Scottish independence

How about English Independence? From Scotland and Wales?
England should certainly have their own devolved parliament the same way Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland do.

The Scots, Irish and Welsh blocked that because it would have put far too many of their M.P's out of work. Why should the Scots be represented in the British parliament and the English banned from being represented in the Scots ?
Another point for you Vikrant.
The Scottish and English 'elites' you talk of did indeed have a 'national identity', but it was neither Scottish nor English. All of them hark back to a bunch of Norman-French robber barons that enslaved the Anglo-Saxons in 1066, the Irish in the centuries after 1172, the Welsh in the 1270s and the Scots from the late 13th century onward.
Scots tend to forget that their national hero was a Frenchy called 'Robert de Bruis', now known as Robert the Bruce.
Putin appreciates your limp dick support, you're a pussy.

So far sparky, the only nutjob here is you.
Like I said, nutjob...

Putin is the only card in your deck. Car wont start? Putin did it. Hemmorroids? Putin's fault. Scots want secession? Putin is behind it.
Curious though, is Putin one of those immortals who has always been there forming all of eternity's events?
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British politics have never been so exciting.

SCOTLAND DECIDES. Brown calls the SNP liars. Darling joins in. Salmond fights back. Galloway told he’s going to ‘face a bullet’. Miliband sworn at. Alexander heckled. And there’s still one day to go.

The narrative that Brits were merely trading spices in India is for simple folks. Essentially what they were doing in India was simple robbery. Even the US president during World War II had chat with Brits about that. POTUS told Churchill it was wrong to divert Indian resources without paying them any compensation. So an account was created to write down all the money they were taking from India to finance their World War II efforts. It was called Sterling Debt. At the end of the World War II, Britain was bankrupt so India never got back its real money. But that was just for the duration of World War II. All the money they robbed from India before that was not even acknowledged.

The foundation of this union was greed. It was achieved through coercing Sottish elites. General Scottish folks were always against this. Now that British empire is gone, Scots have no incentive whatsoever to tag along with this. As I said earlier, I do not care either way. It is up to Scottish people how they want to live their life. I personally think it will be better for their reputation as humans to distance themselves from something which was as unholy as British empire. Once Scotland breaks away from Britain that will be the final nail in the coffin of British empire.

Here is a funny show from Steven Colbert on Scottish independence. It is funny but towards the end there is an interview with a British editor who acknowledges that it was the empire that kept this union going. Why? Because the empire was bringing in the loots from Asia and Africa.

No one asks what the English would like.

What would you like? The empire created by English destroyed nations and lives. It may have been beneficial for your people but it was disastrous for those countries that were at the receiving ends of your "benevolence".
Whatever happens this week, the United Kingdom will be utterly different. The political construct that we call the UK may lose its 300-year identity altogether. That we will soon learn. But even if the UK nominally survives, it will become a much looser association – you might say a less united kingdom – carrying on the process of separation that began just over 100 years ago in May 1914 when Westminster finally passed the Government of Ireland Act, giving Ireland home rule. The First World War intervened, implementation was suspended, and the slither into the troubled subsequent relationship between our two countries continued for the rest of the century. In 1930, King George V remarked to his Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald: “What fools we were not to have accepted Gladstone’s Home Rule Bill.”

What fools indeed. Nearly all the public debate about the future relationship between Scotland and the rest of the UK has been about economics: the use of the pound, the responsibility for collective national debts, the rights to North Sea oil and gas revenues, the headquarters of the Scottish banks and so on. It has not been about the need to match political structures to identity – what kind of political relationship between the different people who share these islands is most likely to make as many people as possible feel happy and fulfilled. The nitty gritty of currency, North Sea revenues and so on is all fixable. You negotiate and do the deal. But you can’t negotiate about identity, so the deal has to be different. It is one of the paradoxes of our time that the more integrated the world economy has become, the greater the desire for local political control.

Scottish independence Welcome to the nation formerly known as the UK - Scotland Debate - The Independent
When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.

By voting yes they will save the British economy over £200,000,000 a year in subsidies alone, then there is the cost to the NHS treating alcoholism and alcohol related injuries. And not forgetting the welfare bills for the unemployed. No wonder the economy is ailing when the English tax payers have to bail out the feckless Scots all the time. Give them 18 months and they will be begging to re=join the union because they listened to a racist half wit
I'm kind of torn. I like England but I'm 3/4 Scotch/Irish.
When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.

By voting yes they will save the British economy over £200,000,000 a year in subsidies alone, then there is the cost to the NHS treating alcoholism and alcohol related injuries. And not forgetting the welfare bills for the unemployed. No wonder the economy is ailing when the English tax payers have to bail out the feckless Scots all the time. Give them 18 months and they will be begging to re=join the union because they listened to a racist half wit
I'm kind of torn. I like England but I'm 3/4 Scotch/Irish.

Most of that lot settled in the Appalachians, playing banjos and eating squirrels.
When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.

By voting yes they will save the British economy over £200,000,000 a year in subsidies alone, then there is the cost to the NHS treating alcoholism and alcohol related injuries. And not forgetting the welfare bills for the unemployed. No wonder the economy is ailing when the English tax payers have to bail out the feckless Scots all the time. Give them 18 months and they will be begging to re=join the union because they listened to a racist half wit
I'm kind of torn. I like England but I'm 3/4 Scotch/Irish.

Most of that lot settled in the Appalachians, playing banjos and eating squirrels.
My 5th Great, Great, Great, Great, Grand Uncle was Daniel Boone.
British politics have never been so exciting.

SCOTLAND DECIDES. Brown calls the SNP liars. Darling joins in. Salmond fights back. Galloway told he’s going to ‘face a bullet’. Miliband sworn at. Alexander heckled. And there’s still one day to go.


It seems like Scots had enough. I wonder what will happen if the No wins by a tiny margin.

Ed Miliband forced to abandon walkabout in Edinburgh Politics
Scotts can be friendly buggers. I can't remember the city that was voted the friendliest city and yet it was the murder capital of the UK. Glasgow I believe.
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