Scientists Simulate "Runaway Greenhouse Effect" That Turns Earth Into Uninhabitable Hell

Who is "her"? What FBI fraud case? And since I guess I don't know, who is homO? Why don't you try talking like a normal person and drop the ridiculous nicknames? They make you sound like a sixth grader.

This is a link to a Google search results page, not to a specific page on this topic. We cannot tell to what page you are referring with this.

Gave what? And what do you mean by "CO2 FRAUD"? How was something "given to" it?

What do you mean re-write an ice age?

Hmm... by being buried in anoxic conditions? By being frozen? Here is an article about a wooden structure in Zambia found to be 476,000 years old. Archaeologists in Zambia Have Found the World's Oldest Wooden Structure, Which Dates Back Nearly Half a Million Years | Artnet News. What makes you think wood won't last past 100 years? There are occupied wooden homes and structures several times that old.

Wood from trees, like stumps, branches, and limbs will take a very long time to decompose, upwards of 50-100 years if left whole.

Nice try.... not frozen, not covered in volcanic ash....



Doesn't matter if Greenland was green 2 million years ago if North America was also green at the same moment.
Try again?
Who is "her"? What FBI fraud case? And since I guess I don't know, who is homO? Why don't you try talking like a normal person and drop the ridiculous nicknames? They make you sound like a sixth grader.

This is a link to a Google search results page, not to a specific page on this topic. We cannot tell to what page you are referring with this.

Gave what? And what do you mean by "CO2 FRAUD"? How was something "given to" it?

What do you mean re-write an ice age?

Hmm... by being buried in anoxic conditions? By being frozen? Here is an article about a wooden structure in Zambia found to be 476,000 years old. Archaeologists in Zambia Have Found the World's Oldest Wooden Structure, Which Dates Back Nearly Half a Million Years | Artnet News. What makes you think wood won't last past 100 years? There are occupied wooden homes and structures several times that old.

Obama (and the Jews) took 2 years to destroy all the evidence, online and hard copy, that the ice sheet that covered Chicago was there for 30 million years.

It makes perfect sense. That's why he can't provide evidence for his silly claims.
Doesn't matter if Greenland was green 2 million years ago if North America was also green at the same moment.
Try again?


Still sticking with McBullshit???

We've had this one before. You were EMBARRASSED....


Still sticking with McBullshit???

We've had this one before. You were EMBARRASSED....

Stick failing to provide evidence of your claims? LOL
Still claiming wood outside takes thousands of years to decompose??


Busting McBullshit was TOO EASY....

You're free to prove they dated the wood and soil incorrectly.
Or that the glacier lasted 30 million years.
You've been failing for years, I don't expect that to change now.
You're free to prove they dated the wood and soil incorrectly.
Or that the glacier lasted 30 million years.
You've been failing for years, I don't expect that to change now.

Everyone with an IQ over 5 is free to read how laughable the McBullshit claims are....

Everyone with an IQ over 5 is free to read how laughable the McBullshit claims are....

Why are you posting old threads that didn't prove your claims?

Just post the original sources. Of course, they didn't prove your claims either. DURR

Wood from trees, like stumps, branches, and limbs will take a very long time to decompose, upwards of 50-100 years if left whole.

Nice try.... not frozen, not covered in volcanic ash....
Your linked article contained no discussion of frozen wood or wood in anoxic conditions. The fact that the Horyuji Temple in Nara, Japan is still standing and in use 1,400 years after it was built tells me that wood can last longer than you say.
Answer this question; who is homO and why don't you just use their fucking name?

It's becoming really obvious that you have some serious psychological issues and maybe the best thing anyone here at USMB could do is to stop responding to you completely. When you first got here I suggested to management that it might be in your best interests if they werre to boot you, but they demurred. I'll carry on here with you a little bit, but then I think I'm gonna put you on a hard ignore and hope everyone else does the same. I'm no shrink, but it certainly doesn't appear that being here is doing YOU any good.
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When they hide data, ignore FOIAs, don't release the code for the models they use, blackball those who demand to see said data, and work as a closed shop, they're no "authority" whatsoever.
Or you ask to see the experiments linking CO2 to temperature and all you gets back are irrelevant graphs and card tricks
Your linked article contained no discussion of frozen wood or wood in anoxic conditions. The fact that the Horyuji Temple in Nara, Japan is still standing and in use 1,400 years after it was built tells me that wood can last longer than you say.

