SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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United States of America - Kaput!

It could have been prevented if the Court had the courage to protect the Republic and do the right thing.
Yeah..if it wasn't for this pesky lil thing called the law~


United States of America - Kaput!

It could have been prevented if the Court had the courage to protect the Republic and do the right thing.
Yeah..if it wasn't for this pesky lil thing called the law~

Law and Facts have never been trump's friends. He will now threaten, demean, and intimidate any Republican who says the court challenges are over. He knows BIden will gain enough EC votes on Monday. He will set his sights on January 6th....and he will fail at his next Coup Attempt.
Now the thievery of the Treasury can begin.

Welfare queens rejoice. You will live well until the money made under Capitalism dries up like it always does in Socialist shitholes.


The Supreme Court of the United States

No. 22O155
Title:Texas, Plaintiff
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed:December 8, 2020

Dec 07 2020Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed.
Motion for Leave to File a Bill of ComplaintCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Dec 07 2020Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main Document
Dec 07 2020Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceOther
Dec 08 2020Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.


It only shows that it's been filed. It doesn't show that it's been accepted for ruling. It isn't requiring the defending states to do anything. What it does say is that the court will rule if they will accept it one way or another by Dec 10 by 3 pm.

And since the suit is just a rehash of all the other suits that have been thrown out of court (including the suit just thrown out by the SC today) what do you think the chances of it being considered? This is the biggest hail mary that's ever been thrown.

Now how about stopping reading into it what's not there.

I have to respect you for your insight.
The highest court in the land just legalized election fraud .

Our Founding Fathers understood that government at all levels will fail us.

That is why we have the Second Amendment.

You assholes can call it election fraud or whatever you want, the fact is the Biden is president and pussygrabber is not....

We are living in two different cyber media worlds... we all on the left and some sane :) on the right, all believed this case would be denied, because Texas had no standing.... All legal and constitutional scholars were saying such as well....

but the Trumpers on the right did not hear all of this, at all...because the cyber social media world is set up to feed each customer, the Stories and blogs and political ads with a slant that the data tracking showed they were viewing previously..... this ONLY confirms their own bias, instead of opening them or us up, to what the other side is saying in their media.

Holy Cow! I believe I now think Facebook, may actually need to be broken up, or we need to stop this madness of how the business operates with sending us info, only from our own predetermined mind set....
Is this true? When I do a google search I won't get all results?
The SCOTUS wants no part of the election fraud-created Un-Constitutional clusterfuck.

There is no doubt judges and politicians violated state and federal election laws and both state and US Constitutions AND that in doing so affected the rest of the state's and the election impact on every other American, but his USSC does not want to be the 1st one to strip voters of votes and have this big of an impact on a US election.

The Founding Fathers never dreamed such a corrupt f*ed up situation could happen...

The deed is done...Biden will be the next President.
As I said well before the USSC threw it out. If they granted certiorarai, they would never hear the end of it. It would have opened the court to suits from all 50 states suing the other 50 states over the interpretation of their own laws.
Because of the lack of courage SCOTUS has disenfranchised over half of America and allowed the Democrats to gain power through fraud.

All it took for the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department to spin into action was a Pandemic caused by Biden's Chinese buddies.

That enabled mail in ballots. The only thing then required to change the results to ensure the Democrats won is for Democratic election officials in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta to fabricate a couple hundred thousand votes. That's it. Loyal corrupt asshole Democrat activists in county clerk positions in just four or five cities can flip the election. Easy.

USA Kaput.
you lost an election. that's it. now settle down.
We are living in two different cyber media worlds... we all on the left and some sane :) on the right, all believed this case would be denied, because Texas had no standing.... All legal and constitutional scholars were saying such as well....

but the Trumpers on the right did not hear all of this, at all...because the cyber social media world is set up to feed each customer, the Stories and blogs and political ads with a slant that the data tracking showed they were viewing previously..... this ONLY confirms their own bias, instead of opening them or us up, to what the other side is saying in their media.

Holy Cow! I believe I now think Facebook, may actually need to be broken up, or we need to stop this madness of how the business operates with sending us info, only from our own predetermined mind set....
Is this true? When I do a google search I won't get all results?

google results are based on location as far as i know...
but these lunatics are living in a whole different fantasy world in their facebook timelines, and thats a fact...
Revenge of the Crackers:

"When Georgia state Rep. Bee Nguyen (D) reviewed a list of voters who President Trump’s campaign claimed cast illegal ballots in the state, three names caught her eye: two friends and a constituent.

"For days, Nguyen pored over public records, spoke with voters by phone and even knocked on doors in person to vet the Trump list.

"She found that it included dozens of voters who were eligible to vote in Georgia — along with their full names and home addresses.

"On Thursday, when a data analyst who compiled the list told a panel of state lawmakers that it proved thousands of voters cast ballots in Georgia who should not have, Nguyen was ready..."

"'If you are going to take the names of voters in the state of Georgia and publish their first, middle and last name, their home address, and accuse them of committing a felony, at the very minimum there should have been an attempt to contact these voters,' she said in an interview after the hearing. 'There was no such attempt.'"

Full disclosure: Bree won the seat vacated by Stacey Abrams; anyone care to guess how many death threats Bree has received so far?:omg:
We are living in two different cyber media worlds... we all on the left and some sane :) on the right, all believed this case would be denied, because Texas had no standing.... All legal and constitutional scholars were saying such as well....

but the Trumpers on the right did not hear all of this, at all...because the cyber social media world is set up to feed each customer, the Stories and blogs and political ads with a slant that the data tracking showed they were viewing previously..... this ONLY confirms their own bias, instead of opening them or us up, to what the other side is saying in their media.

Holy Cow! I believe I now think Facebook, may actually need to be broken up, or we need to stop this madness of how the business operates with sending us info, only from our own predetermined mind set....
Is this true? When I do a google search I won't get all results?
To some extent, yes. Google uses any information it may have gathered about you to structure your internet experience. I suggest Duck Duck GO for your search does not track you and does not gather any data.

any time you are using a Google are giving them data.
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