Scorpion/Crab: Revelations [TrumpUSA Dianetics*]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Why does capitalism feel like a benchmark crusade?

Are we too 'anxious' about traffic drama?



"I saw great cities tangled with each other, and North Korea involved in a nuclear test-crisis during Labor Day weekend 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump's first real 'test' and the opening of TrumpUSA geopolitical 'intrigue.' Trump, a former capitalism-baron, loved using Twitter to talk daily to the American people about all the commercial/traffic intrigue of capitalism in the modern (21st Century) era. There was ample social labyrinth drama to make for a Revelations-oriented geopolitical diorama. Trump was the band-master, of course."


"The modern age saw an explosion in consumerism, starting in the 'Big 1980s' and the inception of computers and networking that reflected the business world's interest in using grids to create global traffic securities. After 9/11, when anti-capitalism terrorists from the Middle East destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC, the world become 'on edge' about geopolitical securities in the 21st Century(!). Would America ('TrumpUSA') survive the adolescent age of commercial vanities and great bazaar designs/ornaments (e.g., People Magazine, GQ, NASDAQ, World Bank, etc.)? Would human civilization be able to embrace this new 'glamour' oriented aesthetic?"


"This was the time of the reign of the great and ominous underworld 'figure' known as Scorpion. This figure/character was resembling a scorpion, complete with writhing poison-filled large tail signifying intentions to confound everyday life and behavior with toxic/deadly doses of traffic subversion (e.g., 9/11). Who would deal with the venom of the Scorpion so TrumpUSA could be properly hoisted as a mighty 'beacon' of modern capitalism flowery? Who could withstand the Scorpion's mighty taste for blood and urban calamity voyeurism (e.g. Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992)?"


"The proverbial 'dark' or 'brooding' cities emerging in this time of the reign of the Scorpion were ominously gray and lit up by the lights of commerce and civilian traffic. Scorpion would want pedestrians to feel 'anxious' about the modern world's media offerings of lifestyle/traffic normality and vitality. Scorpion would entreat the yearning for anti-establishment terrorism (e.g., 9/11) to send ripples of panic to disrupt consumerism flow and commerce imagination. That's why someone would need to dispel the presence of Scorpion so the modern city would be properly fitted into a larger matrix of 'ergonomic traffic/dynamics'."


"It was in fact the meditating god of governance/destruction named Shiva who would intercede on man's behalf to help rid the modern world of the troubling presence of the Scorpion. Shiva intended to debate with Scorpion so the modern city could be properly fitted into the larger matrix of 'yoga-like' capitalism, so the right and sane doses of war and peace and competitive capitalism could be seen in the diorama of lights, cars, phones, laptops, and political intelligence. Shiva's duty was to pass the baton of urban management into the hands of the CIA/NSA, so the 'new city' could be a place of better-fitted 'radical drama'."


