Scotus rejects Cowboys for trump argument

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This is rather sad. What mischief can this fellow get up to in New Mexico ? They let the ringleader stand without an issue but they are denying one of the monkeys the chance to be a rat catcher in Alberquerqe. (is that how its spelt)
I saw him lead a prayer at the Capitol. His insurrection was bible based and harmed no one apart from those commies who were killed..

Cmon America!! FFS lets have some proportion here.
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Just a note, your parenthetical subcommenting should be within the period enclosing ... a proper elipsis should be three periods in a row ... the phrase "come on" is typically abbritationed as "c'mon" ...

Can you clean up the puncturing a little next time? ...

This is rather sad. What mischief can this fellow get up to in New Mexico ? They let the ringleader stand without an issue but they are denying one of the monkeys the chance to be a rat catcher in Alberquerqe. (is that how its spelt)
I saw him lead a prayer at the Capitol. His insurrection was bible based and harmed no one apart from those commies who were killed..

Cmon America!! FFS lets have some proportion here.
Doesn't this give you an indication who planned and carried out Jan 6th?

  1. Nancy Pelosi
  2. Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Party
  3. Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Party, several members of the NeverTrumper wing of the GOP in congress
  4. All of the above
What was the reason for Nancy Pelosi to stage Jan 6h?

Easy. So they could hold it like a club over the heads of anyone they want removed from office or locked up for being a critic.
Isn't it strange how they always go back to Jan 6h as an excuse for their fascist actions? Cancel Culture 2.0
Doesn't this give you an indication who planned and carried out Jan 6th?

  1. Nancy Pelosi
  2. Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Party
  3. Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Party, several members of the NeverTrumper wing of the GOP in congress
  4. All of the above
What was the reason for Nancy Pelosi to stage Jan 6h?

Easy. So they could hold it like a club over the heads of anyone they want removed from office or locked up for being a critic.
Isn't it strange how they always go back to Jan 6h as an excuse for their fascist actions?
100% anyone with a brain can see Jan 6 was Pelosi's Reichstag

She had her documentary making daughter there recording
She denied NG support
She had AntiFA undercover agitating the situation
100% anyone with a brain can see Jan 6 was Pelosi's Reichstag

She had her documentary making daughter there recording
She denied NG support
She had AntiFA undercover agitating the situation
We all knew they were controlling ANTIFA, because they wouldn't even admit that ANTIFA even existed, even though the members themselves were more organized and real than the Tea Party.
Matter of fact former members of the CIA could spot communist protest tactics that they were using during the Summer of 2020 after the George Floyd incident. Their use of Umbrellas to control the actions on the ground were CIA tactics used way back during the JFK assassination.

As Ilhan Omar would say: "Some people did something". And we all could see that the government was funding them and was using communist or Arabic (terrorists) trainers to organize them. It started way back during Occupy Wallstreet. The same tactics (and some of the same people) these Jew-hating Communists, have been running their protest arm since 2011. They used these tactics after October 7th last year. And who is responsible for this?

Barack H. Obama.

So why is Barack Obama in the UK talking to the PM as we speak?
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Cmon America!! FFS lets have some proportion here.
Indeed. These people are using the State election laws to declare someone guilty of insurrection, without due process, then banning them from office under the 14th amendment.

Political dissent must be crushed, it does not matter how it's done.

It's unfortunate the SCOTUS would not hear the case. There is specific language in the Federal law that defines insurrection. These State judges ignore that definition and use vaguely worded dictionary definitions in it's place.
Doesn't this give you an indication who planned and carried out Jan 6th?

  1. Nancy Pelosi
  2. Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Party
  3. Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Party, several members of the NeverTrumper wing of the GOP in congress
  4. All of the above
What was the reason for Nancy Pelosi to stage Jan 6h?

Easy. So they could hold it like a club over the heads of anyone they want removed from office or locked up for being a critic.
Isn't it strange how they always go back to Jan 6h as an excuse for their fascist actions? Cancel Culture 2.0
You are a mental case.

This is rather sad. What mischief can this fellow get up to in New Mexico ? They let the ringleader stand without an issue but they are denying one of the monkeys the chance to be a rat catcher in Alberquerqe. (is that how its spelt)
I saw him lead a prayer at the Capitol. His insurrection was bible based and harmed no one apart from those commies who were killed..

Cmon America!! FFS lets have some proportion here.

There is no proportion for non-profits hell bent on the destruction of the country. Their only function is the persecution of political opponents using lawfare. What's bad is the courts playing along with this insanity, considering not one individual was charged with insurrection under federal law. Evidently some folks consider just being in DC on J6 was a crime. How was this guy supposed to know he was in a restricted area, if it wasn't marked as such?

A New Mexico county commissioner? What a freaking tragedy. Where does the liberal U.K. paper come up with this stuff?
There is no proportion for non-profits hell bent on the destruction of the country. Their only function is the persecution of political opponents using lawfare. What's bad is the courts playing along with this insanity, considering not one individual was charged with insurrection under federal law. Evidently some folks consider just being in DC on J6 was a crime. How was this guy supposed to know he was in a restricted area, if it wasn't marked as such?

He was trying to obstruct a legal handover of power. That is the end of it.
The Court didn't rule on it. They just allowed a decision by a N.M. court to stand. Be careful what you can wish for when states can kick out an elected representative for unspecified charges that might include a misdemeanor.
You chase a fantasy. Come back.'re attempting to make a false comparison that Trump and the former president of Brazil did the same exact thing, which is totally false.

The similarities end where Trump and the Brazilian pres were removed by a coup.
Now, like they lying fuck you are, you're trying to blame Trump for something rumored to have happened in South America.

Why not note all of the similarities Trump has with Joseph Stalin?

  • They're both white males
  • They both have 10 fingers and 10 toes
  • They both have been accused of murder by their political opponents
There's where the similarities end.

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