Scott Walker to propose nationwide crackdown on unions


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Walker will propose eliminating unions for employees of the federal government and scrapping the federal agency that oversees unfair labor practices.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker on Monday will call for sweeping restrictions on organized labor in the U.S., seeking to replicate nationwide his successful effort as Wisconsin's governor to curb the power of unions.

At a town hall meeting in Las Vegas, Walker will propose eliminating unions for employees of the federal government, making all workplaces right-to-work unless individual states vote otherwise, scrapping the federal agency that oversees unfair labor practices and making it more difficult for unions to organize.

Many of Walker's proposals are focused on unions for workers at all levels of government, while others would also affect private-sector unions. Labor law experts said such an effort, if successful, would substantially reduce the power of organized labor in America.

While Walker could implement some of the proposals via presidential executive order, others would require an act of Congress or changes in federal regulations. The goal, Walker said, is "to achieve fairness and opportunity for American workers."

"This will not be easy," Walker said in a statement to The Associated Press. "Many — including the union bosses and the politicians they puppet — have long benefited from Washington rules that put the needs of special interests before needs of middle-class families."

Experts were taken aback by the scope of Walker's proposals, which seek to undo decades of labor law and would gut the landmark National Relations Labor Act — adopted in 1935 and signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the height of the Great Depression.

"I've never seen anything like this," said Ann Hodges, a professor at the University of Richmond who has studied labor law for more than 40 years. "This will take the breath away from anyone who's worked in labor relations for any length of time. ... It's pretty draconian."

Walker's plan also calls for prohibiting automatic withdrawal of union dues to be used for political purposes and forbidding union organizers to access employees' personal information, such as their phone numbers.

Lee Adler, a labor law expert at Cornell University, said Walker's proposals would eliminate workers' rights and make it more difficult for people to join the middle class.

"Mr. Walker could only be making these type of proposals to satisfy his most backward-looking, wealthy contributors, just as he pursued, as governor, policies advanced by these people that sought to destroy school teachers and other public employees' rights in Wisconsin," he said.

More: GOP Presidential Candidate Scott Walker To Propose Vast Union Restrictions

Walker is not seeking fairness for anyone but his rich friends. Walker hopes that reviving his union-busting rhetoric will boost his dismal poll numbers. Unions traditionally support Democrats because Democrats support labor. I can't imagine why anyone would want to eliminate the National Labor Relations Board - except someone who hates labor unions and fair labor practices.
Labor unions have greatly improved all our lives. Many people working salaried jobs don't realize that much of what they have is also indirectly owed to unions.
The best pro-union statement I ever heard, EVER, was from some guy who said,

If the corporations could have their way, you'd work for nothing.

That is 1. absolutely true and 2. the most important reason why labor must have a voice, and power.
The best pro-union statement I ever heard, EVER, was from some guy who said,

If the corporations could have their way, you'd work for nothing.

that's what makes Republican capitalism so beautiful. it forces a corporation to pay the highest wages possible and produce the best products possible in order to survive.

Simple, but way over the liberal head!
The dems are always trying to think up new ways of not allowing businesses and conservatives to donate $ into the political process. Hey but don't touch our unions.
Has nothing to do improving out lives, its all about dollars, come on libs admit it.
"Republican capitalism . . .forces a corporation to pay the highest wages possible and produce the best products possible in order to survive" is the biggest lie of the day.

You are so fucking stupid, that if we followed your ways, we would increase world wide poverty by 10% in six months. Mises libertarianism is the surest way to destroy the American economic machine.
Go Walker!! The Democrats have corrupted public employee unions like they corrupt everything else its high time we destroy them!
The best pro-union statement I ever heard, EVER, was from some guy who said,

If the corporations could have their way, you'd work for nothing.

That is 1. absolutely true and 2. the most important reason why labor must have a voice, and power.

That is 1 a big fat LIE and 2 typical of the left they are liars.
The corporations would have us work for 4.50 an hour with no benefits. The economic and management environments of the 1960s was far more pro American and pro Worker and pro Manager than it is today.
The best pro-union statement I ever heard, EVER, was from some guy who said,

If the corporations could have their way, you'd work for nothing.

that's what makes Republican capitalism so beautiful. it forces a corporation to pay the highest wages possible and produce the best products possible in order to survive.

Simple, but way over the liberal head!

lol, what lunacy.
The best pro-union statement I ever heard, EVER, was from some guy who said,

If the corporations could have their way, you'd work for nothing.

That is 1. absolutely true and 2. the most important reason why labor must have a voice, and power.

That is 1 a big fat LIE and 2 typical of the left they are liars.

Really? What corporations want to pay more than they have to to get the jobs done?
The best pro-union statement I ever heard, EVER, was from some guy who said,

If the corporations could have their way, you'd work for nothing.

That is 1. absolutely true and 2. the most important reason why labor must have a voice, and power.

That is 1 a big fat LIE and 2 typical of the left they are liars.

Really? What corporations want to pay more than they have to to get the jobs done?

You are utterly ignorant of corporations its comical.
Wether you agree with his statements or not that won't play every well in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and, Virginia. All very important battleground states.
Walker will not be the nominee, but the nominee may adopt his proposal. It's a stupid proposal ... would destroy the middle class.

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