Scott Walker plans to sign 20-week abortion ban

There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

Yeah, but you ignore the barbarity of murder. Go figure. What's even worse is your advocacy of eugenics.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

And we expect these fucking murderers to understand? Yet, they'll protest and picket for a mass murderer to be not KILLED for his actions.... These are very disturbed individuals!
If you are truly Pro-Life, there are no exceptions, none, but you love abortion, and capital punishment, and war, as long as it kills the already living who oppose you.
Of course there is, just more of your Alinsky bullshit! Killing murders, and killing innocents is all the same to the socialist/Marxist/fascist/communist. We understand you people are pieces of human fecal matter!
See the Pope about being Pro-Life. He is, you aren't.

The Pope, if he is, is wrong...see how easy common sense works, the sense you don't have!
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

It is barbaric to dismember a pre-born human being, you fucking idiot.
Sucks for you. Roe vs wade bitch.
You're new here and likely have not read my personal account with the realities of abortion. I hesitate to retell it as it may just become more fodder for your inane rants.

When Mrs. H. had her first ultrasound, the attending physician pointed out several "markers" that he said were indicative of Down's Syndrome. He very nonchalantly told us to go down to the coffee shop and discuss our "options". We were shell-shocked and stunned.

So we took a break and sat across that table just staring at each other in disbelief. After several moments, my wife simply said "you take what life gives you", to which I replied "yup". And that was it.

So we went home and prepared ourselves for a life of extraordinary servitude to our child. We were emotionally gutted, but at the same time overjoyed at the prospect of having a child together. That's what some folks refer to as "love" and "respect" and "faith".

Now don't get me wrong, we're not your much maligned and hated "Bible Thumpers". I was born and raised Roman Catholic but by that time (20 years ago) I considered myself (and still do) Agnostic. My wife was then and still is Pagan.

So at the next scheduled ultrasound, the nurse told us that everything looked perfectly normal and that we should have no concerns at all. Were we jumping up and down high-fiving each other? Not in the least. Our attitude was "you take what life gives you".

And so 20 years on, that child who was the perfect candidate for abortion is a Sophomore at The Boston Conservatory dancing as she's danced since she first learned to walk.

I'll also add something that I didn't mention when I first posted this some years ago. Mrs. H. did have a miscarriage before this pregnancy. That really fucked with our heads. But in a different kind of way.

Responsibility, accountability, respect, faith. Concepts that many women have a hard time coping with. It's much easier just to flush such concerns down the toilet. Much much easier since Roe V Wade.

Just think, if Progs aborted all mentally handicapped children they would run out of people to vote for.

And we expect these fucking murderers to understand? Yet, they'll protest and picket for a mass murderer to be not KILLED for his actions.... These are very disturbed individuals!
If you are truly Pro-Life, there are no exceptions, none, but you love abortion, and capital punishment, and war, as long as it kills the already living who oppose you.
Of course there is, just more of your Alinsky bullshit! Killing murders, and killing innocents is all the same to the socialist/Marxist/fascist/communist. We understand you people are pieces of human fecal matter!
See the Pope about being Pro-Life. He is, you aren't.

The Pope, if he is, is wrong...see how easy common sense works, the sense you don't have!
Then don't call yourself Pro-Life, you aren't, just lives you approve of...
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

Yeah, but you ignore the barbarity of murder. Go figure. What's even worse is your advocacy of eugenics.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

It is barbaric to dismember a pre-born human being, you fucking idiot.
Sucks for you. Roe vs wade bitch.
You're new here and likely have not read my personal account with the realities of abortion. I hesitate to retell it as it may just become more fodder for your inane rants.

When Mrs. H. had her first ultrasound, the attending physician pointed out several "markers" that he said were indicative of Down's Syndrome. He very nonchalantly told us to go down to the coffee shop and discuss our "options". We were shell-shocked and stunned.

So we took a break and sat across that table just staring at each other in disbelief. After several moments, my wife simply said "you take what life gives you", to which I replied "yup". And that was it.

So we went home and prepared ourselves for a life of extraordinary servitude to our child. We were emotionally gutted, but at the same time overjoyed at the prospect of having a child together. That's what some folks refer to as "love" and "respect" and "faith".

