Scientists Simulate "Runaway Greenhouse Effect" That Turns Earth Into Uninhabitable Hell

By whom? You've been asked more than once for links to some sort of respectable source supporting your claim. I'd like to see one, for instance, that supports your claim that the glacial cycles of the past few million years are NOT the result of Milankovitch cycles. Or how about an actual PhD in a relevant field who describes the Earth as "bipolar".
It's been known since 1964 that convective currents move heat away from the surface of the planet such that surface temperatures are 44% lower than the theoretical surface temperature predicted by the physics of radiative forcing. Or don't you believe this is happening?
  1. CO2 is a weak GHG of which its associated temperature is 1C per doubling of CO2. Which means its GHG effect DIMINISHES as its concentration increases. So not real conducive to the tipping point theory.
  2. Due to convective currents, the entirety of GHG's in the atmosphere is only 44% effective at trapping its theoretical GHG effect at the surface. So also not not real conducive to the tipping point theory.

Let's assess each of our posts to see which one of us is sharting, shall we?

View attachment 881389
I am not interested in the ramblings of uneducated denier slobs.

We have been over this. Seek your attention elsewhere.
You should take your findings and go become a famous millionaire. The entire world will know your name after you bring these stunning revelations to the desks of real scientists. I'll await the news articles. Congratulations sir.

I am not interested in the ramblings of uneducated denier slobs.

We have been over this. Seek your attention elsewhere.
You don't seem educated to me so why should your opinion of me matter?

The planet cooled for millions of years with atmospheric CO2 greater than 600 ppm.
So also not not real conducive to the tipping point theory.
You don't seem educated to me so why should your opinion of me matter?
I don't care if my opinion of you matters to you. You are one odd little person.

Please seek your attention elsewhere. I have no use for the mental sharts of denier fools.
I don't care if my opinion of you matters to you. You are one odd little person.

Please seek your attention elsewhere. I have no use for the mental sharts of denier fools.
Your opinion doesn't matter to anyone. You're a loser in real life too.
Sounds like it matters to you.
Very much so.

He's frustrated that this message board is his intellectual ceiling. He truly believes he has outsmarted the global scientific community, and that his being relegated to a laughingstock on a message board is a crime against intellect and humanity.

So he talks about putting things in my anus. It's creepy to watch.
Very much so.

He's frustrated that this message board is his intellectual ceiling. He truly believes he has outsmarted the global scientific community, and that his being relegated to a laughingstock on a message board is a crime against intellect and humanity.

So he talks about putting things in my anus. It's creepy to watch.
If you can first tell us how it applies to the topic of this thread, sure.

However, if it's just some crazy personal vendetta thing, then nobody wants to see it.

The whole way the Co2 FRAUD spun out of the homO silence 2010 2012 was to re-write history. That is what McBullshit did. The Co2 FRAUD was busted. North American Ice Age needed to be "changed" since it proved




and you have helped to expose McBullshit as BULLSHIT, thanks...
The whole way the Co2 FRAUD spun out of the homO silence 2010 2012 was to re-write history. That is what McBullshit did. The Co2 FRAUD was busted. North American Ice Age needed to be "changed" since it proved




and you have helped to expose McBullshit as BULLSHIT, thanks...
I understand homO is your grade school epithet for Two-time President Barack Obama, but who is McBullshit?
When did North America freeze while Greenland was thawed?

Your royal moronic ass just got that backwards. NA thawed, Greenland froze.... duh...

Past 20k years
Past 1 million years

And every moment in between
I understand homO is your grade school epithet for Two-time President Barack Obama, but who is McBullshit?

homO took the FBI fraud case that caused her to go SILENT for 2 years....

and gave it to the Co2 FRAUD, which had to re-write North American Ice Age into something that claims wood left outside for 30k years did not decompose...
Your royal moronic ass just got that backwards. NA thawed, Greenland froze.... duh...

For this to be a surprise, NA would have to be frozen (before it thawed) and
Greenland would have to be thawed (before it froze).

So, when was that you silly twit?
For this to be a surprise, NA would have to be frozen (before it thawed) and
Greenland would have to be thawed (before it froze).

So, when was that you silly twit?

Greenland was completely green 2 million years ago.

North America was buried in ice down past CHICAGO in the past million years.
Greenland was completely green 2 million years ago.

North America was buried in ice down past CHICAGO in the past million years.

Now you need to show that Greenland was completely green
at the same moment that North America was buried in ice.
homO took the FBI fraud case that caused her to go SILENT for 2 years....
Who is "her"? What FBI fraud case? And since I guess I don't know, who is homO? Why don't you try talking like a normal person and drop the ridiculous nicknames? They make you sound like a sixth grader.
This is a link to a Google search results page, not to a specific page on this topic. We cannot tell to what page you are referring with this.
and gave it to the Co2 FRAUD
Gave what? And what do you mean by "CO2 FRAUD"? How was something "given to" it?
which had to re-write North American Ice Age
What do you mean re-write an ice age?
into something that claims wood left outside for 30k years did not decompose...
Hmm... by being buried in anoxic conditions? By being frozen? Here is an article about a wooden structure in Zambia found to be 476,000 years old. Archaeologists in Zambia Have Found the World's Oldest Wooden Structure, Which Dates Back Nearly Half a Million Years | Artnet News. What makes you think wood won't last past 100 years? There are occupied wooden homes and structures several times that old.

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