Scott Walker plans to sign 20-week abortion ban

So at least one of Palin's kids is an open target then? As for the others, she puts them on TV. Sarah and the Drooler get what they deserve. He should have been aborted anyway. The last thing we need is another Downs kid.

Humans are a disease, however in this case the reference is to the fact that the right-wingers make a hero out of a woman for having a baby she shouldn't have had. We have enough kids to take care of without the profoundly damaged ones being born, no matter how sweet they may turn out to be. He is bad genetic material and should have been aborted. It happens.[/QUOTE]

So now your GOD? You make the decisions? But you assholes complain violently when we want you scum from killing unborn, innocent babies...The HYPOCRISY with this piece of human fecal matter gets deeper and deeper! From someone with the mental capacity you have, I'm surprised you haven't self aborted!
So at least one of Palin's kids is an open target then? As for the others, she puts them on TV. Sarah and the Drooler get what they deserve. He should have been aborted anyway. The last thing we need is another Downs kid.

Humans are a disease, however in this case the reference is to the fact that the right-wingers make a hero out of a woman for having a baby she shouldn't have had. We have enough kids to take care of without the profoundly damaged ones being born, no matter how sweet they may turn out to be. He is bad genetic material and should have been aborted. It happens.
An oldie but a goodie, V. And still true as ever...
A gay gene doesn't exist, and down syndrome/homosexuality aren't even comparable.
To them it does. The Downs kid is fine they say, the homo is fucked up, even though it's just the opposite. And most trisomes, like Downs kids, are aborted, and should be.

Answer the question, do you support women targeting gays for abortion?

Yes or no?
I don't support it but I'm not about to stop them. I believe in legal induced abortion. See how that works, when you're rational instead of emotional?

Why would you not support it? Are you suggesting the gay is of more worth than the mentally handicapped?

Are they worth more?
Fuck yeah. Way more worthy. In that case they're normal.

Standard faggot versus Palin's moron the Drooler, no comparison. That waste of carbon should have been flushed like a used tampon.

So you would classify the mentally impaired as subhuman, much like blacks were seen in the 1800's?
So at least one of Palin's kids is an open target then? As for the others, she puts them on TV. Sarah and the Drooler get what they deserve. He should have been aborted anyway. The last thing we need is another Downs kid.

Humans are a disease, however in this case the reference is to the fact that the right-wingers make a hero out of a woman for having a baby she shouldn't have had. We have enough kids to take care of without the profoundly damaged ones being born, no matter how sweet they may turn out to be. He is bad genetic material and should have been aborted. It happens.

So now your GOD? You make the decisions? But you assholes complain violently when we want you scum from killing unborn, innocent babies...The HYPOCRISY with this piece of human fecal matter gets deeper and deeper! From someone with the mental capacity you have, I'm surprised you haven't self aborted!

Dims love to talk about how much money we will save once someone has an abortion, but then welcome poor criminals coming across the border in droves.

How fucked up is that? They would rather embrace total strangers who suck the economic life out of us than they would their own flesh and blood.
So at least one of Palin's kids is an open target then? As for the others, she puts them on TV. Sarah and the Drooler get what they deserve. He should have been aborted anyway. The last thing we need is another Downs kid.

Humans are a disease, however in this case the reference is to the fact that the right-wingers make a hero out of a woman for having a baby she shouldn't have had. We have enough kids to take care of without the profoundly damaged ones being born, no matter how sweet they may turn out to be. He is bad genetic material and should have been aborted. It happens.
An oldie but a goodie, V. And still true as ever...

Yes, you're still a fucking piece of shit with a GOD complex!
To them it does. The Downs kid is fine they say, the homo is fucked up, even though it's just the opposite. And most trisomes, like Downs kids, are aborted, and should be.

Answer the question, do you support women targeting gays for abortion?

Yes or no?
I don't support it but I'm not about to stop them. I believe in legal induced abortion. See how that works, when you're rational instead of emotional?

Why would you not support it? Are you suggesting the gay is of more worth than the mentally handicapped?

