scientists tamper with "global warming" data

The most important fact here is that scientists can't be trusted. They tamper.

I don't trust anything they say.

The Most Important fact here, is that Relativism destroys everything it touches. And never more so than where the pursuit of truth, requires objectivity.
Even if they did find that the arctic has warmed much faster then originally thought. I don't think this was a very good political move on the part of the noaa.

Bad time to grow the anti-science movement just to say that a short pause didn't happen.
The most important fact here is that scientists can't be trusted. They tamper.

I don't trust anything they say.

The Most Important fact here, is that Relativism destroys everything it touches. And never more so than where the pursuit of truth, requires objectivity.

These two quotes tell me that America in decline and we can't advance anymore as we don't have the will to be the best.
97% of scientists? more like the 97% of scientists being threated to agree or be fed to the lions.
Ah yes. Them scientists cannot be trusted to do science. Let obese junkies on the AM radio, or fake British Lords, maybe even undegreed ex-TV weathermen at WUWT do all your science for you.

You people sure do represent the most willfully ignorant assholes America has produced. As Mathew has pointed out, the political thing to do would have been to introduce the data a little at a time as new information. However, that is not how scientists work. Karl and his associates believe they have found why the pause is an artifact of the data, and does not really exist. If further research proves them correct, then we are in more trouble than we thought. If it proves them wrong, we are still in trouble, we just have had a bit of a breather in the continued rise of temperature, a breather that you people have done your best to see wasted.

There is not one Scientific Society, not one National Academy of Science, and not one major University that does not state that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. The fact of rising temperature, and an increasingly dodgy climate is now becoming clear to all.

You fools flap yap about the scientists predictions, yet in 1981, while people like you were denying there was any warming taking place, Dr. James Hansen predicted the opening of the Northwest Passage in the 21st century, as well as increasing droughts in the Southwest of North America. What he did get wrong was he expected those to happen during the latter part of the century, and they occurred in the first decade of the 21st century.
the 97% of so called scientists are just as much as a mystery in regards when we hear "Critics Say". yah, right, what critics believe its the funniest movie this year? names and addresses please.:blahblah:
97% of scientists? more like the 97% of scientists being threated to agree or be fed to the lions.
So, you are a damned fucking idiot. You publish in a peer reviewed journal with proper evidence, and you will not be 'fed to lions'. There may be other articles rebutting yours, with the evidence then see, but that is how science is done. And then the evidence is sorted out, and one hypothesis or the other is accepted, or a synthesis of the ideas occurs.

Again, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. That pretty well takes care of the 97%. More like 99%. And these are Societies, Academies, and Universities in very different cultures and political systems. So, are all of these in a grand conspiracy? And, if so, a conspiracy commanded by whom or what? Perhaps you people need to make a major investment in little tin hats.
Ah yes. Them scientists cannot be trusted to do science. Let obese junkies on the AM radio, or fake British Lords, maybe even undegreed ex-TV weathermen at WUWT do all your science for you.

You people sure do represent the most willfully ignorant assholes America has produced. As Mathew has pointed out, the political thing to do would have been to introduce the data a little at a time as new information. However, that is not how scientists work. Karl and his associates believe they have found why the pause is an artifact of the data, and does not really exist. If further research proves them correct, then we are in more trouble than we thought. If it proves them wrong, we are still in trouble, we just have had a bit of a breather in the continued rise of temperature, a breather that you people have done your best to see wasted.

There is not one Scientific Society, not one National Academy of Science, and not one major University that does not state that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. The fact of rising temperature, and an increasingly dodgy climate is now becoming clear to all.

You fools flap yap about the scientists predictions, yet in 1981, while people like you were denying there was any warming taking place, Dr. James Hansen predicted the opening of the Northwest Passage in the 21st century, as well as increasing droughts in the Southwest of North America. What he did get wrong was he expected those to happen during the latter part of the century, and they occurred in the first decade of the 21st century.
yea we know captain obvious, we don't need skools to tell us climate change happens, just go outside.

