Scottish independence

Most people seems to be missing the biggest issue here.
All this stuff about use of the pound, oil tax revenue and the rest is smoke.
The real issue will be the governments they saddle themselves with.
The place will be full of left wing arseholes, totally unable to organise a piss up in a brewery, and absolutely no clue how to run an economy.
It's nothing to do with what they have today, or will have if they sod off out of the UK, it's the massive waste they'll commit to if they actually get power,
As with all left wing idiots, they'll be going to the IMF in no time.
Reasons for Scottish independence go beyond just simple economics. Scottish people have different ambitions and goals than English people. There are major cultural differences. The union was a bizarre event to begin with. It was primarily fueled by colonial era loots which corrupted Scottish elites in abandoning their national identity. The money was making Scottish elites and English put their differences aside. Now, the money is tight and everyone has to fend for himself. So at this stage, Scottish believe that it is in their best interest to go independent so that Scottish resources can be channeled to further Scottish interests.

This is a good opportunity for Scots to chart our their own destiny. English have always been racist towards them. I do not see any reason why Scots should put with this.

As far as NATO and EU is concerned, I do not see why Scotland cannot join either or both of them if they see such an act beneficial to their aspirations.
Scottish folks are galvanized. There was a protest in front of BBC expressing concerns over BBC bias.



BBC News - Scottish independence Crowd protests against BBC bias
Reasons for Scottish independence go beyond just simple economics. Scottish people have different ambitions and goals than English people. There are major cultural differences.

That applies to the people of Allah's own county, Yorkshire.
Yes, history was a bastard, but that doesn't excuse new stupidity.
As for the man himself, he's a legend in his own mind.
This biography show the man behind the words.
Alex Salmond - Uncyclopedia the content-free encyclopedia
More seriously, the 140,000 quid a jear fat fucker, proposes taxes.
Alex Salmond s local income tax to cost families 550 extra - Telegraph
Families with two earners face a £550 hike in their bills for council services under Alex Salmond’s plans to introduce a local income tax in an independent Scotland, the Telegraph can disclose today.

Impartial economists in the Scottish Parliament’s Information Centre (SPICe) calculated the levy would have to be set at 5.4p in the pound to replace the revenue raised by council tax – almost double the rate the SNP originally proposed.

A worker earning the average Scottish salary of £25,729 would pay £849.37 per year, according to the calculations, meaning a family with two average breadwinners would face a bill of £1,698.74.

But the good news is, it'll hardly touch his salary, so he'll be fine.
^ Banks can move or re-register themselves in England. The important thing is they cannot take Scottish share of money. I do not think anyone is saying that Scotland's income will go up. What the yes campaign is saying that they will get to keep the money they make.

What share of the money as Scotland does not have a bank to prop up its economy, which is why they want the pound sterling. Do you know that the British government safeguards all savings in British banks to a maximum of £50,000. This is what Scotland wants the pound and the Bank of England for, because Salmond knows that his plans are doomed from the start. So if Scotland fails so will the banks along with the peoples money and Britain will not be beholden to them. Also Scotland are refusing to take on their share of the debt leaving Britain with this millstone around its neck. The financial institutions and big companies have seen what is going to happen and are relocating to England as fast as they can, and Salmond is threatening to nationalise them so they cant move. He has lost and he knows it, so he is clutching at straws.
More seriously, the 140,000 quid a jear fat fucker, proposes taxes.
Alex Salmond s local income tax to cost families 550 extra - Telegraph
Families with two earners face a £550 hike in their bills for council services under Alex Salmond’s plans to introduce a local income tax in an independent Scotland, the Telegraph can disclose today.

Impartial economists in the Scottish Parliament’s Information Centre (SPICe) calculated the levy would have to be set at 5.4p in the pound to replace the revenue raised by council tax – almost double the rate the SNP originally proposed.

A worker earning the average Scottish salary of £25,729 would pay £849.37 per year, according to the calculations, meaning a family with two average breadwinners would face a bill of £1,698.74.

But the good news is, it'll hardly touch his salary, so he'll be fine.

Considering the actual employment rate in Scotland which stands at 18%, yes just 18 out of every 100 Scots people are in employment, the tax burden on these will be severe. many are looking to relocating to England because of the increased tax burden and rises in the cost of living
Considering the actual employment rate in Scotland which stands at 18%, yes just 18 out of every 100 Scots people are in employment, the tax burden on these will be severe. many are looking to relocating to England because of the increased tax burden and rises in the cost of living

If only 18 out of 100 Scots are employed then that is a problem right there. I guess that is why Scots want to separate. They want to reverse that figure. They can only do that when they in control of their destiny.

