /feed back systems since they were marketed Crick

Some of us before they were made popular via subsidizations

We've cultivated quite the insight


Our trade has bee installing stand alone /feed back systems since they were marketed Crick
Can you name one of these systems?
Some of us before they were made popular via subsidizations
Subsidizations specifically for capacitive power supplies?
We've cultivated quite the insight


That's good to hear. What insights have you cultivated on the topic? Do you have any comments on the internal resistance of batteries versus capacitors?
Can you name one of these systems?

Subsidizations specifically for capacitive power supplies?

That's good to hear. What insights have you cultivated on the topic? Do you have any comments on the internal resistance of batteries versus capacitors?
I would suggest a completely different thread to discuss energy storage efficacy Crick

I would suggest a completely different thread to discuss energy storage efficacy Crick

Sounds fine. I didn't bring up capactive power supplies here. I simply corrected some erroneous posts.
Using capacitors as a power source is a relatively new application and, to be honest, is not something an electrician would likely ever deal with. Of couse [sic], the same is true of batteries.

Not just one, but two electricians, who certainly know more about such things than you possibly could, have no told you that you're full of shit.
My profile says I was born on January 1st, 1970. I picked that data because computers with dead BIOS batteries constantly suggested it to me.

In other words, you lied.

You even admit that it is an untruth.

You're pissed off about being called a liar, but the evidence is there, for everyone to see. In your profile, you claim a date of birth that you admit is a falsehood. In other words, a lie.

If you are going to lie about something so fundamental to who or what you claim to be, then you have no basis on which to object to being called a liar; and there is no rational basis for anyone else to assume that anything you say is not a lie.

A bit of advice for you Bob. If you want to call someone a liar, you need some evidence of lies being told.

In the When I was in Junior High School, 1965 or 66…


When you have something besides the blatantly obvious and fully intentional misstatement…

A “blatantly obvious and fully intentional misstatement” is just a fancy name for a lie.
Do tell about these "credible" scientist's fuckup.
"Scientist" should not be possessive, you shit-faced cock-suck. Further, you can find plenty of scientific research contra global warming/climate change dogma. All it takes is some curiosity rather than the complacency you are showing.
Well I'm glad I have all of these real scientists on USMB to let me know how these fake scientists are lying to me.
If the dinosaurs thrived in co2 levels 20 times greater than today and in temperatures 10c greater than today (both derived by scientists), then why do the scientists in the op link think it's the end of the world if temperature increased by 3c?

I'm interested in your opinion.
"Scientist" should not be possessive, you shit-faced cock-suck. Further, you can find plenty of scientific research contra global warming/climate change dogma. All it takes is some curiosity rather than the complacency you are showing.
You mean just individual “scientists” who are being paid to represent a denier position or those with just conservative denial beliefs.
You mean just individual “scientists” who are being paid to represent a denier position or those with just conservative denial beliefs.
Just stop it, schmuck. We all know you are just some brown foreigner sitting in a cubicle somewhere. LOL!

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