Now don't get me wrong, we're not your much maligned and hated "Bible Thumpers". I was born and raised Roman Catholic but by that time (20 years ago) I considered myself (and still do) Agnostic. My wife was then and still is Pagan.

So at the next scheduled ultrasound, the nurse told us that everything looked perfectly normal and that we should have no concerns at all. Were we jumping up and down high-fiving each other? Not in the least. Our attitude was "you take what life gives you".

And so 20 years on, that child who was the perfect candidate for abortion is a Sophomore at The Boston Conservatory dancing as she's danced since she first learned to walk.

I'll also add something that I didn't mention when I first posted this some years ago. Mrs. H. did have a miscarriage before this pregnancy. That really fucked with our heads. But in a different kind of way.

Responsibility, accountability, respect, faith. Concepts that many women have a hard time coping with. It's much easier just to flush such concerns down the toilet. Much much easier since Roe V Wade.

Just think, if Progs aborted all mentally handicapped children they would run out of people to vote for.
If a women wants to abort a mentally handicapped child, go for it.
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

Yeah, but you ignore the barbarity of murder. Go figure. What's even worse is your advocacy of eugenics.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
A gay gene doesn't exist, and down syndrome/homosexuality aren't even comparable.
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

Yeah, but you ignore the barbarity of murder. Go figure. What's even worse is your advocacy of eugenics.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
The reason doesn't matter, the ability to does.
Yeah, but you ignore the barbarity of murder. Go figure. What's even worse is your advocacy of eugenics.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
A gay gene doesn't exist, and down syndrome/homosexuality aren't even comparable.
To them it does. The Downs kid is fine they say, the homo is fucked up, even though it's just the opposite. And most trisomes, like Downs kids, are aborted, and should be.
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

It is barbaric to dismember a pre-born human being, you fucking idiot.
Sucks for you. Roe vs wade bitch.
You're new here and likely have not read my personal account with the realities of abortion. I hesitate to retell it as it may just become more fodder for your inane rants.

When Mrs. H. had her first ultrasound, the attending physician pointed out several "markers" that he said were indicative of Down's Syndrome. He very nonchalantly told us to go down to the coffee shop and discuss our "options". We were shell-shocked and stunned.

So we took a break and sat across that table just staring at each other in disbelief. After several moments, my wife simply said "you take what life gives you", to which I replied "yup". And that was it.

So we went home and prepared ourselves for a life of extraordinary servitude to our child. We were emotionally gutted, but at the same time overjoyed at the prospect of having a child together. That's what some folks refer to as "love" and "respect" and "faith".

Now don't get me wrong, we're not your much maligned and hated "Bible Thumpers". I was born and raised Roman Catholic but by that time (20 years ago) I considered myself (and still do) Agnostic. My wife was then and still is Pagan.

So at the next scheduled ultrasound, the nurse told us that everything looked perfectly normal and that we should have no concerns at all. Were we jumping up and down high-fiving each other? Not in the least. Our attitude was "you take what life gives you".

And so 20 years on, that child who was the perfect candidate for abortion is a Sophomore at The Boston Conservatory dancing as she's danced since she first learned to walk.

I'll also add something that I didn't mention when I first posted this some years ago. Mrs. H. did have a miscarriage before this pregnancy. That really fucked with our heads. But in a different kind of way.

Responsibility, accountability, respect, faith. Concepts that many women have a hard time coping with. It's much easier just to flush such concerns down the toilet. Much much easier since Roe V Wade.

Just think, if Progs aborted all mentally handicapped children they would run out of people to vote for.
If a women wants to abort a mentally handicapped child, go for it.

I actually prefer mentally handicapped people than I do most people. It's the same reason people prefer their dog to other people. There is nothing like true genuine affection with no alterior motives.

And we expect these fucking murderers to understand? Yet, they'll protest and picket for a mass murderer to be not KILLED for his actions.... These are very disturbed individuals!
If you are truly Pro-Life, there are no exceptions, none, but you love abortion, and capital punishment, and war, as long as it kills the already living who oppose you.
Of course there is, just more of your Alinsky bullshit! Killing murders, and killing innocents is all the same to the socialist/Marxist/fascist/communist. We understand you people are pieces of human fecal matter!
See the Pope about being Pro-Life. He is, you aren't.