SHIVA: I care purely about the stability of Internet mail-order-bride services!
SCORPION: You're an idealist and advocate of commercial grids...
SHIVA: There's nothing wrong with traffic management of social imagination!
SCORPION: Well, there's ample room for urban disruption (e.g., 9/11)...
SHIVA: Americans (e.g., 'TrumpUSA' citizens) don't want modern panic!
SCORPION: President Trump has to negotiate media with globalization...
SHIVA: Trump saw a vital alliance between the Koreas during the Olympics!
SCORPION: This is the time of my reign, and I intend to create 'global sweat.'
SHIVA: My intention is to offer humanity right doses of 'grid-fertility.'
SCORPION: How can one pray about commerce fertility when terrorists loom?
SHIVA: To dispel terrorism, you must coordinate the efforts of 'sentinels.'
SCORPION: Who (exactly) are these sentinels?
SHIVA: Please understand, Scorpion, that 'sentinels' abound in times of commerce!
SCORPION: So you plan to enlist the forces of patriotism to dispel 'democracy-cynicism.'
SHIVA: Why not use new age 'grid' imagination to praise Internet mail-order-brides?
SCORPION: The accessibility of lifestyle resources (e.g., Netgrocer, Facebook) is 'vague.'
SHIVA: I intend for humanity to focus on the positive building of resource-access teachings!
SCORPION: So, if I understand correctly, The Learning Channel (TLC) can 'save' capitalism?
SHIVA: Yes, TLC represents human interests in the harnessing of 'traffic discourse.'
SCORPION: So instructional media/programs aid urban routes towards 'capitalism IQ.'
SHIVA: Without proper 'capitalism IQ,' governments and the CIA can't run real bases.
SCORPION: Perhaps governors can construct towers, but the future-world will be very 'sly.'
SHIVA: Well, once your reign ends, Scorpion, man only needs to deal with King Crab?
SCORPION: Who the hell is King Crab, Lord Shiva?
SHIVA: King Crab is the 'real' presence of grid/urban intrigue, and you're impeding progress!
SCORPION: So once you disprove my brand of capitalism-cynicism, King Crab can 'fight.'
SHIVA: Yes, it will be up to the CIA/NSA and world leaders to manage 'King Crab chatter.'
SCORPION: Well, how do you intend to disprove capitalism-cynicism availability?
SHIVA: I intend to use Facebook to promote basic modern social fashions!
SCORPION: I see, so use the media to promote media-aesthetics; that's sneaky/clever!
SHIVA: Well, you and I need to 'step aside' so King Crab can rule and invite new arms.
SCORPION: Alright, Shiva; I concede humility and will retire with you (so King Crab rules).
SHIVA: Thank you, Scorpion; may the time of King Crab be less 'dour' than our time!
SCORPION: Let us retreat to the mountains and simply 'watch' as King Crab surfaces.
SHIVA: King Crab is a mechanical 'behemoth' and will offer sufficient 'spice.'
SCORPION: Hail to political schemers of tolerable sanity...


"Shiva and Scorpion concluded that with the right amount of media-consciousness stimulation, this eerie time of grid-congestion and capitalism-infancy would not be deterred by the forces of pure cynicism. Now, King Crab could emerge as a 'mechanical behemoth' of new age urban/commerce imagination and intrigue, and American intelligence could oversee how TrumpUSA would become a tower of great capitalism flowery(!). It would be up to ninja-like CIA/NSA and world leaders to see what King Crab would offer in terms of geo-commercial 'spice' so the undesirable threat of anti-fashion terrorism could be more or less 'quieted'."


"The 'new cities' of the time of King Crab would me very well lit and neon-like in appearance if not any more 'vulnerable' to the lingering forces of terrorism-imagination. As long as commerce was global, intelligence officers and world leaders would have to coordinate bazaars and institutions with political savvy. There would still be great intrigue in terms of traffic wars and metaphysical uncertainty, but King Crab would be more or less 'managed' by the hands of great dreamers. This was all possible because Scorpion was dispelled and terrorism could be understood through the lens of traffic gloom. Now, the 'sentinels' Lord Shiva referred to would be those who dealt with terrorists seeking to destroy these new neon-cities 'spiced' by King Crab."


"Students and priests read about the social relevance of the Christian Book of Revelation and why urban management and global capitalism could be seen as a great/mighty 'force' of imagination mobilization. To deal with the frailty caused by the presence of darkness (dragons, scorpions, crabs, terrorists, fascists, etc.), TrumpUSA would need to become a beacon of great geopolitical optimism. That was the challenge. Who would be the angels who carried the torches of Shiva to help the 'new sentinels' deal with the challenges posed by King Crab? Who would finally dispel the ugly tremors that made Internet mail-order-bride services a thing of ominous sarcasm?"


TRUMP: I believe in the 21st Century, Carter!
CARTER: We're all working to make capitalism 'sane,' Mr. President.
TRUMP: That's why we need to believe in the contributions of advocates.
CARTER: Yes, we need to coordinate media with 'medicine.'
TRUMP: Perhaps modern TV programs such as Madame Secretary are vital!
CARTER: Yes, programs symbolizing 'traffic taxonomy' are spiritual indeed.
TRUMP: Hail to the forces of grid-diplomacy...



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