We have three more days to go. Right? We will find out.
That applies to the people of Allah's own county, Yorkshire.
Yes, history was a bastard, but that doesn't excuse new stupidity.
As for the man himself, he's a legend in his own mind.
This biography show the man behind the words.
Alex Salmond - Uncyclopedia the content-free encyclopedia

You make a good point. There is a no point in holding grudges. If English people have given up on their racist attitudes towards Scots then Scots should stick around with the union. Whether English people accept Scottish people as equal is something that has to be decided by Scottish people.
How about England send in "little green men" to start riots in the Glasgow Castle then the British military can send in the troops like Putin...then nutjobs here will claim the Scots are a bunch of Nazis and that they deserve to be invaded by a foreign force.
That applies to the people of Allah's own county, Yorkshire.
Yes, history was a bastard, but that doesn't excuse new stupidity.
As for the man himself, he's a legend in his own mind.
This biography show the man behind the words.
Alex Salmond - Uncyclopedia the content-free encyclopedia

You make a good point. There is a no point in holding grudges. If English people have given up on their racist attitudes towards Scots then Scots should stick around with the union. Whether English people accept Scottish people as equal is something that has to be decided by Scottish people.

I'm not anti Scottish, I even have Scottish friends. :D
Reasons for Scottish independence go beyond just simple economics. Scottish people have different ambitions and goals than English people. There are major cultural differences. The union was a bizarre event to begin with. It was primarily fueled by colonial era loots which corrupted Scottish elites in abandoning their national identity. The money was making Scottish elites and English put their differences aside. Now, the money is tight and everyone has to fend for himself. So at this stage, Scottish believe that it is in their best interest to go independent so that Scottish resources can be channeled to further Scottish interests.

This is a good opportunity for Scots to chart our their own destiny. English have always been racist towards them. I do not see any reason why Scots should put with this.

As far as NATO and EU is concerned, I do not see why Scotland cannot join either or both of them if they see such an act beneficial to their aspirations.

Vikrant, you are a fool. I've read the whole amusing historical nonsense you've been posting in response to Phoenall. How can you be so utterly clueless about Anglo/Scottish/British history when you have something like wikipedia at your fingertips, (yet strangely you managed to actually get some facts right regarding Cornwallis!).

Did you actually read any of Phoenalls posts? How many times do you have to be told about DARIEN??? FWIW, in 1707, England was NOT dirt poor. It made stacks of money from trade. Yes, TRADE. That was the whole point of the British Empire at that stage. It was a trading Empire. In 1707 it was only 300,000 souls in the American colonies, a few islands in the Carribean and a few scattered trading posts in west africa and the indian ocean. But the income from the trade was considerable. Scotland on the other hand WAS broke as pointed out by Phoenall.
Also, the Bank of England had been created in 1694, which is why the Scots can not say 'it is our pound too' - it predates the Union. Heck, they even print their own bank notes (ironically mostly by the Scottish banks bailed out mainly by English tax payers).
Your obsession with British activities in India coupled with your user name leads me to conclude you hail from there (do you have an axe to grind with the English for that reason?). Your lack of knowldge regarding Brit activities in Indiais hence rather odd too. India provided tea, textiles and spices at the time, not Gold. That came from places in Africa like the Gold Coast(!). Also the main troops used by the British in India were Indians themselves, not Scots. The Scots were too busy building the Empire - yes they were far more involved in that enterprise than the English, although I would admit, not always voluntarily.

I could go on about history, but thats enough for now.

Since you live in the US I can only assume you have never been to Scotland, because if you had you would know that your statements above about Scots having a different culture to the English is b******t. Half the Scots live in England and plenty of English live in Scotland (you will particularly notice this in the Higlands). Kind of makes the referendum silly doesn't it, cos you can only vote if you live in Scotland.

Also what planet are you on saying the English are racist towards Scots? The only place you will find any white on white racism (if the concept even makes sense) in the UK is in Northern Ireland and at football/soccer matches. Oh, and you might get your car smashed up if you leave it parked in somewhere like Govan if you have a Union Jack planted on it.

Btw. if the Scots vote no on thursday , we will only be in the same situation in another 20 years, so I (English) say lets be done with it and let them vote yes, but please Scots, keep your banks and take their debts with you. ;)
Considering the actual employment rate in Scotland which stands at 18%, yes just 18 out of every 100 Scots people are in employment, the tax burden on these will be severe. many are looking to relocating to England because of the increased tax burden and rises in the cost of living

If only 18 out of 100 Scots are employed then that is a problem right there. I guess that is why Scots want to separate. They want to reverse that figure. They can only do that when they in control of their destiny.

We have three more days to go. Right? We will find out.

The only way they could change that figure would be to bring back child labour and scrap retirement. Separating wont change the numbers it is all down to demographics, too many elderly and under 18's that cant work. The standard employment rate in the civilised world is 22% to 25%. in the case of Scotland far too many are suffering from over indulgence in alcohol and its effects on the human body.
That applies to the people of Allah's own county, Yorkshire.
Yes, history was a bastard, but that doesn't excuse new stupidity.
As for the man himself, he's a legend in his own mind.
This biography show the man behind the words.
Alex Salmond - Uncyclopedia the content-free encyclopedia

You make a good point. There is a no point in holding grudges. If English people have given up on their racist attitudes towards Scots then Scots should stick around with the union. Whether English people accept Scottish people as equal is something that has to be decided by Scottish people.

Do tell why the SNP had to bring in anti racism laws in Scotland when racism there went through the roof. So not the English that are racist is it, but the Scots

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