The Pope, if he is, is wrong...see how easy common sense works, the sense you don't have!
Then don't call yourself Pro-Life, you aren't, just lives you approve of...
Wrong, you can try to bull shit others, but we've gone through this before, YOU want to be GOD!
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

Yeah, but you ignore the barbarity of murder. Go figure. What's even worse is your advocacy of eugenics.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

Oh man.



You're sick.
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

Yeah, but you ignore the barbarity of murder. Go figure. What's even worse is your advocacy of eugenics.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

Oh man.



You're sick.
Thanks, means alot to me.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
A gay gene doesn't exist, and down syndrome/homosexuality aren't even comparable.
To them it does. The Downs kid is fine they say, the homo is fucked up, even though it's just the opposite. And most trisomes, like Downs kids, are aborted, and should be.

Answer the question, do you support women targeting gays for abortion?

Yes or no?
If you are truly Pro-Life, there are no exceptions, none, but you love abortion, and capital punishment, and war, as long as it kills the already living who oppose you.
Of course there is, just more of your Alinsky bullshit! Killing murders, and killing innocents is all the same to the socialist/Marxist/fascist/communist. We understand you people are pieces of human fecal matter!
See the Pope about being Pro-Life. He is, you aren't.

The Pope, if he is, is wrong...see how easy common sense works, the sense you don't have!
Then don't call yourself Pro-Life, you aren't, just lives you approve of...
Wrong, you can try to bull shit others, but we've gone through this before, YOU want to be GOD!
Here we are the Gods, dumbass...
Yeah, but you ignore the barbarity of murder. Go figure. What's even worse is your advocacy of eugenics.
I would question anyone who would let a child be born with horrid defects when the fetus can be aborted.

What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

Oh man.



You're sick.
Thanks, means alot to me.

Thanks for making my case, sicko.
What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
A gay gene doesn't exist, and down syndrome/homosexuality aren't even comparable.
To them it does. The Downs kid is fine they say, the homo is fucked up, even though it's just the opposite. And most trisomes, like Downs kids, are aborted, and should be.

Answer the question, do you support women targeting gays for abortion?

Yes or no?
You can't find out if someone is gay in the womb, so this question is irrelevant, but even then, if we could, it's a women's body, do what they want.
What about the children with down syndrome? Spina bifida? Club foot? On top of being a barbarian, you're a eugenicist.

I question your ethics, sir.
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
A gay gene doesn't exist, and down syndrome/homosexuality aren't even comparable.
To them it does. The Downs kid is fine they say, the homo is fucked up, even though it's just the opposite. And most trisomes, like Downs kids, are aborted, and should be.

Answer the question, do you support women targeting gays for abortion?

Yes or no?
I don't support it but I'm not about to stop them. I believe in legal induced abortion. See how that works, when you're rational instead of emotional?

And ask yourself, why you want some woman raising a child with a feature, any feature at all, that she hates? Answer, you wouldn't...
Women should do what they want. If down syndrome can be eradicated, go for it.

What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
A gay gene doesn't exist, and down syndrome/homosexuality aren't even comparable.
To them it does. The Downs kid is fine they say, the homo is fucked up, even though it's just the opposite. And most trisomes, like Downs kids, are aborted, and should be.

Answer the question, do you support women targeting gays for abortion?

Yes or no?
I don't support it but I'm not about to stop them. I believe in legal induced abortion. See how that works, when you're rational instead of emotional?

Why would you not support it? Are you suggesting the gay is of more worth than the mentally handicapped?

Are they worth more?
What if they found a gay gene and started aborting gay men and women? Would you still say "Go for it!"
A gay gene doesn't exist, and down syndrome/homosexuality aren't even comparable.
To them it does. The Downs kid is fine they say, the homo is fucked up, even though it's just the opposite. And most trisomes, like Downs kids, are aborted, and should be.

Answer the question, do you support women targeting gays for abortion?

Yes or no?
I don't support it but I'm not about to stop them. I believe in legal induced abortion. See how that works, when you're rational instead of emotional?

Why would you not support it? Are you suggesting the gay is of more worth than the mentally handicapped?

Are they worth more?
Fuck yeah. Way more worthy. In that case they're normal.

Standard faggot versus Palin's moron the Drooler, no comparison. That waste of carbon should have been flushed like a used tampon.
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