Are they worth more?
Fuck yeah. Way more worthy. In that case they're normal.

Standard faggot versus Palin's moron the Drooler, no comparison. That waste of carbon should have been flushed like a used tampon.

So you would classify the mentally impaired as subhuman, much like blacks were seen in the 1800's?
Nope, plenty human, just the last fuckin' thing we need. We already have enough to deal with without their fucked up minds, bodies, and lives.
Answer the question, do you support women targeting gays for abortion?

Yes or no?
I don't support it but I'm not about to stop them. I believe in legal induced abortion. See how that works, when you're rational instead of emotional?

Why would you not support it? Are you suggesting the gay is of more worth than the mentally handicapped?

Are they worth more?
Fuck yeah. Way more worthy. In that case they're normal.

Standard faggot versus Palin's moron the Drooler, no comparison. That waste of carbon should have been flushed like a used tampon.

So you would classify the mentally impaired as subhuman, much like blacks were seen in the 1800's?
Nope, plenty human, just the last fuckin' thing we need. We already have enough to deal with without their fucked up minds, bodies, and lives.

Then being consistent, you would want all the diseased Illegal Latin American children killed also.... just to be consistent!
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

It is barbaric to dismember a pre-born human being, you fucking idiot.
Sucks for you. Roe vs wade bitch.
You're new here and likely have not read my personal account with the realities of abortion. I hesitate to retell it as it may just become more fodder for your inane rants.

When Mrs. H. had her first ultrasound, the attending physician pointed out several "markers" that he said were indicative of Down's Syndrome. He very nonchalantly told us to go down to the coffee shop and discuss our "options". We were shell-shocked and stunned.

So we took a break and sat across that table just staring at each other in disbelief. After several moments, my wife simply said "you take what life gives you", to which I replied "yup". And that was it.

So we went home and prepared ourselves for a life of extraordinary servitude to our child. We were emotionally gutted, but at the same time overjoyed at the prospect of having a child together. That's what some folks refer to as "love" and "respect" and "faith".

Now don't get me wrong, we're not your much maligned and hated "Bible Thumpers". I was born and raised Roman Catholic but by that time (20 years ago) I considered myself (and still do) Agnostic. My wife was then and still is Pagan.

So at the next scheduled ultrasound, the nurse told us that everything looked perfectly normal and that we should have no concerns at all. Were we jumping up and down high-fiving each other? Not in the least. Our attitude was "you take what life gives you".

And so 20 years on, that child who was the perfect candidate for abortion is a Sophomore at The Boston Conservatory dancing as she's danced since she first learned to walk.

I'll also add something that I didn't mention when I first posted this some years ago. Mrs. H. did have a miscarriage before this pregnancy. That really fucked with our heads. But in a different kind of way.

Responsibility, accountability, respect, faith. Concepts that many women have a hard time coping with. It's much easier just to flush such concerns down the toilet. Much much easier since Roe V Wade.

Just think, if Progs aborted all mentally handicapped children they would run out of people to vote for.
If a women wants to abort a mentally handicapped child, go for it.
Testament to your depravity. :slap:
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

It is barbaric to dismember a pre-born human being, you fucking idiot.
Sucks for you. Roe vs wade bitch.
You're new here and likely have not read my personal account with the realities of abortion. I hesitate to retell it as it may just become more fodder for your inane rants.

When Mrs. H. had her first ultrasound, the attending physician pointed out several "markers" that he said were indicative of Down's Syndrome. He very nonchalantly told us to go down to the coffee shop and discuss our "options". We were shell-shocked and stunned.

So we took a break and sat across that table just staring at each other in disbelief. After several moments, my wife simply said "you take what life gives you", to which I replied "yup". And that was it.

So we went home and prepared ourselves for a life of extraordinary servitude to our child. We were emotionally gutted, but at the same time overjoyed at the prospect of having a child together. That's what some folks refer to as "love" and "respect" and "faith".

