SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...
You might be better served to go back and read the messages again, rather than defer.
If you dont have children then thats alright but dont lie about it.

Again...what will be paid in your mind?
Nice try sweet cheeks.
Your quote below...

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?

You asked what you would be paying, so that ship has sailed and you refuse to answer.
Do you need a lighter to get that pipe lit ?

You're not even making any sense now. The SCOTUS bitch slap has made you daffy.
Would you like for me to go back and copy each quote and show everyone, or would you like to answer the question ?
Need a lighter ?
Lefties rejoice over the death of American Democracy and line up in mass for the coming 666 mark of the beast.
Personally celebrating the defeat of the fascist, totalitarian trump turd, as we turn back to our representative democracy founding, beating back the UN-American traitors that tried to overturn free elections and take us down the road to totalitarianism at the hand of a corrupt, anti-American, lawless, fugitive from justice president.
-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...
You might be better served to go back and read the messages again, rather than defer.
If you dont have children then thats alright but dont lie about it.

Again...what will be paid in your mind?
Nice try sweet cheeks.
Your quote below...

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?

You asked what you would be paying, so that ship has sailed and you refuse to answer.
Do you need a lighter to get that pipe lit ?

You're not even making any sense now. The SCOTUS bitch slap has made you daffy.
Would you like for me to go back and copy each quote and show everyone, or would you like to answer the question ?
Need a lighter ?

Not sure what the "lighter" stuff is about.
And you don't really need to copy anything... I'm quickly losing interest in this conversation. You can tell us what you imagine I'll be paying or my kids will be paying or not. My guess is that you won't because you realize how silly you sound.
All you hate filled Moon Bats were bitching and crying about Trump's loading of the Supreme Court but at the end of the day the Court decided to be part of the Swamp that you assholes love so much.
I'm going dark and all other conservatives should do so too.

The Biden Nazis are making a list and checking twice and the future of conservatives is not very nice.

So sad to see our nation sold out by EVERYONE in our government.

When it comes time to hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope, truer words have never been said.
You were sold out by your own incompetence. Do you actually believe that this is really all just a conspiracy against you?
Grow up, loser.
We are living in two different cyber media worlds... we all on the left and some sane :) on the right, all believed this case would be denied, because Texas had no standing.... All legal and constitutional scholars were saying such as well....

but the Trumpers on the right did not hear all of this, at all...because the cyber social media world is set up to feed each customer, the Stories and blogs and political ads with a slant that the data tracking showed they were viewing previously..... this ONLY confirms their own bias, instead of opening them or us up, to what the other side is saying in their media.

Holy Cow! I believe I now think Facebook, may actually need to be broken up, or we need to stop this madness of how the business operates with sending us info, only from our own predetermined mind set....
Is this true? When I do a google search I won't get all results?
Yes, I believe so....

You'll get all results but the first 50 or so will be geared and weighted towards sites or like sites you've visited, but Also merged in to their tracking of top articles read in same top8c searches..... It's complicated but all easily manipulated based on their computer programs tracking our every move.....for certain their ads on their search pages are also we8ghted like that.....
You might be better served to go back and read the messages again, rather than defer.
If you dont have children then thats alright but dont lie about it.

Again...what will be paid in your mind?
Nice try sweet cheeks.
Your quote below...

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?

You asked what you would be paying, so that ship has sailed and you refuse to answer.
Do you need a lighter to get that pipe lit ?

You're not even making any sense now. The SCOTUS bitch slap has made you daffy.
Would you like for me to go back and copy each quote and show everyone, or would you like to answer the question ?
Need a lighter ?
If that will keep you from spreading idiotic, dangerous lies about the election... Yes.
Kinda figured this was coming. As I mentioned in another thread, the next thing to prepare for is the republicans losing of both senate races in Georgia. Its likely to happen.
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