Answer this question; who is homO and why don't you just use their fucking name?

It's becoming really obvious that you have some serious psychological issues and maybe the best thing anyone here at USMB could do is to stop responding to you completely. When you first got here I suggested to management that it might be in your best interests if they werre to boot you, but they demurred. I'll carry on here with you a little bit, but then I think I'm gonna put you on a hard ignore and hope everyone else does the same. I'm no shrink, but it certainly doesn't appear that being here is doing YOU any good.
I spent the afternoon with my friend who works for Duke Energy.

What to hear the latest on the dumbass solar fields?

Looks like Duke bought cheap land to build the stupid things on here in Florida.

Now they are having sinkhole problems.

Seems like the arrays are keeping water from flowing into the ground like it naturally should and the limestone matrix underneath is starting to collapse. Not only are the solar farms destroying the land for farming or ranching but they are screwing up the flow of ground water.

Nobody bothered to do the correct geological surveys or environmental impacts prior to building the stupid farms. Shit like that always happens when the dumbass government subsidizes worthless projects.

This stupidity is going to cost Duke millions.
I spent the afternoon with my friend who works for Duke Energy.
Wow... a friend.
What to hear the latest on the dumbass solar fields?
Did you mean "Want to hear..."?

I don't know. What does your friend actually do for Duke Energy?
Looks like Duke bought cheap land to build the stupid things on here in Florida.
That's nice.
Now they are having sinkhole problems.
Are the sinkholes being caused by the solar panels?
Seems like the arrays are keeping water from flowing into the ground like it naturally should
How are they doing that?
and the limestone matrix underneath is starting to collapse.
I went looking for some reports on such things and came across this:

I hope your friend isn't involved. This doesn't make Duke Energy look very ethical.
Not only are the solar farms destroying the land for farming or ranching but they are screwing up the flow of ground water.
One more time, could you explain how they're doing that? I think everyone here has seen a solar farm installation. The panels are all tilted to catch the sun. The rain just runs right off them. It's not like they have gutters on all the panels and pipe it to the next county. Rainwater would be redirected a couple feet at most. They would have nowhere near the impact of a housing project if such an effect were real. How about a link to an article about this? Or is it a Duke Energy secret that you weren't supposed to talk about?
Nobody bothered to do the correct geological surveys or environmental impacts prior to building the stupid farms.
Really? So you're claiming that Duke put several million dollars of their own money at risk to avoid doing some paperwork?
Shit like that always happens when the dumbass government subsidizes worthless projects.
How much subsidy did Duke receive? And if they didn't do the proper impact studies, aren't they going to have to give it all back?
This stupidity is going to cost Duke millions.
That would be the stupidity of not doing a proper enivonmental impact assessment and, apparently, catching all the rainwater that hits the panels and piping it a significant distance away. Now how is ANY of that the fault of solar PV?
Your linked article contained no discussion of frozen wood or wood in anoxic conditions

But THAT's NOT what the taxpayer funded FUDGE STUDY claims.... it claims the WOOD was OUTSIDE unfrozen for 30k years...


who is homO

homO is...

a closeted gay coward with a man as a "wife"
the worst example of a beneficiary of "affirmative action" that was never justified in her case
too chicken to SHOW HER TRANSCRIPTS from SCHOOLS ATTENTED because SHE WAS NOT THAT "SMART" and was not admitted on the basis of merit
a taxpayer funded HATE HOAXER
a descendant of JEWISH CONFEDERATE SLAVE OWNERS and blacks from Africa whose ancestors enslaved those sold to the JEWISH OWNED BOATS

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