Now the question remains is it man made? If it was, it would be more drastic then this. Way more.
Global Warming means that both poles are melting and New York City is under 3 feet of water. till that day comes, no global warming.
97% of scientists? more like the 97% of scientists being threated to agree or be fed to the lions.
So, you are a damned fucking idiot. You publish in a peer reviewed journal with proper evidence, and you will not be 'fed to lions'. There may be other articles rebutting yours, with the evidence then see, but that is how science is done. And then the evidence is sorted out, and one hypothesis or the other is accepted, or a synthesis of the ideas occurs.

Again, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. That pretty well takes care of the 97%. More like 99%. And these are Societies, Academies, and Universities in very different cultures and political systems. So, are all of these in a grand conspiracy? And, if so, a conspiracy commanded by whom or what? Perhaps you people need to make a major investment in little tin hats.
Perhaps they shouldn't have allowed some to taint the reputation of all...............When they Lie to make the raw data match their projections then they are no longer to be trusted....................and must earn that trust back............

The computer models haven't proven accurate............

and you expect the world to bow down and spend massive amounts of money to make changes that will drive energy prices up..........That is a blow to the pocket books of everyone.......................

and's all about how much is Mother Nature and how much is caused by man.............but they always point to man even thought the lion's share is from mother nature.
oh, and when Global Warming hits, Al Gore will be in the north pole taking pictures of Penguins floating on ice.
April data after improved procedures Chilling news for Mr Gore at The Global Warming Challenge

The benchmark global temperature data from the researchers at UAH-Huntsville have been adjusted to compensate for drifting in the positions of the satellites that take the readings and other improvements in the measurements and calculations. The improvements in the data series must be disconcerting for warming alarmists such as Mr Gore and the IPCC: dangerous warming and a “turning point” are nowhere to be seen. We hope they are relieved that there is (even less) reason to believe the Earth is in danger and that governments will realise the folly of policies to reduce carbon dioxide levels.

Our chart of The Bet to April 2015 is shown to the right of the page, as usual, using UAH’s revised series. The picture is clear, but for this who prefer numbers, here is a very small one: 0.000000000005. That number (which is roughly equal to 1-divided-by 214 billion) is the probability that temperatures would have equaled-or-exceeded Mr Gore and the IPCC’s 0.03°C per annum warming projection as few or fewer times as the 13-out-of-88 months of The Bet so far that they have done so… if their projection were unbiased.
97% of scientists? more like the 97% of scientists being threated to agree or be fed to the lions.
So, you are a damned fucking idiot. You publish in a peer reviewed journal with proper evidence, and you will not be 'fed to lions'. There may be other articles rebutting yours, with the evidence then see, but that is how science is done. And then the evidence is sorted out, and one hypothesis or the other is accepted, or a synthesis of the ideas occurs.

Again, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. That pretty well takes care of the 97%. More like 99%. And these are Societies, Academies, and Universities in very different cultures and political systems. So, are all of these in a grand conspiracy? And, if so, a conspiracy commanded by whom or what? Perhaps you people need to make a major investment in little tin hats.
Perhaps they shouldn't have allowed some to taint the reputation of all...............When they Lie to make the raw data match their projections then they are no longer to be trusted....................and must earn that trust back............

The computer models haven't proven accurate............

and you expect the world to bow down and spend massive amounts of money to make changes that will drive energy prices up..........That is a blow to the pocket books of everyone.......................

and's all about how much is Mother Nature and how much is caused by man.............but they always point to man even thought the lion's share is from mother nature.
the man made global climate change cult made it way to political, way to much social engineering, they will never win this one because they fudge numbers to correct their model.

Again been on this planet for 50 years still waiting for the Sears tower to be under snow by now . like they said in 1975.

So disappointed
if we are dealing with global warming, then why aren't we hearing stories in the news about polar bears wandering thru back yards of Canadians homes?

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