Now don't get me wrong, we're not your much maligned and hated "Bible Thumpers". I was born and raised Roman Catholic but by that time (20 years ago) I considered myself (and still do) Agnostic. My wife was then and still is Pagan.

So at the next scheduled ultrasound, the nurse told us that everything looked perfectly normal and that we should have no concerns at all. Were we jumping up and down high-fiving each other? Not in the least. Our attitude was "you take what life gives you".

And so 20 years on, that child who was the perfect candidate for abortion is a Sophomore at The Boston Conservatory dancing as she's danced since she first learned to walk.

I'll also add something that I didn't mention when I first posted this some years ago. Mrs. H. did have a miscarriage before this pregnancy. That really fucked with our heads. But in a different kind of way.

Responsibility, accountability, respect, faith. Concepts that many women have a hard time coping with. It's much easier just to flush such concerns down the toilet. Much much easier since Roe V Wade.

Just think, if Progs aborted all mentally handicapped children they would run out of people to vote for.
If you end one more sentence with a preposition, so help me... :slap:
Fuck the idiots who support this...
Gov. Scott Walker plans to sign a ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy after Assembly lawmakers on Thursday easily approved the legislation.

The Assembly’s 61-34 approval came after emotional testimony from lawmakers.

Under the bill, doctors who terminate pregnancies after 20 weeks in non-emergency situations could be charged with a felony and face up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

The bill doesn’t provide exceptions for pregnancies conceived from a sexual assault or incest.

The bill was previously passed by the Senate. It now heads to Walker, who is expected to announce his candidacy for president on Monday. Walker spokeswoman Laurel Patrick said Walker plans to sign the bill, but she added she does not yet know when that will be.

Walker has long been a proponent of anti-abortion legislation, but during his re-election campaign last year he expressed support for leaving pregnancy decisions to women and their doctors.

That stance has drawn criticism from religious conservatives in recent months, prompting Walker to request the 20-week abortion ban with no exceptions for rape and incest.

During the debate, Assembly members from both parties detailed personal experiences with lost pregnancies and read letters from constituents with similar stories.

Rep. Joan Ballweg, R-Markesan, told a story about losing a daughter born prematurely — one of three miscarriages she experienced.

“Shouldn’t we defer or fall on the side of preventing a living being from feeling pain?” she said.

Protecting fetuses from pain was the chief aim of the legislation, Republican lawmakers agreed.

“To vote no on this bill is to classify certain children as subhuman,” said the bill’s author, Rep. Jesse Kremer, R-Kewaskum.

But Democratic lawmakers repeatedly argued that the decision should be left to mothers and doctors.

Rep. Terese Berceau, D-Madison, said lawmakers have no business making deeply personal decisions for women.

“Republicans have no business talking about small government when apparently it’s not too small to fit inside a uterus,” she said. “I feel that any woman who votes for this is truly a traitor to your gender.”

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Journal of the American Medical Association have concluded that evidence shows fetuses begin to feel pain during the third trimester — which begins at 27 weeks.

But the Assembly’s debate hinged mostly on whether the decision should be left to a mother and her doctor instead of lawmakers.

Rep. Chris Taylor, D-Madison, detailed her personal story about having more than one miscarriage.

“I didn’t need you there,” she said. “I needed some great medical care.”

Reps. Lisa Subeck, D-Madison, and Berceau said drawing a line at 20 weeks could force fetuses with significant health problems to be carried to full term.

Referring to a letter from a constituent who had had an abortion, Subeck said, “It was her choice not to put her baby through the pain of being born and suffering, not even able to get oxygen until it died.”

But Rep. Joe Sanfelippo, R-West Allis, said prohibiting fetuses from going through an “extremely excruciating” procedure was paramount.

“The bill protects children from being tortured and feeling pain,” he said. “That’s all this bill does.”

According to the most recent state Department of Health Services information, 89 of nearly 6,500 abortions performed in Wisconsin in 2013, or roughly 1 percent, occurred after the 20-week mark.

