scientists tamper with "global warming" data

That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not - Forbes

Since 1998, more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” Included are atmospheric physicists, botanists, geologists, oceanographers, and meteorologists.

So where did that famous “consensus” claim that “98% of all scientists believe in global warming” come from? It originated from an endlessly reported 2009 American Geophysical Union (AGU) survey consisting of an intentionally brief two-minute, two question online survey sent to 10,257 earth scientists by two researchers at the University of Illinois. Of the about 3.000 who responded, 82% answered “yes” to the second question, which like the first, most people I know would also have agreed with.

Then of those, only a small subset, just 77 who had been successful in getting more than half of their papers recently accepted by peer-reviewed climate science journals, were considered in their survey statistic. That “98% all scientists” referred to a laughably puny number of 75 of those 77 who answered “yes”.

That anything-but-scientific survey asked two questions. The first: “When compared with pre-1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?” Few would be expected to dispute this…the planet began thawing out of the “Little Ice Age” in the middle 19th century, predating the Industrial Revolution. (That was the coldest period since the last real Ice Age ended roughly 10,000 years ago.)

The second question asked: “Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?” So what constitutes “significant”? Does “changing” include both cooling and warming… and for both “better” and “worse”? And which contributions…does this include land use changes, such as agriculture and deforestation?
Yessiree..............Bob...... All them thar pointy headed librul scientists all over the world are in on a massive conspiracy to fool us about the climate and weather. In fact, the gots these machines that can get right into your little mind, so stock up on plenty of aluminum foil for hats, yessirreee Bob!

They altered the data you stupid fuck
Global Warming Petition Project


31,487 American scientists have signed this petition,
including 9,029 with PhDs
Again..................the 97% BS common statement is BS...........

It was a bogus survey and many scientist aren't on board...............

Yet like Al Gore, the IPCC, and even NASA and NOAA................LYING has become the norm.
List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

shows more in the categories of it's UNKNOWN, IT'S CAUSED BY NATURE, QUESTIONING THE IPCC.................

The 97% survey was a tainted survey........and it is used all the time by the alarmist.........and many they said who were part of the 97% aren't on board.
maybe al gore needs to tell the world the names of these so-called scientists, and what political party they represent?
List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

shows more in the categories of it's UNKNOWN, IT'S CAUSED BY NATURE, QUESTIONING THE IPCC.................

The 97% survey was a tainted survey........and it is used all the time by the alarmist.........and many they said who were part of the 97% aren't on board.
maybe al gore needs to tell the world the names of these so-called scientists, and what political party they represent?
They are currently having the IRS audit their taxes..................................
List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

shows more in the categories of it's UNKNOWN, IT'S CAUSED BY NATURE, QUESTIONING THE IPCC.................

The 97% survey was a tainted survey........and it is used all the time by the alarmist.........and many they said who were part of the 97% aren't on board.
maybe al gore needs to tell the world the names of these so-called scientists, and what political party they represent?
They are currently having the IRS audit their taxes..................................
and they probably all talk like richard simmons and hampsters.
if i had a dog, he would be able to tell the truth about global warming, even if i had a horse, and at least horses talk.
Global Warming Petition Project


31,487 American scientists have signed this petition,
including 9,029 with PhDs

OISM. A bunch of fruitloops down near the great metropolis of Cave Junction, Oregon.

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine - SourceWatch

The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) describes itself as "a small research institute" that studies "biochemistry, diagnostic medicine, nutrition, preventive medicine and the molecular biology of aging." It is headed by Arthur B. Robinson, an eccentric scientist who has a long history of controversial entanglements with figures on the fringe of accepted research. OISM also markets a home-schooling kit for "parents concerned about socialism in the public schools" and publishes books on how to survive nuclear war.

In 1998 the OISM circulated the Oregon Petition, a deceptive "scientists' petition" skeptical of global warming, in collaboration with Frederick Seitz

The Oregon Petition, sponsored by the OISM, was circulated in April 1998 in a bulk mailing to tens of thousands of U.S. scientists. In addition to the petition, the mailing included what appeared to be a reprint of a scientific paper. Authored by OISM's Arthur B. Robinson, Sallie L. Baliunas, Willie Soon, and Zachary W. Robinson, the paper was titled "Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" and was printed in the same typeface and format as the official Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Also included was a reprint of a December 1997, Wall Street Journal editorial, "Science Has Spoken: Global Warming Is a Myth", by Arthur and Zachary Robinson. A cover note signed "Frederick Seitz/Past President, National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A./President Emeritus, Rockefeller University", may have given some persons the impression that Robinson's paper was an official publication of the academy's peer-reviewed journal. The blatant editorializing in the pseudopaper, however, was uncharacteristic of scientific papers.

The NAS issued an unusually blunt formal response to the petition drive. "The NAS Council would like to make it clear that this petition has nothing to do with the National Academy of Sciences and that the manuscript was not published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences or in any other peer-reviewed journal," it stated in a news release. "The petition does not reflect the conclusions of expert reports of the Academy." In fact, it pointed out, its own prior published study had shown that "even given the considerable uncertainties in our knowledge of the relevant phenomena, greenhouse warming poses a potential threat sufficient to merit prompt responses. Investment in mitigation measures acts as insurance protection against the great uncertainties and the possibility of dramatic surprises."

If one looks over that petition, you might be surprised at some of the names.
List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

shows more in the categories of it's UNKNOWN, IT'S CAUSED BY NATURE, QUESTIONING THE IPCC.................

