Scott Walker hiring lots of expensive Criminal Lawyers. Why?




» Scott Walker

Can right wingers explain why their hero, Koch Brothers funded, Scott Walker, is hiring so many lawyers? I would appreciate knowing.
I don't know what the right winger defense is, or why a defense is needed at all.

I would say that when one engages in the process of saving a State economy from greedy and corrupt public employee unions one better bring an army of lawyers.
Obama's Best Dog Recipes

Anjing Panggang. Serves 12

Meat - Small or Medium-sized dog
Marinade - 1 cup vinegar, 3 tbsp salt, 6 cloves crushed garlic, 20 spicy peppers, 3 puréed tomatoes, and 3 cups lemon juice

1) Kill the dog.
2) To verify if the dog is dead, cut the tendon between two pads of a paw and check for a response.
3) Burn off the fur over hot charcoal.
4) Carefully remove the skin while still warm and set aside for later. (It may be used in other recipes.)
5) Remove the entrails and cut dog up into sections, about 12 to 16 large pieces.
6) Mix all the marinade ingredients together.
7) Put dog pieces into this marinade in a large container, then let it sit for at least 2 hours.
8) Put dog pieces on a charcoal grill, cover and let it burn over warm coals.
9) Flip and baste occasionally for about 1 hour or until meat is tender.
Can you explain why I should care about a e-mail, text whatever that is nearly two years old according to the date on it and before Walker was elected Governor?
Can you explain why I should care about a e-mail, text whatever that is nearly two years old according to the date on it and before Walker was elected Governor?

rdean is on top of things... If you set the way-back machine to 2010....

» Scott Walker

Can right wingers explain why their hero, Koch Brothers funded, Scott Walker, is hiring so many lawyers? I would appreciate knowing.

This is the first I've heard. You started the thread and bought this up. If you don't know what's going on, why bring it up? Or is it open season and anything goes as long as it sounds bad?

I read that most Democrats are lawyers. If you're going up against opposition that are expert at twisting things to make them appear other than they are, I'd say you need a little legal help to level the playing field.

Interestingly, most Republicans are business people. I like the job creators more than those who represent unions, illegal aliens and the workshy and fight against the tax payers with the intent on winning money for their clients.

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