Scottish independence

When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.

By voting yes they will save the British economy over £200,000,000 a year in subsidies alone, then there is the cost to the NHS treating alcoholism and alcohol related injuries. And not forgetting the welfare bills for the unemployed. No wonder the economy is ailing when the English tax payers have to bail out the feckless Scots all the time. Give them 18 months and they will be begging to re=join the union because they listened to a racist half wit
I'm kind of torn. I like England but I'm 3/4 Scotch/Irish.

That means you are 3/4 'barbarian'; according to the majority of the English whom consider the Scots such behind their backs.
This whole thing seems like the new TV show Outlander. Where the woman somehow is transported back to the 1700s, with the evil Brits chasing the Scot patriots.
Donetsk people (SE Ukraine) supported Scottish people . In May they also voted for independence from Ukraine, but for that Kiev junta started its vengeance towards them.




Good god you're a fucking nut.
“When a man uses profanity to support an argument, it indicates that either the man or the argument is weak - probably both”
Its the alcohol, in a little while he will demand a full scale invasion of somewhere of little importance or strategic value or a suicide mission on Moscow Centre. The more he drinks, the more rambunctious he gets. After a while you learn to pay him no mind.
What will happen to the Union Jack?

Who cares?


Sorry to hear that.

I certainly hope Scotland leaves the UK. My hope is this will lead to secessionist movements worldwide and particularly in the USA. The end of the nation state would be a beautiful thing.

Sorry to hear that.

I think you guys are six hours ahead of us. So this thing probably will get decided while we are sleeping. So let us know which way it goes before we find out through our media.
you're an irrelevant shitstain in your mommy's panties.

Good god you're a fucking nut.
“When a man uses profanity to support an argument, it indicates that either the man or the argument is weak - probably both”
Its the alcohol, in a little while he will demand a full scale invasion of somewhere of little importance or strategic value or a suicide mission on Moscow Centre. The more he drinks, the more rambunctious he gets. After a while you learn to pay him no mind.
Sloe Gin Fizzes for a quarter night at the legion hall again?

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