The 97% survey was a tainted survey........and it is used all the time by the alarmist.........and many they said who were part of the 97% aren't on board.
maybe al gore needs to tell the world the names of these so-called scientists, and what political party they represent?
Maybe you need to cease being such a fucked up liar. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. So you have the vast majority of scientists from every culture and political system in the world stating this, and then you ask what political party do these scientists belong?
if i had a dog, he would be able to tell the truth about global warming, even if i had a horse, and at least horses talk.
Either would have more sense than you demonstrate. Ironic, nearly everything that you enjoy in this wonderful modern society is the result of the efforts of scientists, but numbskulls like you can do nothing but denigrate them. Why don't you just admit the obvious truth. You are simply too stupid to comprehend what they are talking about, and to lazy to even try.
Over 31 000 scientists signed the OISM Petition Project

However, as mentioned above, it’s entirely reasonable to ask whether a veterinarian orforestry manager or electrical engineer should qualify as a scientist. If we remove all the engineers, medical professionals, computer scientists, and mathematicians, then the 31,478 “scientists” turn into 13,245 actual scientists, as opposed to scientists according to the OISM’s expansive definition. Of course, not all of them are working in science, but since some medical professionals and statisticians do work in science, it’s still a reasonable quick estimate.

However, it’s not reasonable to expect that all of those actual scientists are working inclimate sciences. Certainly the 39 climatologists, but after that, it gets much murkier. Most geologists don’t work as climate scientists, although some certainly do. Most meteorologists do weather forecasting, but understanding the weather is radically different than understanding climate. So we can’t be sure beyond the 39 climatologists, although we can reasonably assume that the number is far less than the 13,245 actual scientists claimed by the OISM.

13,245 scientists is only 0.1% of the scientists graduated in the U.S. since the 1970-71 school year.

We can, however, compare the number of atmospheric scientists, climagologists, ocean scientists, and meteorologists who signed this petition to the number of members of the various professional organizations. For example, the American Geophysical Union (AGU)has over 55,000 members, of which over 7,200 claim that atmospheric sciences is their primary field. The OISM claims 152 atmospheric scientists. Compared to the atmospheric scientist membership in the AGU, the OISM signatories are only 2.1%, and this estimate is high given the fact that the AGU does not claim all atmospheric scientists as members.

The AGU hydrology group has over 6,000 members who call hydrology their primary field. The OISM list has 22 names that claim to be hydrologists, or 0.4%.

The AGU ocean sciences group claims approximately 6,800 members. The OISM has 83 names, or 1.2%. And again, given that AGU membership is not required to be a practicing ocean scientists, this number is inflated.

Perhaps the list has been cleaned up, but originally some people spotted it for what it was, and sent in forms with Dr. Donald D. Duck, and other such names.
List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

shows more in the categories of it's UNKNOWN, IT'S CAUSED BY NATURE, QUESTIONING THE IPCC.................

The 97% survey was a tainted survey........and it is used all the time by the alarmist.........and many they said who were part of the 97% aren't on board.
maybe al gore needs to tell the world the names of these so-called scientists, and what political party they represent?
Maybe you need to cease being such a fucked up liar. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. So you have the vast majority of scientists from every culture and political system in the world stating this, and then you ask what political party do these scientists belong?

You mean a gang of political hacks who depend on government for their livelihoods said it was real. Only the leadership of these organizations said so. They don't speak for every member of their organizations. In fact, they frequently say exactly opposite of what their members believe.

As usual, your hack appeal to authority is convincing only to the gullible.
if i had a dog, he would be able to tell the truth about global warming, even if i had a horse, and at least horses talk.
Either would have more sense than you demonstrate. Ironic, nearly everything that you enjoy in this wonderful modern society is the result of the efforts of scientists, but numbskulls like you can do nothing but denigrate them. Why don't you just admit the obvious truth. You are simply too stupid to comprehend what they are talking about, and to lazy to even try.

Since scientists have been put on the government payroll they have become political hacks, propagandists and liars who doctor the data.

Yeah, we denigrate phony scientists.
Even if they did find that the arctic has warmed much faster then originally thought. I don't think this was a very good political move on the part of the noaa.

Bad time to grow the anti-science movement just to say that a short pause didn't happen.

You know full well that all arctic warming is an artifact of infilling. The warming is total bull shit and does not match reality. One station at 82.5 deg Lat is used to infill all data to the pole over 15,000 square miles and that station has been adjusted up by NOAA +1.2 deg C. You remove this bias and it has been cooling or zero trend now for some time.. Buoy stations placed on the ice pack show the bias is not only unwarranted but a gross error.
Yessiree..............Bob...... All them thar pointy headed librul scientists all over the world are in on a massive conspiracy to fool us about the climate and weather. In fact, the gots these machines that can get right into your little mind, so stock up on plenty of aluminum foil for hats, yessirreee Bob!
List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

shows more in the categories of it's UNKNOWN, IT'S CAUSED BY NATURE, QUESTIONING THE IPCC.................

The 97% survey was a tainted survey........and it is used all the time by the alarmist.........and many they said who were part of the 97% aren't on board.
maybe al gore needs to tell the world the names of these so-called scientists, and what political party they represent?
Maybe you need to cease being such a fucked up liar. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. So you have the vast majority of scientists from every culture and political system in the world stating this, and then you ask what political party do these scientists belong?
Sure for how much?

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