SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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The Democrats have learned how to steal elections.

No voter ID and they do the counting where it counts.

They will always come up with enough votes to win an election.

Our Democracy has ended. Just like it has in other countries when the Left seizes power illegally.

Too bad those chickenshits on the Court didn't have the courage to stop it. They took the coward's way out rather than defending the liberty of the Republic.

A dark day for America.
We need to remember the names of the Trumper/Republicans that signed on to this assault on democracy
And here they are

Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

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They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

Yes, that is true - when they were LEGALLY allowed to count the mail-in ballots. It ain't rocket science...
In violation of the US constitution.
You approve of fraud.

States have been using mail-in voting for years with no issues. The military has been using it for decades.
Nobody's been concerned with these being fraudulent...up until this year when it became life or death to make
sure the carnival barker was re-installed.
Not to this extent and with this kind of lack of verification. The virus scam was generated to create this outcome.
We just lost our country. Well, this we. I can’t speak for anti-Americans like you and democrats.

Sorry, they don't allow Uhaul vehicles to be taken to deserted desert islands so you are going to have to find other methods to move your crap when you leave. Bon Voyage.
The Democrats have learned how to steal elections.

No voter ID and they do the counting where it counts.

They will always come up with enough votes to win an election.

Our Democracy has ended. Just like it has in other countries when the Left seizes power illegally.

Too bad those chickenshits on the Court didn't have the courage to stop it. They took the coward's way out rather than defending the liberty of the Republic.

A dark day for America.
^needs bigger font.
And yet the fight will continue !!!
Oh dear candycorn it aint over yet.
I really dont care if you believe it or not.
This corruption has been exposed and its not going away.
When this current event is over, Joe might get 2 years of power depending on the GA senate race, and thats it.
He will be neutered.
My point is, pay now or pay later.

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?
Your childrens future, if youre capable of procreation, or do you not believe in that either.

Are you always such a drama queen?

Elections are as follows:

You win some
You lose some.

Seldom does the outcome of the civilization hinge on the election of one official.

Trump did as much as he could to damage the you have seen from the past month in the last four years. Its not that he was necessarily evil but he is incredibly dumb in terms of what the President does and America's place in the world. For some reason yet to be articulated....persons such as yourself put blinders on to the destruction of our international agreements, free trade which made the nation the envy of all the world, actually applauded kids who committed no crime being put into detention centers for months...and a whole lot of other disgusting things. Why? Because of one thing. Trump is about "sticking it" to people. Whether it is people he hired or people who disagree with him. You've seen his act on TV growing up when you were having supper as a kid and, not surprisingly, like it when someone does it on the national stage...ignoring that unlike TV; actions have real consequences. The shortages at the grocery store months after the pandemic hit are due to the tariffs--tariffs that as recently as last Saturday the blob says are paid by the Chinese. I'm 100% sure that you believe the exporter pays tariffs. As're not're just an idiot.
United States of America - Kaput!

It could have been prevented if the Court had the courage to protect the Republic and do the right thing.
no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
You can add all nine SCOTUS justices to your list of “corrupt weasels”.

At a certain point, you’ll realize the corrupt weasels are the losers trying to convince you that it was stolen so that they don’t have to admit they lost.
No, not at all. But, since the lawsuit by the Texas Attorney General was indeed meaningless, trump probably will not grant him the federal pardon on the AG's personal Federal Corruption charges. After all, trump himself is not guaranteed a pardon, unless he resigns to get one from Pence.

And he's not pardoned from state court, i.e. what the grand jury is seeing in the SDNY
That is a good thing. I was on the fence, not really caring whether trump was prosecuted after leaving officem knowing I did not want Joe Biden wasting any time on it. Somebody linked last night to a Nov 9th podcast on The Fifth Column and changed my mind. The point he made is, we were saved from a tragic trajectory for our country by electing Joe Biden to mover back on track, but just because this moronic self absorbed little totalitarian wannabe failed, does not mean the next one will not succeed. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, becoming an object lesson on what happens to you if you try to destroy the country, as we know it for your own ends. The guy on the podcast just said it better.
Thank you, Southern District of New York for moving forward to punish that corrupt son of a B$tch.
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