Scottsdale principal required middle school teachers to attend grooming training

You have avis with made-up names, well, I for one only want your real names and not something you made up that I must use to get your attention. So, from now on I demand you use your real names.
A name for a human can be what has been given by parents or a name the person prefers. I guess you never noticed that famous entertainers do not use their real names very much, yet you refer to them by their stage names. Have you complained about that?

your an indoctrinated sjw— you lose what you said is a brainwashed con job used on you and society so you think exactly as you do and for the reasons you do.

This is all geared towards ppl like you, those of us who aren’t caught in that trap try telling you get the fk out of the trap. That doesn’t mean become ungay or whatever the hell some m. Case wnats to be it means the fkn feds shouldn’t have a right to use us as lab rats while we are unknowing of their plans!
it is totally against the NUREMBERG CODE!!
your an indoctrinated sjw— you lose what you said is a brainwashed con job used on you and society so you think exactly as you do and for the reasons you do.

This is all geared towards ppl like you, those of us who aren’t caught in that trap try telling you get the fk out of the trap. That doesn’t mean become ungay or whatever the hell some m. Case wnats to be it means the fkn feds shouldn’t have a right to use us as lab rats while we are unknowing of their plans!
it is totally against the NUREMBERG CODE!!
The individual is the nation. If you think you can force people to be who you want you will never get far.
Interracial marriage is one thing. It is not immoral in spite of some claiming it was...mostly democrats.

PEDOPHILIA is devastating for kids. WE WILL NEVER get used to having our own children EVEN YOUR CHILDREN sexualized.
Calling someone by their preferred name is in no way pedophilia, you are fantasizing again Sassy.
Americans have been say Democrats plan to normalize pedos for decades and here we are...

Democrats are stealing the innocents of America's children.

Shame on all Democrats and shame on Americans for not protecting their young from these monsters.
bode said:
As opposed to the grooming we see happening to the Right?

you mean christian grooming? or moral grooming? Belief in God Grooming. you know deep down your support of sexualizing children IS wrong, don't you.
Americans have been say Democrats plan to normalize pedos for decades and here we are...

Democrats are stealing the innocents of America's children.

Shame on all Democrats and shame on Americans for not protecting their young from these monsters.
Calling people their preferred name is not a sexual act, sorry.
I do defend the right of the individual to live their life as they want to live their life....You, not so much.

You'll get over it, pothead and if not I really don't care. You're a nothing... except a tired old troll

Go pretend to cut wood and live off the land, dumbass

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