SCOTUS rejects pharmacists' religious claim

So Catholic pharmacists will be forced to dispense abortion-inducing murder pills, or lose their jobs and businesses.

That's a victory for you I guess, but don't you fucking dare call yourselves "pro-choice." You are stone cold killers and you stomp the First Amendment to death at your feet. The Devil will welcome you with open arms into hell, and you will scream in pain for all eternity.

They aren’t ‘murder pills.’

It’s this sort of ignorance, stupidity, hyperbole, demagoguery, and lying that renders those hostile to privacy right ridiculous and ineffective.

Again, settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, beyond dispute:

One cannot use his religious beliefs as ‘justification’ to ignore or violate a just and proper law, such as the Washington State law.

And a Catholic pharmacist isn’t being ‘forced’ to do anything; the patient is taking the pill, not the pharmacist, he’s committing no ‘sin,’ he’s in no way in ‘violation’ of his religion.

This notion that religious persons accommodating patrons who might engage in acts considered ‘sin’ by religious persons is an idiotic political contrivance by conservatives hostile to the rights of women and minorities.
It's murder asshole. .

If it was murder then police would be arresting women for murder.

They aren't because it isn't murder.

If you don't want to distribute perfectly legal medication- then don't be a pharmacist.
You people have caused God to withdraw the blessings he once bestowed on our nation.

LOL.....your God is rather fickle.

Looking forward to the next Hurricane or tornado that you will blame on gays or abortion.
So Catholic pharmacists will be forced to dispense abortion-inducing murder pills, or lose their jobs and businesses.

That's a victory for you I guess, but don't you fucking dare call yourselves "pro-choice." You are stone cold killers and you stomp the First Amendment to death at your feet. The Devil will welcome you with open arms into hell, and you will scream in pain for all eternity.

They aren’t ‘murder pills.’

It’s this sort of ignorance, stupidity, hyperbole, demagoguery, and lying that renders those hostile to privacy right ridiculous and ineffective.

Again, settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, beyond dispute:

One cannot use his religious beliefs as ‘justification’ to ignore or violate a just and proper law, such as the Washington State law.

And a Catholic pharmacist isn’t being ‘forced’ to do anything; the patient is taking the pill, not the pharmacist, he’s committing no ‘sin,’ he’s in no way in ‘violation’ of his religion.

This notion that religious persons accommodating patrons who might engage in acts considered ‘sin’ by religious persons is an idiotic political contrivance by conservatives hostile to the rights of women and minorities.
It's murder asshole. The law is forcing a pharmacist to hand a woman the weapon to murder her child, even though he knows its murder and his religion teaches him that he will go to hell for doing it.

Your side is merciless in the way you are destroying life and crushing religious freedom. Don't think there will never be a retribution, because it's coming. You and your ilk will scream for mercy, but you won't get it.

You need to look around and do a serious review of what world you're living in.
Satan is Prince of this world, I understand that. So this world belongs to you and your allies. I am just a visitor here, an exile really, and an unwelcome one. I get it. But do you really have to murder so many innocent children? Does this give you pleasure? Or is this a necessary sacrifice to your hellish master?

I have never murdered anyone.

I do support a woman's choice to control her own body.

You of course believe you know better than the woman about what she should do with her body.

You live in a hell of your own choosing.

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