Scott Walker's judges free him from state investigation


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Walker goes Scott-free as state judges shut down fundraising probe

Read this gem.

But the ruling seems unlikely to end the political controversy spurred by the probe, which had become a lightning rod in the broader debate over the role of so-called dark money in American politics. Critics immediately noted that two of the justices on the court who ruled in Walker’s favor had been elected with $10 million in contributions from outside advocacy groups, which don’t disclose their donors and which were the very subjects of the Walker investigation.

Gee I bet the outcome was unknown until the end! This is just like Bush "winning" in 2000 when the state that "won" him the election was governed by his own brother.
So some lefty dopes will have shit fits because Walker broke no laws. That's to be expected from the low information idiots and they'll get over it, hopefully later rather than sooner.
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lI guess the right approves of cheating voters out of their rights so he republican party can steal the power from the people
Walker goes Scott-free as state judges shut down fundraising probe

Read this gem.

But the ruling seems unlikely to end the political controversy spurred by the probe, which had become a lightning rod in the broader debate over the role of so-called dark money in American politics. Critics immediately noted that two of the justices on the court who ruled in Walker’s favor had been elected with $10 million in contributions from outside advocacy groups, which don’t disclose their donors and which were the very subjects of the Walker investigation.

Gee I bet the outcome was unknown until the end! This is just like Bush "winning" in 2000 when the state that "won" him the election was governed by his own brother.
You mean that election that Gore failed to steal? That election?
So some lefty dopes will have shit fits because Walker broke no laws. That's to be expected from the low information idiots and they'll get over it, hopefully later rather than sooner.

Walker kicks the dems in the teeth....again :)

lI guess the right approves of cheating voters out of their rights so he republican party can steal the power from the people

It was a witch hunt, the courts recognize that

So we see that 4 judges PAID by this "mystery" donor group that ALSO paid for Walkers election have patted Walker on the back and said you did nothing wrong....yeah that's real transparent and neutral. If he did nothing wrong he has nothing to hide nor does the state justices elected by this mystery donors group eh? Walker is as shady as Clinton is. He hides shit and makes sure Judges are paid off Clinton just has them killed.
When the left's attacks on Walker fail, it's never because they were wrong.

You would think they would figure out he keeps beating them. Leftists are slow learners
Actually, this underlines why Republicans lose battles they should easily win. Leftists NEVER "learn", they NEVER accept defeat as defeat. Every battle, if lost, is merely a speed bump. Hillarycare went down in flames, and everyone thought, "Good, that's settled now", but it wasn't. Now we have obamadon'tcare. State after state after state affirmed marriage as one man, one woman, and everyone thought, "Good, that's settled". Now we have the SC forcing those states to toe the line. Nothing is EVER settled to a leftist when it goes against him. Now, of course, they DO claim it's settled and everyone should just sit down and shut up when it goes their way.

I say all this just to underline a truth. The left will NEVER stop going after Walker, even after he retires. Their goal is to destroy him as completely as possible. Throughout this campaign, they will sift through everything they can find, looking for dirt. I would not be surprised to see stories about how awful he was as a child, that he broke a window once, etc. He is on their smear list and they will not stop, ever.
why did Walker want to enforce ID laws when there was no time for voters to comply with the law?
So some lefty dopes will have shit fits because Walker broke no laws. That's to be expected from the low information idiots and they'll get over it, hopefully later rather than sooner.

Walker kicks the dems in the teeth....again :)

lI guess the right approves of cheating voters out of their rights so he republican party can steal the power from the people

It was a witch hunt, the courts recognize that

So we see that 4 judges PAID by this "mystery" donor group that ALSO paid for Walkers election have patted Walker on the back and said you did nothing wrong....yeah that's real transparent and neutral. If he did nothing wrong he has nothing to hide nor does the state justices elected by this mystery donors group eh? Walker is as shady as Clinton is. He hides shit and makes sure Judges are paid off Clinton just has them killed.

Sorry, but it was a witch hunt. The dems have went after Walker at every angle and he's b
and the Rs just keep being the racist party

How on earth did you arrive at racism? Knee jerk?
When the left's attacks on Walker fail, it's never because they were wrong.

You would think they would figure out he keeps beating them. Leftists are slow learners
But they clearly get that definition of insanity. The outcome's always the same for them but they keep on repeating.
They're like the drunk at a bar who keeps propositioning every woman in sight, hoping against hope that just one will say "okay, I'm desperate enough".
Its Fact that Walker tried to impose the ID laws without comply time.

You people don't do FACTS

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