Scott Collins-Snowe-Voinovich Brown, Spiritual leader of the Tea Party!


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Jobless benefits advance in Senate with Republican votes


The chamber voted 60 to 34 to proceed on a measure that would extend unemployment insurance, subsidies for the COBRA health insurance program and federal flood insurance through May 5. Four Republicans -- Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia J. Snowe (Maine) and George V. Voinovich (Ohio) -- joined every Democrat present in voting to move the bill forward, making it likely that the measure will pass in a final tally this week.

If these kind of Republicans are what the Tea Partiers want, what's all the ruckus about??

we want people who are conservatives about spending and about cutting down big government. I will vote whomever is conservative not Republican and NEVER A DEMORAT.
we want people who are conservatives about spending and about cutting down big government. I will vote whomever is conservative not Republican and NEVER A DEMORAT.

"I like all kinds of music......both Country AND Western"
Jobless benefits advance in Senate with Republican votes


The chamber voted 60 to 34 to proceed on a measure that would extend unemployment insurance, subsidies for the COBRA health insurance program and federal flood insurance through May 5. Four Republicans -- Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia J. Snowe (Maine) and George V. Voinovich (Ohio) -- joined every Democrat present in voting to move the bill forward, making it likely that the measure will pass in a final tally this week.

If these kind of Republicans are what the Tea Partiers want, what's all the ruckus about??


beats me. brown's doing just what he said he'd do when he ran: considering each bill on its merits for both mass and the country.

crazy talk, i know...still, i'll vote for him again in 2012
Jobless benefits advance in Senate with Republican votes


The chamber voted 60 to 34 to proceed on a measure that would extend unemployment insurance, subsidies for the COBRA health insurance program and federal flood insurance through May 5. Four Republicans -- Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia J. Snowe (Maine) and George V. Voinovich (Ohio) -- joined every Democrat present in voting to move the bill forward, making it likely that the measure will pass in a final tally this week.

If these kind of Republicans are what the Tea Partiers want, what's all the ruckus about??


beats me. brown's doing just what he said he'd do when he ran: considering each bill on its merits for both mass and the country.

crazy talk, i know...still, i'll vote for him again in 2012

He symbolizes my vision for the future of American politcs,

a liberal party called the Democrats, a centrist party called the Republicans,

and a herd of bewildered rightwingers milling about saying wha' hoppen' ??!!!
Jobless benefits advance in Senate with Republican votes


The chamber voted 60 to 34 to proceed on a measure that would extend unemployment insurance, subsidies for the COBRA health insurance program and federal flood insurance through May 5. Four Republicans -- Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia J. Snowe (Maine) and George V. Voinovich (Ohio) -- joined every Democrat present in voting to move the bill forward, making it likely that the measure will pass in a final tally this week.

If these kind of Republicans are what the Tea Partiers want, what's all the ruckus about??


beats me. brown's doing just what he said he'd do when he ran: considering each bill on its merits for both mass and the country.

crazy talk, i know...still, i'll vote for him again in 2012

Yea, I don't know why anyone is surprised by Brown.... he has, so far, done exactly what he said he would do during his campaign. If I lived in Mass, I'd be watching him for '12.

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