Scottish independence

you're an irrelevant shitstain in your mommy's panties.

Good god you're a fucking nut.
“When a man uses profanity to support an argument, it indicates that either the man or the argument is weak - probably both”
Its the alcohol, in a little while he will demand a full scale invasion of somewhere of little importance or strategic value or a suicide mission on Moscow Centre. The more he drinks, the more rambunctious he gets. After a while you learn to pay him no mind.
Sloe Gin Fizzes for a quarter night at the legion hall again?

The narrative that Brits were merely trading spices in India is for simple folks. Essentially what they were doing in India was simple robbery. Even the US president during World War II had chat with Brits about that. POTUS told Churchill it was wrong to divert Indian resources without paying them any compensation. So an account was created to write down all the money they were taking from India to finance their World War II efforts. It was called Sterling Debt. At the end of the World War II, Britain was bankrupt so India never got back its real money. But that was just for the duration of World War II. All the money they robbed from India before that was not even acknowledged.

The foundation of this union was greed. It was achieved through coercing Sottish elites. General Scottish folks were always against this. Now that British empire is gone, Scots have no incentive whatsoever to tag along with this. As I said earlier, I do not care either way. It is up to Scottish people how they want to live their life. I personally think it will be better for their reputation as humans to distance themselves from something which was as unholy as British empire. Once Scotland breaks away from Britain that will be the final nail in the coffin of British empire.

Here is a funny show from Steven Colbert on Scottish independence. It is funny but towards the end there is an interview with a British editor who acknowledges that it was the empire that kept this union going. Why? Because the empire was bringing in the loots from Asia and Africa.

Link to all this from a non partisan source please, or would that be impossible to do
British politics have never been so exciting.

SCOTLAND DECIDES. Brown calls the SNP liars. Darling joins in. Salmond fights back. Galloway told he’s going to ‘face a bullet’. Miliband sworn at. Alexander heckled. And there’s still one day to go.


It seems like Scots had enough. I wonder what will happen if the No wins by a tiny margin.

Ed Miliband forced to abandon walkabout in Edinburgh Politics

Why don't you tell us, we know you want to give your version of the truth
What will happen to the Union Jack?

Who cares?


Sorry to hear that.

I certainly hope Scotland leaves the UK. My hope is this will lead to secessionist movements worldwide and particularly in the USA. The end of the nation state would be a beautiful thing.
Go to Texas and help with their secession movement....please.

It would be great if Texas were to secede...maybe. The potential danger is the fact that there are many Americans, including much of the political class, who would want to murder Texans and destroy their property...or any state, should they try to secede. They consider secessionists traitors and worthy of death and suffering.
When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.

By voting yes they will save the British economy over £200,000,000 a year in subsidies alone, then there is the cost to the NHS treating alcoholism and alcohol related injuries. And not forgetting the welfare bills for the unemployed. No wonder the economy is ailing when the English tax payers have to bail out the feckless Scots all the time. Give them 18 months and they will be begging to re=join the union because they listened to a racist half wit
I'm kind of torn. I like England but I'm 3/4 Scotch/Irish.

Scotland will do fine.
The claims of subsidy only reflect the additional wealth generated in Scotland by the oil, so its a wash.

Scottish will be more creative, more industrious and better focused in their own state. They have rarely failed at big stuff, and if there is some economic contraction, they will weather it and come out the other side, like the other great engineering nation, Germany.

England too can benefit, once it wakes up and reinvents itself a bit. And it would be good to shake off all the conformist stuff that powers such as the US impose on it. If there is a NO vote, we should still take up Scotlands example and scare the shit out of Westminster, and try to create a democracy, rather than a corporation led state.
What will happen to the Union Jack?

Who cares?


Sorry to hear that.

I certainly hope Scotland leaves the UK. My hope is this will lead to secessionist movements worldwide and particularly in the USA. The end of the nation state would be a beautiful thing.
Go to Texas and help with their secession movement....please.

It would be great if Texas were to secede...maybe. The potential danger is the fact that there are many Americans, including much of the political class, who would want to murder Texans and destroy their property...or any state, should they try to secede. They consider secessionists traitors and worthy of death and suffering.

That would be foolish. Allowing Texas to leave, with anyone who doesn't like living in our great country would be a win/win situation. They would be rid of us....and even better, we'd be rid of them.

Sorry to hear that.

I certainly hope Scotland leaves the UK. My hope is this will lead to secessionist movements worldwide and particularly in the USA. The end of the nation state would be a beautiful thing.
Go to Texas and help with their secession movement....please.

It would be great if Texas were to secede...maybe. The potential danger is the fact that there are many Americans, including much of the political class, who would want to murder Texans and destroy their property...or any state, should they try to secede. They consider secessionists traitors and worthy of death and suffering.

That would be foolish. Allowing Texas to leave, with anyone who doesn't like living in our great country would be a win/win situation. They would be rid of us....and even better, we'd be rid of them.
I propose the 13 states that keep electing Democrats secede so we can get some good leaders in government.

Sorry to hear that.

I certainly hope Scotland leaves the UK. My hope is this will lead to secessionist movements worldwide and particularly in the USA. The end of the nation state would be a beautiful thing.
Go to Texas and help with their secession movement....please.

It would be great if Texas were to secede...maybe. The potential danger is the fact that there are many Americans, including much of the political class, who would want to murder Texans and destroy their property...or any state, should they try to secede. They consider secessionists traitors and worthy of death and suffering.