Fourteen states have passed abortion bans at 20 weeks or earlier, which depart from the standard established in the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. That ruling established a nationwide right to abortion but allowed states to restrict the procedures after the fetus reaches viability, the point where it could survive outside the womb. The ruling offered no legal definition of viability but said it could range from the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy.
Scott Walker plans to sign 20-week abortion ban Wsj
There are horrific birth defects that cannot even be tested for or detected until past 20 weeks. It is barbaric to force any woman to birth a child she does not want.

Yes...killing babies is fine.....the nazis thought so too.....
Scott Walker plans to sign 20-week abortion ban

Excellent. I like him more everyday.
Nothing like restricting women's rights and destroying worker rights/education.
They long for the Good Old Days, when men died on the job and women were barefoot and pregnant...
I love to tell rwers to show me ONE successful example of their dream world, the best I can find is somalia. It's a right wingers wet dream. It's funny how almost every other industrialized country has high taxes, strong welfare programs, free healthcare, free education.. and yet, right wingers would label them "communist" based on what happened with obamacare. RWERS are loons.

Somalia...really....another leftwing wet was Germany in the 30s-40s and soviet Russia, and communist china....they only need to murder another 100 million people to get it just right.........
Scott Walker plans to sign 20-week abortion ban

Excellent. I like him more everyday.
Nothing like restricting women's rights and destroying worker rights/education.
Nothing like respecting the lives of our progeny. Abortion is not a necessity, it is a commonplace riddance of the nuisance and burden of responsibility and accountability. This is the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive utopian "wet dream". :slap:
Abortion is a women's rights issue, you have no right to control a women's body, and luckily, you never will ;)

We don't want to control a woman's body...we want to protect the baby, the separate human being, for 9 months...then she can put the baby up for adoption and be on her way......killing a baby because she wanted to have sex is not a is in the real world murdering a human being....
Our progeny has become a modern inconvenience. The pre-born are like bugs in the bathroom. You take a kleenex or paper towel and dispose of them. Out of sight, out of mind, out of conscience.
So at least one of Palin's kids is an open target then? As for the others, she puts them on TV. Sarah and the Drooler get what they deserve. He should have been aborted anyway. The last thing we need is another Downs kid.

Humans are a disease, however in this case the reference is to the fact that the right-wingers make a hero out of a woman for having a baby she shouldn't have had. We have enough kids to take care of without the profoundly damaged ones being born, no matter how sweet they may turn out to be. He is bad genetic material and should have been aborted. It happens.
An oldie but a goodie, V. And still true as ever...

Yes, you're still a fucking piece of shit with a GOD complex!

To be fair he does not believe God exists, thus the position is open

And we expect these fucking murderers to understand? Yet, they'll protest and picket for a mass murderer to be not KILLED for his actions.... These are very disturbed individuals!

Yeah, that;s the norm. There are millions, nay thousands, nay 100s, nay 10s of women getting abortions at 36 weeks of pregnancy every year! Another grasping and straws post...

And we expect these fucking murderers to understand? Yet, they'll protest and picket for a mass murderer to be not KILLED for his actions.... These are very disturbed individuals!

Yeah, that;s the norm. There are millions, nay thousands, nay 100s, nay 10s of women getting abortions at 36 weeks of pregnancy every year! Another grasping and straws post...

Another asshole that doesn't understand SYMBOLISM, I should know better, these FAGERAL can't think beyond voting for a lying, murderous, corrupt bitch, and an acknowledged Socialist who are fathers fought WWII against!
I guess all the baby killers will be up in arms... what is it with lefties.. they're in love all manners of perversion and debauchery.
Scott Walker plans to sign 20-week abortion ban

Excellent. I like him more everyday.
Nothing like restricting women's rights and destroying worker rights/education.
Nothing like respecting the lives of our progeny. Abortion is not a necessity, it is a commonplace riddance of the nuisance and burden of responsibility and accountability. This is the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive utopian "wet dream". :slap:
Abortion is a women's rights issue, you have no right to control a women's body, and luckily, you never will ;)
At twenty weeks the baby has a right.

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