SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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And yet the fight will continue !!!
Oh dear candycorn it aint over yet.
I really dont care if you believe it or not.
This corruption has been exposed and its not going away.
When this current event is over, Joe might get 2 years of power depending on the GA senate race, and thats it.
He will be neutered.
My point is, pay now or pay later.
No one should have expected anything different.

Biden is now going to be elected by the Electoral College and will be sworn in on January 20th 2021...
Our first UNCONSTITUTIONAL President. Congrats! Hey courts did yall know you can now MAKE law! Who knew! Constitution says other wise but hey who gives a shit that's just a piece of paper now obviously.

Six Conservative Judges with three that were appointed by Trump and yet they disagreed with those suing including Trump...

Sorry but reality is Biden won, so you can either carry out your threat or whine on a message board but in the end Biden is President... Well will be on January 20th 2021...
You could use some humbling.
This setback wont do it

this is not a one day or one election fight

You remind me of George Armstrong Custer

Supreme Court rejects Trump's bid to overturn election

Despite Trump's best efforts to steal an election that he lost by a landslide, in our collective joy we should not overlook the fact that the system worked. Democracy worked. The worst elements in America tried their best to subvert the will of the people, but were not allowed to do so.

America won today and anarchy lost, as it always does!
The mas maiorum that Trump tried to usurp has been vindicated as alive and well in the US republic.
It looks like the Democrats have got away with their thievery because the Supreme Court was too chickenshit to to do the right thing. They do not have the courage to undo an election even when they know it was stolen.

They are telling America that if it is so goddamn stupid to elect corrupt Democrats to count votes then it has to suffer the consequences. They ain't gonna bail us out.

Our Founding Fathers understood that we couldn't expect any of the branches of Government to protect our liberties and that is why we have the Second Amendment.
So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.
No, not at all. But, since the lawsuit by the Texas Attorney General was indeed meaningless, trump probably will not grant him the federal pardon on the AG's personal Federal Corruption charges. After all, trump himself is not guaranteed a pardon, unless he resigns to get one from Pence.

Just another victim where trump throws a cult member under the bus. Maybe trump will finally Flip Out now?
meanwhile trump pressures the fda to approve the vaccine TO SAVE LIVES. for the common flu.

and all so that TRUMP can get credit for the vaccine.

worst human being ever.
The lack of intellect is those that blindly follow tRUMP.
Once again, dig deep into your pockets and pay tRUMP his money you can afford it.
Let him live in the lap of luxury at your expense.
Lack of intellect comment,...! LOL coming from a tRUMPster

Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.

No it isn't. States are allowed to set their own rules when it comes to voting and elections. Either you believe in the state's right to do so or you don't really believe in the Constitution. You believe in selective interpretation.
States can make their own rules but they must be legislated. These changes were not. That’s a violation of the constitution.
The scotus chickened-out on this one.
And you just advocated for the elimination of genuine elections. Way to go, sheep.

They were not violations of the Constitution. If they were, the SC would be taking the case up. Only Thomas and Alito offered a dissent...and that was just to allow the brief to be filed but not granting any other relief....THAT'S chickenshit!!
No one that Trump put on the bench offered a dissent.
The scotus was just shaken down. The threat of violence from democrats just overwhelmed our system. And you’re such a sheep that you approve.
View attachment 427918
You’re showing your own lack of intellect. Can’t you respond with points?
I’m an American. That’s my perspective. The fact that you couldn’t respond pointedly makes my point about people like you lacking intellect. You certainly are devoid of honesty.
It looks like the Democrats have got away with their thievery because the Supreme Court was too chickenshit to to do the right thing. They do not have the courage to undo an election even when they know it was stolen.

They are telling America that if it is so goddamn stupid to elect corrupt Democrats to count votes then it has to suffer the consequences. They ain't gonna bail us out.

Our Founding Fathers understood that we couldn't expect any of the branches of Government to protect our liberties and that is why we have the Second Amendment.

Yes, he is Nuts!
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Oh well, life goes on.

Trump/Pence 2024.
Why? Why bother running if the dominion voting systems are STILL being used, they will just flip the votes again.

Can you explain why the votes were only flipped in four states and not in the other twenty states that Dominion was also used?

Let see if you can be honest or do you need Newsmax and OAN to help you twist something together?
Well this didn't go as we had hoped.

The New York Times. Another sham masquerading as a news organization.

Instead of overturn the results of swing states due to violating their own laws, they spin it as "SUBVERT" the election.

So much Hollywood drama to the brainless rabble to spoon feed.
And yet the fight will continue !!!
Oh dear candycorn it aint over yet.
I really dont care if you believe it or not.
This corruption has been exposed and its not going away.
When this current event is over, Joe might get 2 years of power depending on the GA senate race, and thats it.
He will be neutered.
My point is, pay now or pay later.

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.
fuck your feelings, whiner. you respect no institution of the country you allegedly love.
This country just succumbed to shakedown nazi-style threat and you’re OK with that.
You couldn’t even respond to my post. You just went gutter. Try using your brain if you have one.
oh. i responded all right. completely commensurate to your meagre offering. you GOT TOLD. for 30 days, now. try to grow up.
You made a disparagement. You didn’t respond with analysis. Probably because you can’t.
analysis was done the last 30 days, in numerous courts, and here. you did not get it. fuck off, now is the time at usmb vhere ve dance.View attachment 427920
And nothing has been resolved per law and evidence. This a fear of shakedown.
well, it's on the party that claims fraud to provide evidence, eh. better get to it. i guess no one had this great idea but you. you should take over from giuliani. your prize will be

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