That would be foolish. Allowing Texas to leave, with anyone who doesn't like living in our great country would be a win/win situation. They would be rid of us....and even better, we'd be rid of them.
I propose the 13 states that keep electing Democrats secede so we can get some good leaders in government.
So..why don't YOU secede? Or if you can't get a state to go along with you....leave.
When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.

By voting yes they will save the British economy over £200,000,000 a year in subsidies alone, then there is the cost to the NHS treating alcoholism and alcohol related injuries. And not forgetting the welfare bills for the unemployed. No wonder the economy is ailing when the English tax payers have to bail out the feckless Scots all the time. Give them 18 months and they will be begging to re=join the union because they listened to a racist half wit
I'm kind of torn. I like England but I'm 3/4 Scotch/Irish.

Scotland will do fine.
The claims of subsidy only reflect the additional wealth generated in Scotland by the oil, so its a wash.

Scottish will be more creative, more industrious and better focused in their own state. They have rarely failed at big stuff, and if there is some economic contraction, they will weather it and come out the other side, like the other great engineering nation, Germany.

England too can benefit, once it wakes up and reinvents itself a bit. And it would be good to shake off all the conformist stuff that powers such as the US impose on it. If there is a NO vote, we should still take up Scotlands example and scare the shit out of Westminster, and try to create a democracy, rather than a corporation led state.
23.1 million jobs were created during the Clinton years. Could have something to do with welfare reform. Scotland needs serious welfare reform.
Sorry to hear that.

I certainly hope Scotland leaves the UK. My hope is this will lead to secessionist movements worldwide and particularly in the USA. The end of the nation state would be a beautiful thing.
Go to Texas and help with their secession movement....please.

It would be great if Texas were to secede...maybe. The potential danger is the fact that there are many Americans, including much of the political class, who would want to murder Texans and destroy their property...or any state, should they try to secede. They consider secessionists traitors and worthy of death and suffering.

That would be foolish. Allowing Texas to leave, with anyone who doesn't like living in our great country would be a win/win situation. They would be rid of us....and even better, we'd be rid of them.
I propose the 13 states that keep electing Democrats secede so we can get some good leaders in government.
So..why don't YOU secede? Or if you can't get a state to go along with you....leave.
Why don't you go fuck yourself. How bout that? While you're at it why don't you use your brain in your posts rather than your sarcasm for once.
When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.

By voting yes they will save the British economy over £200,000,000 a year in subsidies alone, then there is the cost to the NHS treating alcoholism and alcohol related injuries. And not forgetting the welfare bills for the unemployed. No wonder the economy is ailing when the English tax payers have to bail out the feckless Scots all the time. Give them 18 months and they will be begging to re=join the union because they listened to a racist half wit
I'm kind of torn. I like England but I'm 3/4 Scotch/Irish.

Scotland will do fine.
The claims of subsidy only reflect the additional wealth generated in Scotland by the oil, so its a wash.

Scottish will be more creative, more industrious and better focused in their own state. They have rarely failed at big stuff, and if there is some economic contraction, they will weather it and come out the other side, like the other great engineering nation, Germany.

England too can benefit, once it wakes up and reinvents itself a bit. And it would be good to shake off all the conformist stuff that powers such as the US impose on it. If there is a NO vote, we should still take up Scotlands example and scare the shit out of Westminster, and try to create a democracy, rather than a corporation led state.

Nothing to do with the oil its because Scotland has a greater need for the Health service and welfare. That is what the subsidy is paying for, the alcoholism, the violence and health issues. The British government has given the Scots many chances to show what they are capable of doing and they have failed every time.
Yes England or should that be Britain, will benefit with lower taxation and lower health service costs, you are aware that we have one of the very few rising economies in the civilised world and it would rise even more if we did not have the burden of Scotland.

We are a democracy of sorts, the problem lies in the way the people vote, instead of voting for the individual and what he will do for the people they vote for the party as that is the way their fathers and grandfathers did it.
I guess the Scots are helpless without the Brits to feed them welfare money. They can't bring themselves out of their drunken drug induced state long enough to create their own government or even print their own currency. They need to be taken care of for fuck's sake. Before you know it they'll be back to living in sod huts, wearing Kilts, and running around the Highlands killing the English.
Scottish folks are voting today. I hope they display courage and not allow themselves to get intimidated. This is a very important decision and it can transform their destiny. May the force/source/god be with them.


After two years of campaigning, pollsters say that the outcome of the vote is too close to ca ll at this point. The ballot asks a simple question—"Should Scotland be an independent country?"— though a vote to split off will raise many more about how the country will stand completely on its own.
Scottish folks are definitely fired up.

Tony Blair Urges the “Ukraine Solution”: Air Strikes Against Scotland in Event of ‘Yes’ Vote
Satire Tony Blair Urges the 8220 Ukraine Solution 8221 Air Strikes Against Scotland in Event of Yes Vote Global Research
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has urged the UK government to consider military action against Scotland in the event of a vote for independence.

Mr Blair, who was prime minister between 1997 and 2007, broke his silence in the debate over Scottish independence to urge air strikes – including the use of the Trident independent nuclear deterrent – against Scottish strategic targets in the event of a ‘Yes’ victory next Thursday.

Interviewed in Kiev, Mr Blair said on Saturday that he hoped Scots would vote against independence, but warned that if Scotland voted to break up the United Kingdom then military intervention would be inevitable: “Obviously I hope that Scotland votes to stay part of the United Kingdom. But Scotland should prepare itself for a full-scale invasion by ground forces if it doesn’t.”

Mr Blair’s comments came just weeks after the former PM called for NATO leaders to agree a joint campaign of targeted bombings and drone attacks against badgers in support of the UK government’s campaign to control the spread of TB in the British countryside.

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